After these comments were posted in the comment area of ​​Li Keke's video, her fans all laughed and said nothing.

Let's leave a message——

【Ha ha. 】

[Laughing to death, let you go crazy for another three days. 】

[Wait to cry after three days. 】

[We know the situation, but we just don't tell you, it will make you mad. 】


They don't jump their feet like before, and they don't try to persuade them not to buy as hard as before.

On the contrary, it was such a mysterious look that stunned many passers-by.

What does this mean?

 2.2 Why is it still selling off?

Could it be that there is really a reversal in this matter?



"Little boss, I bought the New Year's Day blind box."

Xu Qing took all the five blind boxes that Jiang Feng bought with money, and said seriously: "Shall we record the unboxing video now?"


Jiang Feng's words paused, and he smiled with his mouth open, his smile was cold and cold.

"It made them proud for so long before, and now, it's time for them to pay back."

He paused, "Have you collected all the news reports you asked?"

Xu Qing nodded with bright eyes.

"I have collected it, and I also found a lot of suppressed news on the Internet."

"In addition, we have bought a set of CC's products that are available on the market, and have used them for testing before.".

Chapter 120 VII: A Big Event at CC Company 2

Jiang Feng has not spoken these days.

Of course it wasn't because he was cowardly.

It was because he wanted the bullet to fly a little longer.

When he investigated the CC brand and saw news reports that the brand had been suppressed in the past,

Naturally, you know what the style of this brand company looks like.

What are they.

It is impossible for such a person to really spend so much money on such benefits.


Products that are packaged in this blind box are inferior products.


When Xu Qing took out the information he had investigated, the expression on his face was full of disgust and indignation.

She put a stack of documents on the table.

And moved countless samples from the side.

"Little boss, I got a loose powder sample from Sister Mi when they had an accident last time."

"When this incident came out, the CC brand immediately denied it, and tried every means to suppress this hot search."

She paused, "Several batches of loose powder in the hands of many people have been recalled, and an empty 27-shell foundry was found as a scapegoat."


Originally, many customers who bought loose powder,

Seeing that CC directly issued a statement to recall the goods and offered compensation, they didn't say anything.

Loose powder is almost brand new.

Although it has been opened, but just looking at the packaging, the design is extremely delicate.

The word CC in silver is used on the black case.

It looks conspicuous and refined.

There are also many lotus flowers engraved on the bottom of the box.

Not to mention the products inside, if you just look at the packaging, it looks like a very expensive product.


Jiang Feng took a look at the loose powder and smiled.

"I guess they are reluctant to throw away these products, and there are quite a few..."

"I reckon that if loose powder can be found in the blind box, there is a high probability that it will be from the previous batch."

"We'll know when we test it later."

Xu Qing nodded: "Yes, these are all ready."

She paused, "In addition, although most of their products on the market are barely qualified, they are not like the ingredients in the ingredient list they advertise..."

"The ingredients in it are far from the same, it's completely false propaganda!"

"I don't know how many times this product has been thundered abroad."


As long as you check carefully, almost all of them are loopholes.

Such a frequent thunderstorm brand!

But because of the good publicity, it became famous in a short period of time!

Not only made a lot of money in their Huaguo!

It has become a middle-class brand in the eyes of Chinese consumers!

They even moved their main company to Huaguo this year!

Specially attack the Huaguo market!

Defrauding Chinese consumers.

But... their good days will come to an end today!

After seeing the information in his hand, Jiang Feng slowly turned on the live broadcast.


The moment Jiang Feng turned on the live broadcast, Yang Mi and Reba both received reminders.

They came to the live broadcast room almost immediately.

When they saw the environment in the live broadcast room, they were stunned.


This environment...

This is in the testing agency? ? ?

Is Jiang Feng making such a big deal this time?


Jiang Feng's title is very gimmicky.

[Live unboxing of CC brand's New Year's Day blind box! 】

And quite coincidentally.

At this point in time, many bloggers have received the CC brand New Year’s Day Blind Box, and released the unboxing video of the New Year’s Day Blind Box.

They used very exaggerated techniques to calculate the price every time they opened a blind box!

Every blogger speaks almost the same way.

"My God! A blind box of more than 3000 sold more than 4 items!! You must buy it!!"

"Although my luck is a bit unlucky, I only sold more than 3 items, but you must buy him!!"

"This blind box is really top!! A blind box, ten times the income! This may be your only chance to get top-notch wool!!"

"The CC brand is really good. As long as you buy a blind box, you will have all the cosmetics and skin care products for the whole year! Buy it!"


Even netizens who haven’t bought yet and are still waiting to see, were shocked when they saw the slogan “Open a blind box, ten times the income!”

A blind box.

Tenfold gain?

The things that came out were worth [-] to [-]?

And is it that almost everyone prescribes so much?

Why is that?

Everyone is very puzzled.

When everyone was about to buy, they suddenly came across Jiang Feng's live broadcast room.

[Jiang Feng, Jiang's enterprise, is broadcasting live, unpacking the CC brand blind box live!Should not be missed. 】


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