Netizens are all stupid.

I rely on!

What the hell are you doing?

Someone copied your Christmas blind box!Also complain about your blind box pitting consumers!

In the end, you are fine!

You not only buy other people's blind boxes!

You want to live unboxing?

Although when I saw this video, everyone couldn't help complaining.

But the hand clicked in very honestly.

scold to scold.

But really curious.


When everyone clicks into the live broadcast room.

Jiang Feng has just started unpacking.

The number of people in the live broadcast room is already very high.

There are a full 3 people.

The comment area below is also very harmonious and lively.

Almost all are fans of Jiang's brand.

And what they said was also strange.

[Wow, I've been waiting for this day for a long time! 】

【finally come! 】

[The little boss is going to make it bigger this time! 】

【expect!I am so looking forward to it! ! 】


Li Keke's live broadcast room.

"Brothers, I am not going to recommend skin care products for you today."

Li Keke smiled wryly, "You also know the skincare industry... Now all my skincare products have been replaced by Jiang's skincare products!"

"I'm not used to other products at all!"

"So what I recommend to you today is clothing!"

Since using Jiang Feng's products,

Li Keke discovered that,

They no longer need other skin care products.

Even just using the most basic lotion and facial cleanser is enough for daily moisturizing.

As for the mask...

Of course it is also Jiang's products!

Can other products be as effective as Jiang's?Can it be cheaper than Jiang's? .

Chapter 120: A Big Event at CC Company 3

Even the CC brand knew about Jiang Feng's live broadcast of opening the New Year's Day gift box in the first time.

Li Yong's face turned dark.

He frowned and said:

"What the hell is this Jiang Feng going to do?"

"He still buys our product live broadcast?"

"Is he all right?"

Isn't this purely flawed?

Buy their products live?


The assistant is also very difficult.

"Currently...their purpose is temporarily unknown to us."

"But I have already made people watch Jiang Feng's live broadcast."

His forehead was covered with cold sweat.

From the bottom of my heart, I wished to scold Jiang Feng dozens of times.

What's the matter? What's the wind?

Something wrong?

Another increase in their workload!


After all, Jiang Feng didn't do anything these days, and when all the bloggers had released the unboxing video, and the situation was going well, he suddenly got into trouble.

All of a sudden, Li Yong's heart skipped a beat.

Don't know why...

He always felt that this Jiang Feng didn't look like an easy mess.

The sixth sense told him.

There is a follow-up to this matter! !


Li Yong squinted his eyes, his eyes were extremely indifferent.

"Well, you also go to arrange a wave of sailors and be on standby at any time."

"Good Mr. Li!"

"Don't let him make any splashes!!"

"Got it! Mr. Li!"


People from all sides are staring at Jiang Feng's live broadcast.

Even Chen Yixun couldn't help but click into it when he saw the title when he received the notification of the start of the broadcast.

When he clicked in, Jiang Feng had already started opening the box.

He was wearing a white shirt and had a gentle smile.

Sitting there holding a New Year's Eve gift box.

"Hi everyone, I am Jiang Feng, the chairman of the Jiang brand."

He smiled at the camera, shook the New Year's Day blind box in his hand,

"Didn't you say that this skin care brand is very cost-effective¨¨."

"Is it much more cost-effective than our Jiang family?"

"The reason for my live broadcast today is very simple, I just want to learn."

"Learn the style of big brands."

After he finished speaking, he paused, hooked his lips slantingly, and sneered.

Although he didn't say a word, the rolled eyes seemed to say ten thousand words.


The navy arranged below has already begun to control and comment below.

【Ouch, stop jumping around!That blind box of yours is worth nothing at all!Let alone the Porcelain NPC brand! 】

[Hurry up and get out, cheating consumers! ! 】

[I think you will never die until you reach the Yellow River!A brand chairman like you is grandstanding! 】

[That is, a sensationalist clown! ! 】


The fans were waiting for the fun to watch with anticipation.

At this time, when they saw the way the sailors broke their defenses, they all laughed angrily.

[Damn it, the CC brand is buying navy again, right?I just clicked in to see, all of them are first-class trumpets. 】

[Fuck, CC brand, what are you in a hurry for?Isn't it illegal to open a box?Open a box and you still want to ask the military control review?I died laughing. 】

[Stupid CC brand is black all his life! ! 】

The fans of Jiang's brand also completely quarreled with the sunspots.


Jiang Feng saw the barrage, but didn't respond at all.

He looked at those barrages insulting him, and smiled lazily.

In the camera, his whole body seems to be shining, handsome and delicate as if he is in heaven.

Seeing everyone so irritable,

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