They have already said before that if the quality of the product does not improve, it is impossible to be prosperous for a long time purely relying on hype.

Sooner or later it will be revealed.

Things that are unsalable in foreign countries can be washed away with marketing methods.

But you fucking repackaged loose powder with talc in it, that's outrageous, right?

You don't care about consumers at all...

Isn't it that sooner or later it will be exposed?

Is it possible that if everyone is fooled for a while, can they still be fooled forever?


in the office.

Li Yong walked up and down anxiously.

"What does the blogger say?"

He paused, gritted his teeth coldly, "Can you contact Jiang's manager now? Tell them to stop the live broadcast immediately!!"

If it is broadcast live like this!

what will happen to them!I really don't know! !

The assistant shook his head: "I can't get in touch with Jiang's side, now... now we can only watch like this."

If he is allowed to announce it.

Just thinking about the consequences is terrifying.


Li Yong sat on the chair, clenched his fists, his eyes were full of reconciliation.

"It shouldn't be such a coincidence."

"As long as he doesn't get loose powder, other ingredients can be explained..."

If you remove the loose powder...

It's really over.


in the live room.

Even if the result didn't come out at this time.

The hearts of the audience were all raised to their throats.

do not know why…

They always felt that Jiang Feng might be right about this time.

In the blind box of more than 3000 yuan of this CC brand, it may really be an expired product.


Although it sounds unbelievable.

But it is the most reasonable guess.

Otherwise, why didn't the CC brand give them any benefits in other festivals before.

Now suddenly come up with this so-called blind box.

It also claims that it can spend more than 3000 yuan to buy a blind box and earn ten times the income.

Isn't this bullshit?

I didn't have an epiphany before, but suddenly I can have an epiphany?


The more you think about it, the more you feel that this is wrong.

[I rely on me, why do you suddenly feel that what Jiang Feng said makes sense?Am I wrong? 】

[You’re okay brother, the fact may really be like this, think about it... a blind box worth more than 3000 yuan, if it can be purchased without restrictions, even if it loses ten yuan, it will be purchased for hundreds of thousands It is really impossible to lose a few million yuan for one person, let alone tens of thousands of yuan for one person. 】

[How can capitalists give benefits?What Jiang Feng said is right, even if Alipay sends red envelopes, everyone has to collect blessings. Do you really think that money is so easy to earn?There is no such thing as a pie in the sky...]

[My mother told me since I was a child that there is no pie in this world. I think my mother is right, there is a problem with this CC. 】

[No wonder the fans of Jiang's brand are lying flat and laughing these days. Are they all watching jokes? 】


In the past few days, even if Jiang Feng's fans were ridiculed by these fans of the CC brand, they didn't intend to refute it at all.


At most, most of them just left a few words in a strange way——"Hehe."

"I want to see it in three days, if you still can laugh."

"Those who come out to mess around always have to pay back."

At most, just say a few words.

If there are many, they refuse to disclose.

At the time they didn't know what it meant.

But at this moment, they understood! !


I'm afraid they should have known earlier that the CC brand is a scam! !


Jiang Feng in the live broadcast room took a photo of the test report in front of everyone, "From this report, although this facial cleanser is not poisonous, it will not damage the skin when used...but..."


He said coldly: "You don't have any of the ingredients advertised on your facial cleanser. It only contains the simplest cleaning ingredients, which are not as mysterious as the functions you said."

The photo was directly posted on Weibo by him.

[Jiang Feng: 1. CC facial cleanser, price: 888, judgment: false propaganda.There are almost no useful ingredients at all, only the simplest cleaning ingredients here, and it is not even as good as Nivea, which costs more than ten yuan. 】

Inside the picture, the entire ingredient list is clear.


Even if I was a CC fan before, when I saw this picture, I couldn't say a word of maintenance.


Two Weibo posts in a row directly led to a surge in popularity.

After all, the Christmas Countdown Blind Box and the New Year’s Day Countdown Blind Box are themselves very out of the circle.

The CC brand itself is a well-known Internet celebrity brand some time ago.

An Internet celebrity brand and a brand that made a fortune on Xixi are torn apart!

This is very nice.

Regardless of whether everyone really likes this brand or not, the popularity value is rising steadily.

After all, if the Pinxixi brand was placed in the past, it would definitely not be enough for CC.

But now the two are competing on the same stage.

————————————————————— Digression —————————————————————

This chapter revamped the knife slightly.

Chapter 132 A Heavy Hammer Against C (1/14)


A topic hit the bottom of the trending list.

#ChristmasCountdown Blind Box’s Jiang’s enterprise, live broadcast heavy hammer CC brand!

When many passers-by saw this trending search, their curiosity popped up instantly.


This hot search is interesting!

The number of people in the live broadcast room increased rapidly.

Thirty thousand.

fifty thousand.

Eighty thousand.

One hundred thousand! !

The popularity of the entire live broadcast room quickly became the most popular live broadcast room on the Douyin platform.


After being on the hot search, everyone came to Jiang Feng's live broadcast room to watch.

At this time, the navy has no advantage at all.

No matter how hard they tried to post comments below, they didn't stir up any fuss.

Li Yong's eyes are red outside the camera.

He sat slumped on the chair, his eyes became dull.

It’s over.

It's really over this time.


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