The assistant next to her was also a little weak.

"How to do?"

He looked at Li Yong: "President Li, why don't we... apologize?"

If you apologize, at least you can restore a little public image.

But if you don't apologize at all...

If Jiang Feng continues to break the news...just thinking about it, the assistant's head is buzzing.


Can anyone think of,

How can Jiang Feng be so tough?

Really spend so much money to test ah!

And it also checks the ingredients!

Just check the ingredients!

Even spend a lot of money to compare the difference between the products in the blind box and the tested products.

If this is changed in other places, no one will do such a thing at all.


Unboxing continues.

Jiang Feng opened the second frame, the third frame, and the fourth frame.

There are more or less certain problems in almost every product in the grid.

Even if it is not toxic, it is a fake ingredient.

Until it reaches the No.20 five grid,

Jiang Feng stopped.

No.20 released a loose powder in five grids.

[CC brand top luxury loose powder, price: 388 yuan. 】


When he released this loose powder, before he had time to speak, the sailors below seemed to have found an excuse to vent their anger, and quickly started swiping the screen below.

[Hehe, although something happened to this loose powder before, it was caused by the Huaguo foundry, and it has nothing to do with CC! !He has already recalled this loose powder! ! 】

[Picture/Picture, this loose powder is the latest version!Please everyone know! ! 】

[Take the latest version of things as an example, do you have nothing to do?Are you OK?It's okay to eat some yo-yo plums. 】

[Who knows if your test report is true?What if this testing center is fake! 】

[That's right, what if the testing center cheats?How can you compensate CC for wronging him! ! 】


Passers-by are also very familiar when they see this loose powder.

[In other words, this loose powder seems to be remade after it was recalled before, so there should be no problem, right?Fuck?If there is still a problem with the remake, I... I will fucking curse this brand. 】

[No matter whether there is a problem or not, I have already returned the product, I don’t know what you think. 】

[I bought this loose powder before, and then CC asked me to return it, saying that there was a problem... and then replaced me with a new version of loose powder in a few days... Could it be that there is a problem? 】

This loose powder is still a lot of people know.

When everyone saw it, many people in the comment area suddenly thought of the previous news.


Jiang Feng looked at everyone's appearance, and he didn't make too much of a joke.

He took out a loose powder from the side.

His eyes were burning, "This box of loose powder is the CC brand that was recalled for problems..."

"Coincidentally, I found someone to get it."

"People of the CC brand, are you panicking?"

"I know you're panicking right now."



Jiang Feng approached, his voice was low, and his gloomy eyes 240 stared at the camera.

The smile on the corner of the mouth, and the whispered words are like the whispers of the devil.


"Will this loose powder be the same as the loose powder before it was recalled?"

"I mean, they changed the packaging and repackaged the problematic batch into blind boxes."

"Maybe... don't guess."

"Do you dare to make a bet?"

"I bet the loose powder from this blind box has exactly the same ingredients as this old loose powder!!"

Don't guess.

Jiang Feng knows it all.

It must be the same.

【? 】

【What's the meaning? 】

【Fuck! 】

【You mean, the loose powder in this blind box uses the products that were recalled to be destroyed in the past? 】

——————————————— Digression ——————————————————

It's a little late today, so I adjusted my schedule.

He directly handed the item over to the inspectors for inspection.

Chapter 133 CC Thunderstorm (2/14)

Because it is only to compare the similarity of the two components.

The results were detected quickly.

When he got the report, Jiang Feng smiled.

Not what he expected!


It was exactly the same!

That is to say!

The CC brand is using the previous loose powder to entrap netizens! !


When everyone saw the report in Jiang Feng's hand, their curiosity rose to the top.

Many passers-by who bought the blind box of the CC brand felt their hearts ache.

I rely on!

Can you do it!

They just bought the blind box!Something went wrong while still on the road! ?

Those previous products were said to be inconsistent with the ingredient list, but they were not toxic yet.

Anyway, it’s only [-] to buy a blind box.

Barely can make do with it.

But this loose powder is different! !

This loose powder is the one that disfigured people before!

Even those who originally supported the CC brand,

After watching the live broadcast, I was shaken.


On the bullet screen, there are all curious melon friends.

【Ahhh!My curiosity is off the charts! 】

[Jiang Feng laughed!I feel out of my wits. 】

[Probably, judging from this expression, the CC brand is gone, brothers, if you can return it, return it quickly. 】

[If this hammer is real for loose powder, then CC will be a real hammer, and it is a real hammer that can't be saved even if you save it. If you can return the product, return it immediately brother. 】

[I returned the product early, and I have already returned it successfully. I was scared to death. 】

[I just went to return the product, and it shows that the return is rejected QAQ, what should I do? 】

Everyone panicked.


Look at everyone's guesses on the barrage.

Jiang Feng wasn't trying to be a joke either.

"Yes, you are right."

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