Yingying explained with a smile.

"This Zhu Youshu is the earliest version. In order to let the master learn it better, I have divided this Zhu Youshu into thirteen categories according to the classification of later generations."

(In order to prevent the suspicion of low word count, the specific content of the classification will be published in the relevant works)

Lin Yun said in surprise.

"If you look at it this way, if this Zhu Youshu is learned well, wouldn't it be able to cure all diseases?!"

Yingying explained with a smile.

"In fact, it is generally believed that Zhu Youshu is used to treat deficiency diseases, that is, external diseases."

"But in fact, there is no absolute deficiency disease, and whether there is an absolute real disease, I wish you this all-inclusive..."

Lin Yun interrupted.

"Wait! It says that if you want to perform Zhu Youshu, you must be based on internal training, otherwise it will have no effect?"

"What does this internal training mean?"

Yingying explained with a smile.

"This internal refinement is called Golden Light Mixing, which is to collect the golden light ancestral energy."

"Cultivation method, I have already written it at the bottom."

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"That's right. From this point of view, if I learn this well, at least I won't need to go to the hospital to register for some minor illnesses and disasters."

"Wait! Is this tumor transfer real?!"

Yingying nodded and said.

"Of course it's true, this belongs to the post method, that is, to forward the tumor on the tree." 2.5

"However, to perform this kind of advanced wishing technique, not only the host needs a good body."

"And also..."

Lin Yun asked.

"And what?"

Yingying continued.

"Users are needed, keep clean and clean, and don't go whoring or gambling."

Lin Yun rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay! It seems that I am destined to not be able to use this tumor transfer method."

"However, these small methods for treating insomnia, melting fishbone, and preventing convulsions are quite practical."

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

"Brother Lin, are you there?"

"I came in?!"

When Xinling pushed open the door, Lin Yun was sitting alone on the bed looking at the tablet.

After seeing Xinling, Lin Yun raised his hand and patted the other side of the bed.

"Come here, let's watch together?"

"This Bobo's Bad Adventures Is Interesting.".

Chapter 140 Zeng Xiaoxian is in Danger (please customize!)

In the office, it is noon.

Lin Yun took a T-step, took a deep breath facing the sun, and then said silently in his heart.

"The essence of the sun and the moonlight, help me with the technique, kill and eliminate, exorcise poison..."

Every time Lin Yun recited the mantra, he opened his mouth and exhaled into his left hand.

This is the method of Zhu Youshu's practice, it is very simple, you just need to pay attention to one thing, blowing the left hand on a single day, and blowing the right hand on two days.

After repeating it seven times, Lin Yun opened his eyes and muttered.

"It's done. Sure enough, the more complicated the thing, the simpler the method of cultivation."

"This is the legendary Daozhijian..."

When Lin Yun turned around, he saw Zhuge Dali staring at him curiously.

Before Lin Yun could speak, Zhuge Dali asked suspiciously.

"Lin Yun, what were you doing just now?"

Lin Yun said without changing his expression.

"Of course I'm basking in the sun. People like me who have been sitting in an office for a long time should bask in the sun and supplement calcium."

This kind of reason obviously couldn't deal with Zhuge Dali.

Zhuge Dali asked directly.

"Then why are you blowing on your hand while basking in the sun?!"

Lin Yun confessed directly.

"I was collecting nissei just now and storing it in my hand."

"When it's time to cure diseases and save lives, it can be used directly!"

Zhuge vigorously rolled his eyes and said.

"Come on, I don't believe it!"

"Where's Yingying?"

Lin Yun pointed to the sofa and said.

"Isn't it lying on the sofa and sleeping?"

"I've found that since you have this little fox, your attention has been sucked away by her."

Zhuge Dali took out two bags of butchers from his schoolbag, threw one bag to Lin Yun, and tore the other bag to feed Yingying.

"Lin Yun, why is Yingying called this name?"

Lin Yun explained with a smile.

"Because when I saw it for the first time, it barked at me, and the barking was not very pleasant, so I named it Yingying."

Zhuge Dali said while feeding it to Yingying Butcher.

"Lin Yun, for a while, I probably won't come to you anymore¨〃."

Lin Yun asked with a smile while eating at the butcher shop.

"what happened?"

Zhuge Dali said a little depressed.

"My mother enrolled me in a piano class, saying that it would allow me to develop in all aspects."

"This piano class is very professional, but it is far away from the office, so I can only stay at my grandpa's house temporarily."

"So, we can only meet again after the winter vacation is over."

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"Learning the piano is pretty good!"

"Girls who can play the piano will be popular everywhere!"

After seeing Zhuge vigorously looking at him, Lin Yun touched his head and said.

"Lili, Ann!"

"I'm different from you, I have a car!"

"If you miss me, I'll immediately put down what I'm doing and drive to see you!"

Zhuge Dali said in surprise.

"real or fake?"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"of course it's true."

"I've always kept my word!"

Zhuge Dali said hurriedly.

"Then when you come, remember to bring Yingying with you!"

Lin Yun pretended to be depressed and said.

"Oh! I thought you were reluctant to part with me..."

Zhuge vigorously held Yingying in his arms and said.

"I can't bear you? Don't be smug."

Lin Yun exhorted.

"Remember to practice boxing every day. Although you are young, although you can't practice any skills, it will still be effective to have strong muscles and bones."

Zhuge Dali said with a smile.

"I know, I practice every day."


At night, in the radio station.

Lin Yun, who had just finished fighting the Confucians, was sorting out the documents in his hand.

At this moment, Nuo Lan said suddenly.

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