"My dear, during the few days of the new year, the show will be temporarily replaced by the Spring Festival, you know?"

Lin Yun nodded and said.

"I know, I heard that 28 cross talks, 29 sketches, the master of dancing on New Year's Eve, and the first and second grade programs are temporarily suspended."

Nolan said with a smile.

"Isn't it a long vacation? I want to go home for the New Year."

"So, why don't you come to my house for dinner tomorrow night."

Lin Yun smiled.

"Why not today?"

Nolan blushed and whispered.

"My one just left yesterday, I'm afraid it might not be clean."

Lin Yun said in surprise.

"It turns out that you are looking for me to eat because you are greedy for my body, you are lowly!"

"But I really like it..."

Nuolan pushed Lin Yun away, and then asked.

"Lin Yun, to be honest, what do you want to eat tomorrow, so I can prepare it in advance."

Lin Yun said seriously.

"Uh... how about you eat more pineapple tonight?"

"A gentleman doesn't move his hands but doesn't speak, he doesn't bite!"

Nolan shouted viciously.

"Bite you to death!"

Lin Yun deliberately sold out.

"Yeah, murder your own husband..."


In suite 3603.

Chen Meijia was sitting on the sofa, knitting a scarf.

Hu Yifei asked curiously.

"`" Mika, why are you still learning how to knit a scarf? "

Chen Meijia said with a smile.

"Didn't I receive a gift from Lin Yun a few days ago?"

"I wanted to buy him a more expensive gift, but found that my wallet was empty and my head was empty."

"So after much deliberation, I can only give him a scarf woven by myself."

"In this way, Lin Yun can still feel my full love in the cold winter!"

At this moment, Lu Zhanbo suddenly ran in anxiously from the balcony and shouted.

"Old lady! Old lady!"


Hu Yifei said calmly.

"What's all the fuss about!"

Lu Zhanbo pointed to the next door and said.

"Zeng, Teacher Zeng, I'm going to die!!"

Upon hearing this, Hu Yifei and Chen Meijia hurriedly put down their work and followed Lu Zhanbo to 3601.

As soon as he entered the room, he saw Zeng Xiaoxian rolling on the sofa with a painful expression on his face.

Hu Yifei stepped forward and asked.

"Bitch Zeng, what's wrong with you?!"

Zeng Xiaoxian pointed to his throat, and made a flying gesture.

Just when Hu Yifei didn't know what he meant, Chen Meijia asked tentatively.

"You stuck your throat while eating, and now you feel like you're going to die?"

Zeng Xiaoxian froze for a moment, then gave Chen Meijia a thumbs up with both hands at the same time.

Hu Yifei said impatiently.

"Fuck, I thought it was a big deal!"

"Wait for me, I'll get a small pair of tweezers and help you get it out!"

After a while, Lu Zhanbo reminded when he saw the "tweezers" in Hu Yifei's hand.

"Sister, what you have in your hand is a vise..."

Hu Yifei waved his hand halfway.

"I didn't find the small one..."

"Anyway, they are used to hold things, not much difference!"

"Zhanbo held him down, and Meijia opened his mouth!"

"Come on Xiaoxian, open your mouth, ah!!".

Chapter 140 [-] Nine Dragon Bone Bone Water (please customize!)

As soon as Lin Yun stepped out of the elevator, he heard a scream like a pig being slaughtered.

Seeing this situation, Lin Yun hurried to 3601 and pushed the door of the suite.

What came into view was Hu Yifei who was gesturing in front of Zeng Xiaoxian with a vise.

Lin Yun asked with a smile.

"Yifei, what are you doing?"

"Punish Teacher Zeng?"

Chen Meijia raised her head and said.

"No, Mr. Zeng has something stuck in his throat."

"Sister Yifei, use tweezers to help him get it out!"

Lin Yun said dumbfoundedly.

"I thought you were going to pull out Teacher Zeng's teeth!"

"It's okay, don't make gestures, leave this matter to me!"

Hu Yifei raised his head and said.

"What? You have tweezers in your hand?"

Lin Yun waved his hand and said.

"I have a special medicine in my hand, which is specially used to treat foreign objects stuck in the throat."

After speaking, Lin Yun hurried to the kitchen and took out a bowl and a pair of chopsticks.

Fill the bowl with water and place the chopsticks in a cross on the bowl.

The left hand is holding a formula, holding the bowl, and the right hand is writing dragon characters in nine traditional Chinese characters on the water.

At the same time, Lin Yun also muttered words.

"There is a king in my family, and the Dragon King is my relative. The Kowloon is sucking water, and there is no love when it sprays."

After finishing these, Lin Yun took off the chopsticks and walked over with the bowl.

"Teacher Zeng, you'll be fine after drinking this bowl of medicine."

Zeng Xiaoxian took the bowl suspiciously.

Just when he was still struggling, Lin Yun said with a smile on the side.

"If you don't drink, take me and let Yifei pinch the fishbone for you."

The next moment, Zeng Xiaoxian drank the entire bowl of water.

Lin Yun asked.

"Teacher Zeng, how do you feel?"

Zeng Xiaoxian coughed dryly twice, then touched his neck, and said pleasantly.

"Lin Yun, what kind of medicine is this? It's so effective!"

"The fishbone I got stuck is really gone!!"

Lin Yun said with a smile.

"It's just a bowl of Nine Dragons Bone Dissolving Water, tricks are nothing."

Zeng Xiaoxian first thanked Lin Yun, then raised his head and yelled angrily.

"Hu Yifei! Take a vise, are you trying to save me or blow my head off!"

Hu Yifei said with reason.

"Who made your mouth open so small, if you opened it a little wider, I would have pinched the thing out a long time ago!"

Lu Zhanbo made up his sword at the side.

"Sister, I think the possibility of you pinching a foreign object is relatively low."

"However, the probability of tearing out Teacher Zeng's tonsils is not low."

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