"Murderer, what did he do?"

Mu Li sighed, "This matter is related to one of my younger brothers. His father was killed by someone else, so I helped him track it down."

As he spoke, he remembered that Xiao Yan was still struggling to hold on, so he glanced down.

It doesn't matter if you don't watch it, I almost didn't laugh when I saw it.

Because Luo Chengqing was present, and these snakes could not pose a life-threatening threat to Xiao Yan, all the medicine dust did not show up. At this time, Xiao Yan's body was blue and purple, and there was a big bump on his head, which looked quite funny.

"it's him?"

Luo Chengqing had nothing to restrain himself, so he laughed out loud.

"Sorry, he seems a little too weak."

Luo Chengqing waved his hand and told the snakes to continue working in the fields, so as not to embarrass the poor boy who had been bitten and swollen.

"It's okay, senior is from the Heavenly Snake Mansion?"

"Well, what about you, where are you from?"

Luo Chengqing didn't deny it either.

"I am a student of Canaan College, from the Jia Ma Empire."

"Yo, it's so far away."

Luo Chengqing looked at Mu Li in surprise, there is indeed some distance between the Heavenly Snake Kingdom and the Jia Ma Empire, even if he left, it would take half an hour to arrive.

For a Nine-Star Fighting Sect powerhouse like him, he is almost invincible in the Northwest Continent. He can go wherever he wants, as long as he doesn't trespass in some weird forbidden places, he can be said to be an uncrowned emperor.

The two continued to chat, and the atmosphere between them became more and more relaxed.

This Dou Zong powerhouse is indeed too easy-going.

Such a thought came to Mu Li's mind.

But the more this is the case, the less he dares to be careless. Who knows what kind of person the other party is?

This time I accompanied Xiao Yan to the Heavenly Snake Country, so I met a big shot.

"Okay, let's go down first. I just want to hear how much you know about the people fighting here."

As he said that, Luo Chengqing's eyes revealed a hint of coldness.

Obviously, this Nine Star Douzong also has a temper.

Chapter 167 Secret News

Luo Chengqing was not angry because a mountain forest had become a desolate place, if so, it would be too much of a fuss.

The reason why his eyes were really cold was because the unique fighting spirit of the Guardian of the Soul Palace reminded him of some unpleasant things.

Coincidentally, there happened to be a branch of the Soul Palace near the Heavenly Snake Country, which was quite secret and only a very few people knew about it.

With this branch, people from the Soul Palace can go directly to the Zhongzhou Soul Palace.

It is precisely because of this that there are not a few nearby countries that have been violated by the people of the Soul Palace.

In order to complete their deeds, in addition to chasing and killing the dead souls between heaven and earth, the envoys of the Hall of Souls will also deliberately intervene in state affairs and cause wars so that they can harvest souls.

The Heavenly Snake Kingdom is guarded by the Heavenly Snake Mansion. These things are not many, but not without them.

Luo Chengqing has seen more than one place where there are traces of the hands of the envoys of the Soul Palace.

This time, even worse.

He preliminarily guessed that the people who fought here before had at least the strength of a high-level fighting sect.

Although it is not as strong as itself, it is already a blow to dimensionality reduction in other countries.

A high-level Dou Zong can become the leader or deputy leader of a major force in Zhongzhou.

It is too dangerous to let such a person stay in the Heavenly Snake Kingdom.

At the very least, you have to know the details of the other party.

Luo Chengqing originally wanted to investigate this aspect, but the high-level fighting sect powerhouses are not so easy to track down.

So it was a surprise for Mu Li and the others to break in.

After Xiao Yan saw the group of snakes receding, his fearful expression subsided a little, and after he took out a few pills from the ring and swallowed them, his injuries improved.

He looked up at the two talking and laughing, feeling inexplicably aggrieved in his heart.

The person standing in the air is obviously a strong fighter at the level of Dou Zong, and Brother Mu Li can also transform his fighting spirit into wings, chatting and laughing happily with the other party.

Only myself, the little Dou Shi, was almost bitten into a ball by a group of snakes.

The elixir for reducing swelling worked very well, and Xiao Yan quickly returned to his normal body shape, but there were still bruises and blood.

At this time, he happened to hear the conversation between the two who landed from above.

"Oh, you also know the Soul Palace?"

"I know something, I have seen the messengers of the Soul Temple hunt the soul body."

Moore said.

When he was traveling through the Black Horn Realm, he had seen traces of some black shadows from afar, and most of them were at the Douwang to Douhuang level, which was the lowest position in the Hall of Souls.

It is conceivable how powerful the Soul Palace is, and now his own strength is not even considered cannon fodder in front of the Soul Palace.

Therefore, only the intervention of the power of the ancient clan can make him inconspicuous.

As for the real target of the Soul Palace, the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, Mu Li didn't like it at all, not to mention that it was just a fragment of the key to open the treasure house, even if he got it himself, it was impossible to get the rest of the fragments together. The transitional device, after opening the door, all the powerful people swarmed in, and there was nothing to hide.

Unless the Soul Race can find out in advance that the treasure house is underground in the Canaan Academy, and strictly block the information, otherwise, the role of this ancient jade will not be able to be brought into full play.

Now that I, an outsider, already knows the treasure inherited from the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade, no matter how the Soul Clan hides it, Mu Li will not let them do what they want.

Luo Chengqing was a little surprised when he knew that Mu Li knew enough about Soul Palace.

Because in the Northwest Continent, the whereabouts of the Soul Palace are extremely secretive, and the opponent's main battlefield is still in Zhongzhou, so the only people who can discover the clues of the Soul Palace should be the top group of people in the Northwest Continent.

The young man in front of him has a strong fire of life and extremely strong soul potential. Although his strength is not among the top batch in the Northwest Continent, the future is definitely bright.

After all, Luo Chengqing had never seen a cultivator whose soul power was comparable to his own at the fighting king stage.

You know, based on his accumulation of Nine Star Fighting Sect over the years, his soul power has reached the threshold of transforming into the spiritual realm, and Mu Li was able to perceive himself in advance just now, which shows that the other party is also facing the threshold of breaking through the spiritual realm.

This is an important factor for Luo Chengqing's kind attitude towards Mu Li.

"This time it's not the envoy of the Soul Palace, at least it's an earth-level protector."

Luo Chengqing's words were a little heavy. Obviously, this Nine Star Douzong was also extremely afraid of the Soul Palace, and the way of handling it must be to cut the weeds and root out the roots, otherwise the news would spread, and the Heavenly Snake Kingdom might suffer catastrophe.

Although the headquarters of Zhongzhou Soul Palace probably wouldn't care about the lives of these guardians, it was hard to guarantee that these guardians realized that something was wrong, so they concentrated their efforts to break through the Heavenly Snake Kingdom first.

Therefore, the principle that Luo Chengqing upholds is that other forces should not make trouble in the Heavenly Snake Country, but once he leaves the territory of the Heavenly Snake Country, he will not pursue it relentlessly.

Unless the other party has caused an extremely bad influence in the Heavenly Snake Kingdom, Luo Chengqing will not make things big.

Although the disaster left over from the war this time covers a wide area, after all, it is a battle at the level of Dou Zong, and it is normal to dodge in the air, but it did not have an extremely bad impact on the society of the Heavenly Snake Country, so Luo Chengqing just According to the preliminary investigation, there is no plan to pursue him in depth.

Xiao Yan listened to the conversation between the two, and his heart gradually became clear.

"Senior, are you saying that the people fighting here belong to a force called Soul Palace?"

Luo Chengqing looked at the wounded young man in front of him, and nodded slightly.

This is the experience that a normal person should have, how could everyone in the Soul Palace know about it.

If that's the case, then the principle of secrecy that the other party has followed these years is a bit too hip.

"Hall of Souls, what kind of power is this?"

Xiao Yan had a goal in his heart, vented his hatred, and once again raised his emotions to the extreme.

Unfortunately, he doesn't even know what the Soul Palace is.

Yao Chen sighed silently in the ring, but he didn't dare to reveal his voice, for fear of being discovered by the Nine Star Dou Zong in front of him.

"Xiao Yan, the matter is already very clear. Patriarch Xiao was taken away by people from the Soul Palace. I have already guessed about the specifics. Let's go into details when we get back to the ship."

Mu Li said to Xiao Yan.

Xiao Yan gritted his teeth and remained silent, obviously unwilling to see the enemy, after all, this was his father-killing enemy!

Mu Li stepped forward and patted Xiao Yan's shoulder.

"For your father, you should calm down."

"My father is dead!"

Xiao Yan said hoarsely.

Mu Li was slightly silent, "There must be a reason for the people from the Soul Palace to arrest your father. It is impossible to kill your father so easily, even if he is physically dead, but the Soul Palace is best at capturing souls. If you think about it, Maybe your father's spirit is still there."

When Luo Chengqing heard this, he also got involved.

"It makes sense. I'm actually quite curious. What did the ground-level protector of the Soul Palace do to arrest the patriarch of a small family in Wutan City?"

In the conversation just now, Mu Li had already introduced the situation to Luo Chengqing, so he also understood the whole story at this moment.

When Xiao Yan heard this, the hope in his eyes returned a little.

That's right, my father's soul might still exist just like the teacher. If so, if I can revive the teacher in the future, I can also revive my father!

But first, father's soul must be recovered.

"Senior, this junior is being rude to break into the Heavenly Snake Kingdom rashly."

Mu Li said to Luo Chengqing.

"What, want to leave?"

Luo Chengqing looked at Mu Li with a half-smile.

Mu Li wasn't embarrassed either, but he was somewhat nervous. If this senior wanted to keep him, then...

"The matter has not been resolved yet, we plan to look for clues when we go back."

Luo Chengqing stared at Mu Li without speaking.

Mu Li looked at each other calmly, and he was fully alert in his heart. At this time, it is useless to be afraid, and it is not advisable to show timidity.

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