Suddenly, Luo Chengqing laughed.

"It's really a pity, but since the little brother has already made a decision, I can't stop it. In this way, we will have a good chat when you come to the Heavenly Snake Country in the future."

When Luo Chengqing came, he disappeared, and when he left, there was no trace. Before the words could be heard, his body disappeared, leaving only echoes.

The moment Luo Chengqing left, the boulder hanging in Mu Li's heart suddenly fell, without stopping any one, he dragged Xiao Yan onto him and flew back to the spirit boat.

At the same time as the spirit boat pierced the sky and went away, a figure in blue appeared in the sky again.

He looked at the strange ship in the distance, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"Tsk, I actually feel a little regretful."

Luo Chengqing was talking to himself.

In fact, he had been struggling just now, should he forcefully bring Mu Li back to the Heavenly Snake Mansion, or make a good relationship and let him go.

In the previous exchange of glances, Luo Chengqing faintly noticed the majestic ambition in the other's eyes. To be honest, it would be difficult to control such a person when he was brought back to the sect, so he finally chose to let Mu Li leave.

But now that I think about it, I am very entangled. After all, such a good seedling is really rare.

"That's it."

Luo Chengqing shook his head, and decided to let go of the desire in his heart.

The Heavenly Snake Kingdom is already strong enough, and among the previous suzerains of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, there are also some amazingly talented people.

Especially the first suzerain's bloodline Wushuang, the ultimate precious pupil who controlled the creation of heaven and earth, was also an extremely strong person in Zhongzhou. Unfortunately, the bloodline declined later, and the frequency of treasure pupils appeared too low, which gradually led to the retreat of the Heavenly Snake Mansion. Northwest Continent.

But even so, their Heavenly Serpent Mansion is still a first-class force, and the inheritance in the mansion goes up to Dou Zun.

In Zhongzhou, apart from the few ranked forces, not everyone has the inheritance of Dou Zun.

Mu Li didn't enter the house, maybe it was the other party's loss.


After returning to the spirit ship, Mu Li breathed a sigh of relief after flying out of the border of the Heavenly Snake Kingdom.

He really didn't expect this time that the majestic boss of the Heavenly Snake Mansion, the Nine Star Douzong, would come out to protect the environment and restore the land in his spare time.

Although the real reason should be the traces of fighting spirit of the guardian of the Soul Palace, but this experience really shocked Mu Li.

The water in the Northwest Continent is not shallow, so you still have to walk around less.

He could feel before that Luo Chengqing seemed to want to bring him back to the Heavenly Snake Mansion. For a treasure-hunting monk like him, he definitely didn't want that.

But if that is the case, Mu Li actually has no way to refuse. Firstly, the other party has no malicious intentions, and secondly, he is just joining a force. The Heavenly Snake Mansion is considered the strongest force in the Northwest Continent. Even the Tianyan Dynasty can only avoid its edge In the Northwest Sect Grand Competition, the leader of the Heavenly Snake Mansion almost swept all the sects by himself.

If Mu Li was forced to join the Heavenly Snake Mansion, then he would definitely have the idea that a man should not live under others for a long time, and then he would stab Luo Chengqing with his backhand.

Of course, the premise is that the strength is sufficient.

Fortunately, the other party saved face and didn't force me to stay. If I go to the Heavenly Snake Country again in the future, I can go to the Heavenly Snake Mansion.

After he stabilized his mentality, Mu Li came to Xiao Yan's room again.

At this time, Yao Chen was instilling the knowledge of Soul Palace with Xiao Yan, and when Mu Li arrived, Yao Chen also immediately shut up.

Xiao Yan opened the door and called out, "Brother Li."

Mu Li looked at Xiao Yan now, and the other party calmed down a lot. It seems that with Yao Chen's knowledge, Xiao Yan also understood some things about the Soul Palace.

However, I still have to say what I have to say.

"Xiao Yan, there is something I need to tell you about the piece of jade in your hand."

After Mu Li sat down, he said seriously.

Xiao Yan paused, originally he thought that Mu Li was going to tell him about the Soul Palace, but how did this piece of jade get involved?

"I probably know the reason why Soul Palace attacked your Xiao family."

Xiao Yan opened his mouth slightly, his eyes were full of tension and longing, and he stared at Mu Li without blinking.

Mu Li took out a book from Najie, which was the encyclopedia that he got from opening the treasure box in Fengcheng. He added the information of the eight ancient clans to it in advance, and some Tuoshe ancient emperor jade, mixed in Throughout the book, it was forged to be a book about ancient secrets.

Xiao Yan took the heavy book that exudes a strong sense of time, and looked at the page that Mu Li had turned for him.

At this time, Mu Li also began to simply guide and explain.

"This is a book I found by accident. It contains records of events in the ancient times of the Douqi Continent. The jade in your hand was originally called the Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade. It is a supreme treasure related to the inheritance of Emperor Douqi! "

Xiao Yan was startled when he heard the words, and he didn't bother to read it carefully, he was deeply attracted by the word Dou Di.


Mu Li nodded, and said lightly: "This ancient jade was shattered into eight parts during the war, which were held by the eight ancient clans respectively, and your Xiao family should have been one of the eight ancient clans."

Xiao Yan swallowed, "Are you kidding..."

He had just read what was written in the book that these ancient ethnic groups were all powerful, and there was more than one Saint Fighter!

How could it be possible for the Xiao family in Wutan City to be as famous as this kind of strength?

"If you hadn't taken out this piece of ancient jade, I wouldn't have believed it, but the fact is that the Xiao family among the eight ancient clans exhausted the power of their clan's bloodline because they failed to break through the Emperor Dou, and attracted clansmen The potential of the middle and younger generations is cut off, and they can only withdraw from Zhongzhou in the end."

When Mu Li said this, he paused, "So, the reason why the Soul Palace took action against your Xiao family, I guess half of them are because of this ancient jade fragment."

Xiao Yan reacted at this moment, "You mean, what they want is actually these ancient jade fragments, and the people in the Soul Palace want to collect them all, and then seek to seize the inheritance of Emperor Dou!"

"That's exactly the reason, but as for why they didn't directly search the entire Xiao family, but wanted to arrest your father, I don't quite understand."

Mu Li said at this time, "With the current strength of the Xiao family, I actually suggest handing over the ancient jade as early as possible, otherwise it will be a disaster if it stays in the Xiao family."

Xiao Zhan's death now is the beginning of this disaster.

After Xiao Yan silently read the narration in the book, he closed his eyes.

"If the people from Soul Palace directly asked father for ancient jade, for the safety of the people, father might not give it to him, but he just took his father away and killed him afterwards. Xiao Yan and Soul Palace, I will never die!"

Mu Li thought that sure enough, with Xiao Yan's temperament, since the enemy violated his bottom line, he would not be able to compromise and hand over the ancient jade to the Soul Palace, it's a fool's dream.

Chapter 168 Ancient Jade

"Actually, what I am more concerned about now is who else is involved in this matter besides the Soul Palace."

Mu Li continued: "You have also seen that in such a huge battlefield, the envoys of the Soul Palace who robbed your father must have encountered a strong enemy, so what would their goal be?"

"You mean, it's still Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade!"

Xiao Yan squeezed the jade piece tightly in his hand. If according to Mu Li's statement, the envoy of the Soul Palace captured his father instead of killing him directly, there must be other plots, and it is even more impossible to kill his father suddenly in the Heavenly Snake Kingdom.

The real reason for his father's death was probably that he was shocked to death in the aftermath of the high-ranking Douzong's battle!

Thinking of this, Xiao Yan became angry from the bottom of his heart.

why? !

The Xiao family will suffer from such a thing!

Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade!I'll go to your uncle!

Xiao Yan's hand suddenly ignited the Sirius flame, burning the ancient jade fragments fiercely.


Seeing Xiao Yan furious at Tuoshe Gudiyu with a ferocious face, Mu Li shook his head secretly.

Forget it, it's better to let him vent. Sometimes, decisions made by people under rational circumstances will be more durable and harder to violate than those made when emotions are extreme.

If Xiao Zhan's death was really linked to the ancient clan, then, tsk tsk, there might be a huge rift between Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er out of thin air.

It is indeed difficult to start from Xiao Xun'er, but if you start from my good brother Xiao Yan, the difficulty will suddenly ease a lot.

The reason is very simple, Xiao Xun'er is an extreme love brain, not a normal person, but Xiao Yan looks like a high-spirited quack boy from all aspects.

Talk about morality in the world, repay kindness with kindness, repay grievances with badness, sometimes use evil hands to achieve goals, love to pretend to be pigs and eat tigers, like to pretend to be modest, often have the word "lucky" in his words, learn to make medicine The first meaningful thing is to delve into aphrodisiacs, like to flirt with beautiful women, and so on.

This is the thinking of a normal man. For this kind of person, there should not be too many opportunities to induce.

It's just that there is medicine dust in Xiao Yan's body, and it's impossible for Mu Li to do some low-level inducements, so I can only do some things. The abyss, without your knowledge, kills your luck and opportunities.

In the end, you still have to call me Brother Li.

Don't look at Mu Li's sad face now, but he is enjoying the process in his heart.

Especially because Xiao Yan almost fell into the hands of a big boss just now, the strange thoughts in Mu Li's heart were even more irresistible.

"My stupid brother, go on, guided by hatred."


Of course Xiao Yan failed to melt the source of this disaster, Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

Qinglian's core fire can't even melt it, let alone a mere fifth-order Sirius flame, it is estimated that it will be difficult to even heat it up.

After Xiao Yan vented, Mu Li didn't immediately induce him to think about the ancient clan.

Need to give him some time to slow down.

In Xiao Yan's room.

The master and apprentice met each other's eyes, and the atmosphere was silent.

Yao Chen really did not expect that the Xiao family where Xiao Yan lived had such a glorious history.

But thinking about it this way, it made sense for Xiao Xun'er from the ancient clan to stay in the Xiao family.

Maybe it was also for the purpose of painting Tuoshe Ancient Emperor Jade.

But it is inconvenient for Yao Chen to talk about this matter, and it may destroy the relationship between Xiao Yan and Xiao Xun'er.

As a master, he actually hoped that Xiao Yan could have a young lady from the ancient clan behind him to support him.

At present, Yao Chen still doesn't know what Xiao Xun'er's status is in the ancient clan. If she is just an ordinary young lady, then maybe Xiao Yan will really be able to get together with Xiao Xun'er in the future.

With the help of the ancient clan, Xiao Yan's future road will be smoother.

Yao Chen used to be a member of the Yao Clan. Although he was only a member of the Yao Clan, he lost his father when he was young, and received all kinds of cold eyes. However, compared with people outside the Eight Clans, the cultivation resources are still beyond their reach.

Later, because of his outstanding talent in refining medicine, he was framed by the direct descendants of the Yao clan, and was eventually kicked out of the Yao clan.

If you really say that you have no feelings, the Yao clan is your ancestral land after all, and it is impossible to completely forget it, especially the childhood that has gone through hardships. Although many of them are bitter, they are not without the value of aftertaste.

So far, Yao Chen has regarded that period of tempering as the most precious memory in his life. Without the independence, tenacity and tenacity of his childhood, it would be impossible for him to withstand the next storm after leaving the Yao clan.

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