This is the third time, I left myself alone, I don't know when I will see you again.

Although he said he would try his best to come back once a year, but who knows when it will be, and once a year is too long.

With resentment in mind, Yun Yun rarely turned passive into active yesterday, sat on it and taught Mu Li a lesson all night, and the crazy energy gave Mu Li a unique experience.

What is that sentence called, the suzerain in front of the people, the swaying in the back...

But what should go still has to go. The Misty Cloud Sect has concerns, and the Canaan Academy has more.

You know, there are two little babies with fighting saint qualifications waiting for you to pamper.

The spaceship broke through the air all the way, and within two days, it arrived at the Jiajia border, the Tager Desert.

Looking at the city passing by under his feet, Mu Li remembered that there seemed to be his "brother" in it?

I don't know if they knew that Xiao Zhan was dead, leaving only the news of the remnant soul.

Do you want to meet them?

After Mu Li thought about it, he decided to meet as an ordinary person. Based on his guess about the characters of the two, as long as he told them that Xiao Zhan died between the ancient clan and the master of the soul clan, it would definitely inspire the two of them. hatred of the two races.

With his attitude towards Xiao Xun'er, he would definitely hate Xiao Yan even more.

Xiao Yan might be corrupted by tenderness and honey, but Xiao Ding and Xiao Li would not.

With relatives standing in line, when Xiao Yan made a decision in the future, he would be more inclined to the side Mu Li guessed, that is, to break with Xiao Xun'er.

If Xiao Yan could use the reason that Xiao Yan was restless and didn't think about food at this time, the two brothers would go to Jianan Academy to visit Xiao Yan at all costs.

When the time comes... tsk tsk.

Thinking of this, Mu Li showed an intriguing smile.

Medusa on the side looked at Mu Li with disgust. She could already sense Mu Li's emotions after thinking about it before.

Although she is extremely resistant in her heart, there is a saying that she dislikes integrity.

Once the master and the spiritual pet have a perfect fit, it is basically impossible for the other party to actively abandon it.

Because of the perfect fit, on another level, it means that both the master and the servant have chosen to trust each other deep in their hearts. This trust is based on mutual affection.

Maybe even Medusa didn't realize that she had unknowingly developed a feeling for Mu Li that she shouldn't have.

Perhaps it was because Mu Li was her contracted master and could force her at any time, but Mu Li never forced Medusa once, instead he always discussed with Medusa in advance.

Maybe it's because every time Muli made Medusa angry, he never hit back or cursed back, showing tolerance and humility that was completely opposite to the normal style of behavior.

The previous fusion of Mu Li and Medusa, although there is still a little distance from perfection, it is not much different.

So I would like to thank the eagle veteran for the assist, and did not forget to match Medusa and Mu Li before he died.

Mu Li has already decided to chat with the second brother of the Xiao family, but it's not now, when he leaves, it won't be too late to bring the two of them along.

Leaving this city on the edge of the desert, Mu Li went deep into the Tager Desert and visited the Snake King City again.

It has been a year since Medusa left her former residence. Seeing the familiar scene in front of her, even though her face was as frosty, she couldn't help showing a trace of melancholy.


Mu Li took this photo very inopportunely, and then held it in his hand to appreciate it carefully.

The melancholy on Medusa's face instantly froze, and then her eyebrows twitched, and she was about to teach Mu Li another lesson, but the spaceship suddenly descended at this time.

"The terminal is here, ready to disembark."

Mu Li's landing skills are not to be admired, but both of them are monks who can fly. They turned the spaceship into a small nuclear boat and put it back in their hands. Mu Li and Medusa stopped at the desert hills hundreds of meters away from the Snake King City. superior.

"I think back then, when I first came here, but with the belief that I was close to death, I didn't expect to come back a year later, but it looked like this."

Mu Li was very emotional. He used to regard the Snake People as a colossal giant, but now he came with the vision of being in charge of the Snake People.

Medusa gave Mu Li a sideways look, and walked towards the Snake King City without saying a word.

Speaking of which, this was also her first time, the first time she walked back home with human feet.

Returning as Dou Zong, this feeling of joy and pride was inevitable, and the expression on Medusa's face softened a lot.

Everyone likes to appear holy in front of people, and the queen is no exception.

Mu Li followed behind Medusa obediently, and didn't think about emphasizing their primary and secondary relationship in front of everyone in the snake-human race.

The face that should be given is still given. This way of getting along is the basis of mutual trust between him and Medusa.

If there is a violation, I am afraid that Medusa's trust in him will plummet.

However, it has been more than a year, and Mu Li has already found a comfortable way to get along. He usually makes small troubles, but in the construction of large projects, he has been making steady progress.

Of course, Muli himself is not the one who is in charge of the snake-human race. Everything belongs to Medusa herself.

As long as the people around him are in charge of the major forces, it is equivalent to him being in charge of the major forces.

Now Yun Yun is in charge of the Misty Cloud Sect, and Medusa is in charge of the Snake Race.

The strongest forces within the Jia Ma Empire and the most powerful forces closest to the empire are under the control of Muli, and the future situation will only become more and more clear.

There were quite a few snakemen going to the snakeman king city today. After Mu Li and Medusa walked in, they saw a team meandering in the desert.

The two of them walked on their feet, openly and without cover, which naturally attracted the attention of the other snake people.

"Are they...human?"

Due to the long-term struggle between the snake people and the human race, and the fact that the two are alien races, all the snake people looked at Mu Li and Medusa with strange eyes.

Hate, fear, curiosity, indifference, all kinds of eyes made Medusa frown a little.

It seems that the people of the tribe have misunderstood the transformation of human beings by themselves.

Medusa stepped lightly on her white and tender feet, and no longer chose to walk through the main entrance like everyone else, but directly suspended in the air.


Medusa released her aura completely, and the expression of the commander guarding here in the Snakeman King City suddenly changed.

"This is...the breath of the queen!"

In less than half a minute, several commanders flew out of the royal city, looking at the noble woman suspended in mid-air, tears of joy and excitement could not stop flowing from their faces.

"See Her Majesty!"

The loud voice swept through the whole city.

Those snake people who were puzzled before also changed their complexions when they heard the voice of the snake leader.

Queen is back?

where is the queen

After Medusa attracted everyone's attention, his fighting spirit was shaken again, and a phantom of the colorful sky-swallowing python behind him roared towards the sky. The unique snake-man voice made the snake-men in the city boil up.

"She is Her Majesty the Queen!"

Even if some snake people don't know that they can transform into human beings after Dou Zong, but seeing the roar of the kingly snake spirit, they also understand that it is their queen.


Standing among the snake people, Mu Li looked at the domineering figure in the sky, with a faint smile on his lips.

Although watching Medusa's every move by her side is very pleasing to the eye, but the queen must be on the throne after all to fully show her charm.

Mu Li was also very honored to see this magnificent scene of people kneeling and worshiping.

This is his first spiritual pet, and it is also the existence that will become a bedside companion in the future.

"Hey, why don't you kneel?"

Just as Mu Li was expressing his joy, the snake man next to him suddenly said to him.

Kneel your uncle.

Mu Li glanced at the snake man very unhappily. When he was alone with Medusa, he asked whether to kneel or not. In front of all the people, only Medusa would kneel to him.

Mu Li stood upright, and waited for the woman in the sky to look around and spread the news of his return, and then spread his wings and flew up.


At this time, the former leader of the snake man noticed the existence of Mu Li in mid-air, and with a yell, he was about to step forward to arrest him.

But Mu Li didn't even look at him at this time, and flew directly behind Medusa.

The leader of the snake people showed a hint of sarcasm when he saw this. This human being was like a trap, and the queen hated human beings the most.

However, Medusa just frowned slightly, glanced at Mu Li with a little disgust, and continued to march into the city.

"Your Majesty, he..."

The leader of the snake people pointed at Mu Li, his face a little embarrassed.

Why doesn't the queen just kill the other party?

"He is the king's guest, and he entered the city with the king, and no one should conflict with him."

When Medusa said it in an indifferent and cold voice, the audience was startled and responded quickly.

The queen invited a human being as a guest, and said something that no one should conflict with him.

Who is this human male?

Mu Li raised the corner of his mouth to look at the leader of the Snakeman, causing the corners of his eyes to jump wildly, and his anger surged straight up. However, due to the queen's order, the Snakeman Fighting King could only swallow his anger.

Naturally, Medusa also saw Mu Li's movements, gritted her teeth and said in a low voice, "Be more honest!"

Mu Li chuckled, nodded, stopped interacting with the snake leader, and followed Medusa into the city.

Medusa breathed a sigh of relief at this moment. She was not worried about Mu Li, but worried that once Mu Li and the Snake Commander clashed, it would be the Snake Commander who would suffer.

It will also affect Muli's impression in the whole snake race.

Due to her relationship with Muli, Medusa naturally hopes that Muli can live in peace with the snake people.

Otherwise, the consequences will be dire.

Under the worship of everyone, Medusa entered the snake king city and came to the king tower.

She turned around slowly, looking at the black snake man in front of her, a touch of excitement surged in her heart.

She really wants to tell everyone directly that your queen is back, so you don't have to worry about it in the future, she will lead the snake people to prosperity and walk out of this barren desert.

But Medusa knew in her heart that if the man next to her didn't let her stay in the snake-human race, but ordered her to go to Canaan Academy with him, then she would have to leave again.

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