Looking at the people in front of her, Medusa sincerely hoped that she could stay.

Suppressing the excited thoughts in her heart, Medusa let out a breath, and the thousand words were only merged into two words.

"Flat body."


"Why, you seem a little unhappy?"

Mu Li and Medusa walked side by side in the aisle of the Wang Tower, seeing Medusa's frosty face, Mu Li thought he had offended her again.

Medusa didn't speak, just walked on by herself.

Before arriving at the queen's bedroom, a female snake man with wine-red hair stepped forward and respectfully said to the queen, "Your Majesty the queen."


Medusa nodded lightly, and continued to walk towards the bedroom.

Hua She'er got up at this moment, her eyes swept over the man beside the queen, and then she froze in place.

"It's you!"

Mu Li also stepped into the bedroom at this time, and when he heard Hua She'er's stern voice, he turned his head with a smile.

"Remember me, little Huahua."

"You, you are presumptuous!"

Hua She'er's face was flushed, and the anger in her heart had already exploded.

"Your Majesty, he is the human being who sneaked into the Snake King Tower and stole the strange fire!"

Hua She'er was filled with grief and indignation, she almost died at the hands of the other party.

"Please be enlightened by the Queen!"

Medusa stopped in her tracks, but instead of looking at Hua She'er, she said to Mu Li, "Don't do anything excessive."


Still with a smile on his face, Mu Li strolled towards Hua Snake, who was kneeling on the ground to petition.

"Xiaohuahua, you seem to have misunderstood me, come on, let's find a place to chat."

Hua Sheer looked at the queen in shock, why is she?

Mu Li didn't care whether Hua She'er was really frightened or fake frightened, he took her soft hand and led her to a room, and then skillfully isolated the movement inside and outside the room.

Since this was the queen's order, Hua She'er didn't even resist. She didn't look at Mu Li until she was locked in the room.

"take it easy."

While comforting Mu Li, he cast the Phantom Spirit Eye Technique. Just looking at each other, Hua She'er's whole body softened, and even his whole body's fighting spirit seemed to have lost its sense.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Hua She'er's face was a little panicked. She really didn't expect that the Queen's attitude towards this man would be like this, and she even more didn't expect that Mu Li's strength would be so terrifying after not seeing him for a year.

Originally thought that even if he was taken away, the other party would not be able to do anything to him.

"I said it all, don't be nervous, just add some small things to your body, and it will be fine soon."

Mu Li said in a gentle voice, slowly.

Today's Hua She'er is no different from an ant in his eyes.

But the other party is also one of the best alien beauties, so Mu Li's attitude is naturally much better.

What's more, at the beginning, this woman suppressed him and almost killed him. Now that the situation has been reversed, Mu Li still has the pleasure of revenge in his heart.

"Actually, even if you don't provoke me, I will attack you."

Mu Li took out a lotus seed with a slightly sad face.

"Who made your queen love her family so much, she has only been back to Wangcheng for a long time, and she wants to stay here."

Mu Li spread his hands.

"I can't help it. As a qualified host, I must be considerate of her."

Mu Li stuffed the lotus seed into Hua She'er's mouth, feeling the other's teeth biting him gently.

But because of the lack of strength, it seemed a bit like a baby.

Molly smiled.

"So, I will wrong you. During this period of time, treat me as my eyeliner."

The Qingdi sword appeared in the palm of Hua She'er's gradually frightened gaze, and the sword brought out her soul.


A shrill voice sounded, but only Mu Li could hear it.

Chapter 182

After coming out of the room, Hua She'er was no different from before, but her aura had improved slightly.

Before, she was killed by Mu Li's Qingdi Sword, and her cultivation level dropped greatly, that's why she was so hostile to Mu Li.

But now her soul has been repaired by the lotus seed, and her cultivation has also recovered, and she is even expected to go further.

You must know that Hua She'er used the secret art of madness before, which had a great impact on her potential, but at this time her potential has not only recovered, but also improved to a higher level.

Although this soul surgery was painful, Hua She'er undoubtedly gained more benefits.

Medusa stayed in the bedroom for a while, seeing that Mu Li and Hua She'er were in the same room and hadn't come out yet, she was a little worried, and there was also a trace of inexplicable irritability.

What are they doing in there?

Although she was in the bedroom, Medusa's soul power focused on the door at this time.

After Mu Li and Hua She'er came out, Medusa immediately noticed the changes in the two of them.

Mu Li's energy seemed to be exhausted, and he seemed a little tired.

This is a side effect of the differentiation of lotus seeds, which is inevitable, but as the cultivation level increases, the side effects are gradually reduced.

Now it is simply like that after that, physically and mentally exhausted involuntarily.

Especially if the other party is also a strong fighter of the Dou Wang rank, the more things need to be instilled.

Feeling the gaze of Medusa's soul, Mu Li was slightly taken aback, and then looked in the direction of the bedroom.

Medusa withdrew her gaze, a slight coldness flashed in her eyes.

Mu Li's energy was consumed, and Hua She'er's momentum increased.

What the two of them were doing seemed to have been decided.

Certainly not a good thing!

Medusa snorted coldly, turned around and walked to the window, looking at the scenery of the royal city to calm down the strange emotions in her heart.

Hua She'er and Mu Li walked to the door of the bedroom and stopped.

Hua She'er looked at Mu Li with a bit of fear at the moment, without the slightest accusation gesture before.

After she brought Mu Li to the Queen's bedroom, she cupped her hands and left silently.

Mu Li knocked lightly on the door.

There was no movement from inside.

When he knocked a second time, there was still no response.

dong dong dong.

Mu Li tapped tirelessly.

Finally, a voice came from inside the door.


Mu Li laughed and pushed the door open.

Medusa turned around abruptly, angrily said: "This king told you to go, didn't you hear?"

At this time, Medusa put on the top costume of the snake queen, noble and dignified, gorgeous, glamorous and unparalleled without losing the majesty of the emperor.

After being reprimanded like this, Mu Li inexplicably felt a strange pleasure in his heart.

A queen or something is a plus.

Unfortunately, this queen is not very well behaved.

Seems really angry now.

After thinking about it, Mu Lisi thought it was because he had stayed with Hua She'er for too long and bullied Medusa's subordinates to make the other party dissatisfied, so he said: "Medusa, didn't you just say that as long as I don't do excessive things, I can do anything else?" ?”

Medusa raised her chest, anger gathering.


"How can this be called shameless? Speaking of which, it's Hua Snake's luck."

Medusa's voice became colder.

"Yes, it is really her luck to be favored by you, a scumbag!"

Mu Li's expression paused, favor?

He looked at Medusa's cold face with anger at this moment, and suddenly understood something in his heart.

What a joke!

If it is favored, there will be such a short time.

Mu Li shook his head, "You misunderstood me."

Medusa turned her head to look at him, as if she wanted to hear further explanation.

"I just helped her repair her damaged soul. You know, I'm good at performing operations on the soul, so that's what you see."

Hearing this, the expression on Medusa's face froze, and her heart wrapped in anger gradually calmed down.

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