Damn, why would she be mad at something like this?

Even if Mu Li did that, it was in line with his scum's nature, so why did she get angry about it?

Now, how should I explain it to him.

Forget it, this king does not need to explain to others at all!

Embarrassed and angry, Medusa's cheeks involuntarily blushed, but she was quickly suppressed by the fighting pressure.

"Hmph, are you so kind?"

Mu Li stepped forward, getting close to Medusa.

"This is your territory. As your master, I can't do anything to express it."

Medusa calmed down instantly.

There is no other, just because I heard the word "Master".

Medusa, Medusa, this man is your master, what right do you have to get angry with him?

No matter how outrageous things he does, there is nothing you can do to stop him.

As Medusa kept vigilant to herself, the inexplicable charm in her heart gradually dissipated.

Mu Li continued to say at this time: "Besides, I took you away and snatched away the queen of the snake-human race, so I can't compensate you?"

Medusa didn't say a word, she stood with her usual face, but her heart fell to the bottom. Sure enough, Muli would not let me go, and I couldn't stay in the snake-human race.

"Okay, don't just stand here, let the snake people collect some medicinal materials for me, I will be useful."

After speaking, Mu Li turned and left.

Medusa's eyes flashed a gloomy look, only to feel that the sunny day that had just gotten better was suddenly overcast.

She is a queen, not a slave.


The snake people quickly collected the medicinal materials that Mu Li needed.

Medusa efficiently completed the task assigned by Mu Li, but there was no smile on her face.

But she was so unsmiling when she was the queen before, so everyone didn't think it was abnormal.

On the contrary, if the queen suddenly smiled happily, the snake people would feel uneasy.

Mu Li has been sitting in front of the alchemy furnace these days, refining pills one by one.

After this farewell, I don't know how long it will take for him to come to the Snake People again, so for the future Izumo War, he must refine enough antidote elixir for the Snake People.

The alchemists of the Snake Race are only at the fifth rank at the most, and some high-level elixirs cannot be refined.

For example, Mu Li happened to have the formula for the Dou Ling Pill that could improve the Dou Wang's cultivation.

After several preliminary experiments, it was successfully refined.

Mu Li is not afraid of the increase in the strength of the snake people, because the strongest Queen Medusa is under his control, and no matter how strong the snake people are, they will not be able to shake the sky.

On the contrary, Mu Li had to be vigilant about the Jia Ma Empire, a human country.

Because people's hearts are changeable, sometimes they are not as reliable as Warcraft.

After a month of alchemy, Mu Li relied on his strong spiritual power and the super-fast recovery effect of Xuanming Youshui to refine a large number of precious pills.

Most of them are fourth-grade and fifth-grade pills, and only one-tenth of them are sixth-grade pills.

But even so, Mu Li has also successfully stabilized the realm of the sixth-rank alchemist, at least in terms of success rate, he has already entered the ranks of the sixth-rank alchemist.

As long as he collects more pill recipes in the future, he can advance as quickly as possible.

Since he spends most of his time refining alchemy, Mu Li has hardly met Medusa these days.

After seeing that beautiful and gorgeous face again, Mu Li's heart swayed slightly, and the boring and tiredness in his heart dissipated a lot.

However, when Medusa saw Muli again, she just looked at him coldly as if meeting a stranger.

"What's your business?"

Noticing the coldness and alienation in Medusa's eyes, Mu Li didn't know what happened for a moment.

These days, from Hua She'er's perspective, I haven't seen any emergencies.

"Come with me, I have something to tell you."

Due to the tight time now, the inner court promotion competition of Canaan Academy is about to start, and Mu Li has no time to stay in the snake-human race, so he directly brought Medusa into her bedroom.

"Tell me, what's the matter."

Medusa's expression is still calm, like the surface of lifeless water, making it difficult to see the depth.

While walking, Mu Li glanced at Medusa's bedroom, it was deserted.

Doesn't it look like you've lost your love?

He clearly felt that Medusa had that kind of affection for him before, how could he be so estranged after not seeing him for a month?

Mu Li thought about it all the way, but he didn't figure out the reason behind it. Fortunately, he didn't think about it.

"All the elixirs I have refined these days are here, and you can distribute them yourself. Among them are five fighting spirit elixirs, which are of the greatest value."

Medusa took the ring from Mu Li's hand, swept it with her spiritual sense, and felt a little moved.

These days, is he refining alchemy for the snake-human race?

Originally, Medusa thought that Muli wanted to use the medicinal material storage of the snake-human tribe to practice medicine refining.

As we all know, if a pharmacist wants to improve his alchemy skills, he needs to consume a lot of medicinal materials, so it is very expensive to provide a pharmacist to practice.

But Medusa knew at this time that Mu Li was making alchemy for the snake-human race.

Although they are also practicing alchemy, the difference between the two lies in the order of priority.

Thinking of this, the backlog of negative emotions in Medusa's heart quietly melted away.

Although Mu Li wanted to take him away, he did his best to compensate the snake people.

"Except for Dou Ling Pills, most of the medicines I refine are detoxification and healing elixirs. In the future, if the snake-human race encounters a poison master's attack, they can use this to turn the tide of the battle."

"Poison master attack? What do you mean?"

Medusa's thoughts were interrupted by Mu Li's words, and she immediately noticed the key point.

Mu Li said bluntly: "The Izumo Empire has accumulated a lot of strength over the years, and it has a tendency to attack eastward. The snake people are likely to become their primary target."

"Izumo Empire?"

Medusa frowned. Medusa had experience with those poison masters.

Because in the eyes of some poison masters, the snake people are excellent medicines, so some people from the Izumo Empire used to come to the Tagle Desert to plunder the snake people.

Although those people were eliminated by themselves, the business of selling snake people in the Tager Desert still exists.

"How did you know?"

Medusa looked at Mu Li with a serious expression.

"I have my news channel, but the Izumo Empire will either not attack, or if it attacks, the snake people will only have to fight."

Hearing Mu Li's words, Medusa gradually became worried.

This month, she has intentionally shared the affairs of the snake people, so that when Mu Li takes them away, the snake people can adapt to life without a queen.

Perhaps when a female snake-woman with outstanding talent appears, the identity of Queen Medusa will change hands.

This kind of situation is not unheard of in the history of the snake people, but the Queen Medusa can only hope to produce one every 200 years.

There are too few monster-level geniuses, which is also a shortcoming of the snake-human race.

But now, Mu Li told himself that the Izumo Empire is likely to attack the Snake People in the future.

Thinking of the tragic war that may occur in the future, Medusa felt a surge of anger in her heart.

No matter what, the Snake People must not suffer disaster. If the disaster cannot be avoided, then as Queen Medusa, she must stand in front of all the Snake People!

"Okay, you can think about this for yourself. Next, I'm leaving."

Medusayu clenched her hands subconsciously. Under the fierce ideological struggle, she raised her head, looked at Mu Li resolutely, and said, "I am going to stay in the snake-human race."

Mu Li stared at Medusa with a determined face, was stunned, and then said: "Otherwise, do you want to come with me?"

The words that Medusa just wanted to refute stopped for an instant, and her eyes like stagnant water spread out in a circle, showing a shocked expression.

"What do you mean?"

Mu Li reacted, and said with a smile: "From the day we returned to the Snake Race, I knew that you wanted to stay here, and I didn't intend to stop you."

Medusa looked at Mu Li in a daze, her red lips parted slightly, but she couldn't say a word.

Mu Li's heart was a little hot, and he suppressed the charm in his heart, "It's not because of this that you are making trouble with me, are you? Just now your face was as cold as ice."

Medusa came back to her senses and said angrily, "What nonsense are you talking about?"

But when she caught Mu Li's gaze, Medusa dodged subconsciously and guiltily.

She, she didn't...


When Mu Li saw Medusa showing a shy expression for the first time, the fire in his heart seemed to be ignited instantly, and he could no longer suppress it, and went forward to kiss her.

Under Medusa's dumbfounded gaze, Mu Li wantonly plundered the other party's nectar.

After a full minute, Medusa suddenly trembled and pushed Mu Li away.

"You, you, presumptuous!"

Looking at Medusa's messy hair falling down her shoulders, her plump red lips shining with a watery luster, and her eyes that seduce all living beings, besides anger, there is also lingering shyness at this moment.

Mu Li knew that the time had come.

If you miss it, you will have to wait until the year of the monkey next time.

He leaned forward and hugged Medusa's slender waist.

Under Muli's domineering posture, Medusa tried to resist, but she didn't push with grudges, it was more like a rebuff.

When the two fell down on the luxurious big bed, the curtains were scattered, and the two figures fought against each other on the bed.

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