Mau Fenggu and the others saw the beautiful boy and the others.

And the beautiful boys also saw Fenggu Zhenyu and the others!

"Hi everybody."

"I probably understand the matter. You are the new neighbors, right?"

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Su Mo, the owner of this house."

The beautiful boy named Su Mo pointed to his house and said.


Fenggu Zhenyu and others swallowed their saliva in unison, and only then did they react.

"You... how are you!"

Misugi Yoshihiko wanted to yell directly, "You are human or ghost", but thought it would be impolite, so he just said hello, eh!If he doesn't pull a paring knife out of the trunk of his car.

even better...

Seeing Fenggu Zhenyu and others who were fearful, vigilant, and curious, Su Mo shook his head and laughed.

Without paying too much attention to them, he turned around and looked at Qianqiao and Kiba Yuji.


From now on, you will live in this house.

Su Mo said, pointing to another house next to his house.

The houses on the left and right sides of his house had been empty before.

Now there are new neighbors on one side, and the other side can also be bought for Ganqiao, Yuji Kiba and the others to live in.

Well, don't ask how much it costs to buy a house.

Although Su Mo, who has inherited the property of the Kiba family, is not the richest man.

But it's more than enough to buy a house.

At this moment, a petite figure suddenly ran out from the yard of the opposite house.

Go straight to Su Mo and attack! ! !

"Brother Su Mo——!!!"

no doubt!

It's a cute girl named Tiandao Shuhua.

Shouting, Shuhua stretched out her arms and hugged Su Mo tightly.

His little head was buried in Su Mo's chest, and he was crazily absorbing Su Mo's special taste.

"Woooooo, brother Su Mo, you are finally back!"

"Really! Next time, you absolutely must never leave suddenly again!"

"If you want to go, at least take me with you!"

Su Mo patted Shuhua's back helplessly, feeling the pleasant warmth and softness, looked at Tiandaoist with some vigilance, and asked softly:

"Ahem, tree flower, where's your brother?"

Tiandao Shuhua heard the words, raised her head with some doubts, and looked towards her home.

It turned out that the Director of Heavenly Dao, who was already standing at the door of the living room, had disappeared at some point.


"He was clearly still there just now."

"Maybe he left suddenly because of something? My brother has been very mysterious these days, and he seems to be very busy."

Su Mo nodded upon hearing this.

"That's it!"

"I can rest assured that!"

Speaking of this, he stretched out his hand and fondled Shuhua's little head.

Hair is soft and feels great.

Without the Director of Heavenly Dao, the happiness will be doubled! ! !

"Hey, hey! Stupid Su Mo! How long are you going to hug?"

"That's right! Brother Su Mo, let go quickly!!!"

Truth and Saya's dissatisfied voices sounded, and Su Mo retorted angrily:

"Can you blame me? It's Shuhua who hugged me instead of her, okay?!"

Jiehua looked at Su Mo and the others tenderly from the side, not feeling jealous or dissatisfied.

"It seems that this is... a boy with a good relationship with the opposite sex!"

Seeing this, Misugi Yoshihiko couldn't help sighing.

Misugi Taiichi on the side said with some envy:

"If I had the looks of this brother, I would definitely be more popular than him!!!"

"I want to open a harem! I want to be a scumbag!!!"


? ?


When Misugi Yoshihiko heard this, his face was dark, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly.

In the end, he stretched out his hand angrily and hit Misugi Taichi hard on the head.


"Hey! Dad, why are you beating me?!"

"Don't you think it's a very proud thing for your son to become a scumbag?!"

Misugi Taichi covered her head, looking at her father in disbelief.

He didn't expect it!

If I want to become a scumbag, my father has an expression of opposition!

And beat yourself up!

Obviously, if this kind of thing is said, people will be envied and hated! ! !


"Still very proud???"

Yoshihiko Misugi was furious, and threw the fruit knife in his hand back into the trunk, and then...

He took off his belt.


? ?


Misugi was too surprised, as for?

You're going to whip me with a belt for something like this? ? ?

However, he didn't have time to think at this time, because...

Escaping is more important! ! !

Two legs quickly ran towards the new house.

"Dad! Calm down, Dad!!!"

"How did I teach you such a thing?!"

Misugi Yoshihiko was furious, he clenched his belt and chased after Misugi Taiichi.

"Um...Are you sure you don't want to stop them?"

Sho Tsugami looked at Yoshihiko Misugi and his son, and asked Mao Kazetani.

Fenggu Zhenyu shook his head lightly.

"It's okay, uncle will definitely not kill him!"

"And... a scumbag or something, Taiyi really deserves to be beaten up!!!"

When Fenggu Zhenyu said this, he clenched his fists tightly, looking very "nuclear".

Tsugami Sho twitched the corner of his mouth and shook his head.

He looked at Su Mo and the others not far away.

whispered softly:

"I always feel...his appearance is very familiar."

"It seems that I have seen it somewhere..."

"Huh? Xiangyi, do you know Su Mo?" Fenggu Zhenyu looked over curiously after hearing this.

Sho Tsugami nodded, then shook his head again.

"I'm not too sure either."

"Then why don't we just ask him?"

"What if he really knew you?"

Speaking of this, Fenggu Zhenyu took the initiative to walk towards Su Mo and others without waiting for Sho Tsugami to respond.

It seems that there is a feeling of can't wait...

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