Tsugami Shoichi scratched his head suspiciously.

"Didn't Zhenyu look like he hated scumbags just now?"

But why...

To meet Su Mo and the others, but showing an excited expression?


Just when Mau Fenggu and Shoichi Tsugami were about to formally meet Su Mo and the others.

On the other side, something big and small is happening.

A company's warehouse, the security guard came over to check it as usual.

After a glance.

"No abnormality."

Finding nothing wrong, the security guard wanted to leave the scene.


At this moment, a gust of wind blew by, and the security guard suddenly stopped, not knowing why!

The wind was so cold that it made hair stand on end, and the temperature around him dropped a little because of it.

An ominous premonition welled up in his heart, the security guard swallowed, and turned his head to look over.

It turns out...

One body is dark green!

A huge and ugly humanoid monster appeared behind him at some point! ! !

Before the security guard could scream, the dark green humanoid monster laughed strangely.

Then his body changed rapidly, from a monster to a person!

And that man...

Whether it's appearance or figure, or the clothes you wear.

They are all exactly the same as the security guards! ! !



[Zerg bugs appear! 】

A car was driving fast on the road, and there were two people sitting in the car, a man and a woman.

The woman in it was on the phone with a mysterious man in the distance.

"Where is the location?"

the woman asked.

Soon, the man on the other side of the phone responded:

"03 area!"

"The ZECT ant soldiers have been dispatched."

The woman nodded and calmly responded:

"We'll hurry there!"


When the two came to the scene, all the ZECT ant soldiers had already arrived.

The so-called ant soldiers are combatants who wear black and special equipment like ants.

As for those two people, the woman's name is Misaki Yuzuki, and the man's name is Tian Suo Xiuyi.

They are ZECT members who are higher than ordinary ant soldiers, so!

They can command ordinary ant soldiers to act.

Tian Suoxiuyi didn't talk nonsense, and started directing directly.

Soon the ZECT ant soldiers found the body of the security guard in the warehouse, and!

Tian Suoxiu also discovered the existence of Zerg, without hesitation.

Directly order:


The ant soldiers immediately carried out the order and pulled the triggers one after another, and the weapons in their hands all spewed out flames.

A series of bullets continued to shoot at the Zerg's body.

At the same time, a young man riding a motorcycle also came to the scene.

Stopping the car, taking off the helmet, the young man hastily opened the car door of Misaki Youyue and the others.

"terribly sorry!"

Seeing this young man, Misaki Yuzuki frowned slightly.

"Why did you come here?"


"Sorry sorry!!!"

The young man named Kagami Shin had no time to say anything. He opened a backpack on the vehicle, took out the belt equipment, and walked towards the warehouse.

"Hey hey hey! Kagami!!!"

"You can't use the knight system yet!!!"

Misaki Yuzuki and Tiansuo Xiu shouted together.

Kagami who was running towards the warehouse gritted her teeth.

"I know!

"But! If you continue to let the ant soldiers fight, isn't it a dead end???"

"The only thing that can defeat the Zerg is the power of the knight system!"

"Mr. Tasho! Let me use the knight system!!!"

Tian Suoxiu frowned.


"Without permission from Headquarters..."

At this moment, at the scene of the battle, the Zerg...

Peeling! ! !

From an ordinary larva, it evolved into an adult with a blue overall tone! ! !


As soon as Tian Suoxiu gritted his teeth, the ordinary larvae were already hard to destroy.

If it peels off and becomes an adult again, it really doesn't use the knight system...

It is very likely that all the ant soldiers will be wiped out.

"` ‖ Please! Mr. Tiansuo!!!"

Kagami Shin's plea was still ringing out, and Osamu Tana clenched his fists.

"I can't help it, I will explain it to the headquarters!"

"Kagami! I leave the knight belt to you!!!"

Hearing this, Misaki Yuzuki on the side couldn't help being surprised.

And Nakaga Meixin yelled excitedly.

"Mr. Tasho! You are amazing!!!"

After the words fell, Kaga Meixin had also arrived at the scene of the battle.

The ant soldiers are being frantically killed by the zerg that have evolved into adults.


Kaga Meixin yelled, and appeared on the stage like a savior and a hero! ! !

"I will never let you go!"

"Damn zerg!!!"

"I will definitely destroy you all——!!!"

Kagami-shin spoke words like a protagonist.

Quickly put the knight belt on his body with both hands! ! !

At last!

Stretch out your palm, facing the sun above the sky! ! !

next moment!

A surprising thing happened, ripples appeared in the sky, a red mechanical creature with wings that looked like a unicorn fell from the sky, and went straight to Kagami Shin!


Just when everyone thought that Kagami Shin's palm was about to grab the red unicorn.

But the unicorn suddenly changed direction and flew towards the other side! ! !


Kagami Shin was taken aback, while Tasho Shuichi and Misaki Yuzuki widened their eyes in disbelief.


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