Everyone saw the place where the unicorn was flying to, and there was a young man standing there at some point.

Standing under the radiance of the sun, his whole body is as dazzling as the sun! ! !

Stretching out his hand, with a light shake, the unicorn was caught by him! ! !

The corner of the young man's mouth curled up like the sun, revealing a sunny and gentle smile.

"Now! My hand!"

"The future has been seized!!"

"Walking the way of heaven, I am the one who is in charge of everything! I am the one who is really chosen!!!" (Qianmahao)

Hearing this, Kagami retorted angrily:

"No, no! That's mine!"

"Give it back to me quickly!!!"

Director of Heavenly Dao smiled lightly.

"I've been waiting for this moment..."

"should say!"

"I was born for this moment!!!"

The voice fell!

Just when everyone thought that Chief Tendou was going to replace Kagami Shin as the Knight Belt Transformer!

This one captures the future... yuck!

It was the guy who caught Kabuto's insect instrument, but suddenly turned around and ran towards the distance...


? ?


Seeing this scene, let alone Kaga Meixin and the others, even the zerg were taken aback!


You don't hit me? ?

why don't you hit me ? ?

underestimate me? ! !

Thinking of this, the Zerg bug named Ladybug became furious instantly.

He didn't care about the ant soldiers beside him, and went straight to the head of Taoism that day to chase after him.


? ?


The man who captured Kabuto's entomometer ran away, and the zerg followed him? ? ?

Kaga Meixin was dumbfounded, and after recovering, he hurriedly chased after them! ! !

"Hey, hey, hey! You should transform yourself and wipe out the zerg, Hundan!!!"

Kaga Meixin was very depressed, he was going to appear on the stage like a hero... Mao...


Really, who are these people? ! !


Basking in the sunlight, Tiandao Zongsi, who was running at the forefront, was holding the Kabuto insect instrument tightly in his hand.

Looking ahead, I feel a little excited.

"Finally! This moment is finally here!!!"

"Su Mo! It's time to fight to the death!!!"

At the same time, Su Mo, who was being missed by the head of Tiandao, was being hugged by Tiandao's younger sister, Shuhua, while talking and laughing with a girl named Fenggu Zhenyu.


Chapter 82 Tiandao Souji-Mask Form!Call the Amazons!Amnesia Shoichi! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

"That, hello!"

"I am Fenggu Zhenyu, and I will be your new neighbor from now on! Please take care of me!!!"

Fenggu Zhenyu came in front of Su Mo and the others a little nervously, pinching the corners of his clothes with his two small hands, his pretty face flushed slightly, and he whispered a little afraid to look Su Mo in the eye.

"Hmm, please take care of me!"

"By the way, Mayu, at your current age, you should still be in school, right?"

Su Mo smiled and asked softly.

With his smile, Fenggu Zhenyu was even more embarrassed to meet Su Mo's eyes.

"Yes, it is!

"This year is already the third year of high school!"

At the end, Fenggu Zhenyu didn't know what he was thinking, so he added another sentence:

"Soon to be an adult!"

Hearing this, Su Mo frowned, and Truth and the others all looked strangely.

Asking if you are in school, what does it have to do with whether you are an adult or not? ! !

Truth and Saya looked at each other, and they both saw what the other was thinking now.

"Another enemy!!!"

At this moment, Tsugami Shoichi came over.

"Hello! I'm Shoichi Tsugami!"

"Please take care of me in the future!!!"

Hearing this, Truth asked with some doubts:

"Shoichi Tsugami? Isn't your name Tetsuya Sawaki???"


Shoichi Tsugami and Mau Kazetani were both surprised, could it be that!

This girl with a baby fat and cute face, knew the former Tsugami Shoichi? ? ?

"you know me?"

Tsugami Shoichi asked hastily.

Truth frowned slightly, did he admit his mistake?


The appearance of this man is exactly the same as that of Ze Muzhe that he met on the Tianliang last time, and he also has this special stupidity, how could he not be the same person?

He looked at Su Mo, Sha Ye, and Jie Hua suspiciously.

"Have we met him?"

Saya and Yuhua looked at each other and nodded.

The shapeshifter of Kamen Rider Agito, it hasn't been long since that happened.

How could they forget.

Su Mo didn't respond, but looked at Shoichi Tsugami.

"You lost your memory, right?"

Hear it!

Shoichi Tsugami was shocked again, you know this? ? ?

"Yes! Excuse me...how did you know me?"

"Have I been friends with you before?" 843

"No wonder I always feel that I see you very familiar..."

Shuhua, Ganqiao and the others pricked up their ears, they were not at the scene of the Tianming incident.

So very curious.

"It's like this. Not long ago, my uncle, that man just now, his name is Misugi Yoshihiko, when he was playing with his son Taichi at the beach, he saw Shoichi lying unconscious on the beach!"

"After he woke up, he found that he had lost his previous memory."

"Because he had an envelope in his pocket that said the addressee was Shoichi Tsugami."

"So we thought that was his name ... but looking at it now, that's not the case."

Lost memory, met by chance, and was waited back to Misugi Yoshihiko's house?

Truth and the others suddenly realized, in this case, it can explain why Tsugami Shoichi didn't know them.

"Did you know Xiangyi before?"

After briefly explaining the relationship between himself, Misugi Yoshihiko, Misugi Taiichi, and Tsugami Shoichi, Kazetani Mau asked curiously about how the man who was taken in by accident would know this man with his new neighbors after moving. She was also surprised by this incident, which was really a coincidence.

It's like fate...

However, Su Mo and the others shook their heads together.

"Although we do know Tsugami Shoichi who used to be Tetsuya Sawaki, unfortunately, we only knew him for a few hours, and we were not his good friends before."

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