Su Mo paused, then continued to speak softly:

"We met Sawaki Tetsuya on a ship named Tianliang."

"That boat was quite normal at first, but then suddenly there was an accident. I think Tetsu Sawaki became Shoichi Tsugami after that accident."

He didn't directly say things like Kamen Rider Agito and Water God.

After all, Fenggu Zhenyu is still an ordinary person now, so tell her these somewhat "magic" things.

It is estimated that she will not be able to accept it for a while.

Well, although in the future life, she will definitely find out about Shoichi Tsugami's past.

I will also know that I am waiting for others to be unusual...



"I heard about this incident. According to the investigation of the police officers later, it was said that the passengers on the ship had encountered terrible things, so they even lost their minds (ajdh), and often said that some police officers could not hear them. If you understand the words, what the hell is that accident?"

Fenggu Zhenyu had seen reports about the Tianliang incident on the news. Many people knew about it, but no one knew what the so-called accident was.

"Oh, it's not a good thing anyway."

"For your physical and mental health, it's better not to know about real fish."

Su Mo smiled, subconsciously stretched out his hand and gently touched Zhenyu's small head.

As a result, as soon as he made this action, he noticed four death gazes beside him.

So decisively withdrew his hand again.

"Sorry, sorry!"

"got used to!"

A little embarrassed and Fenggu Mayu said apologetically.

When everyone heard this, the corners of their mouths twitched.

got used to? ? ?

The scumbag did it! ! !

However, as Fenggu Mayu who was killed by touching his head, he didn't show any expressions of dislike or disgust because of this.

On the contrary, her shy look made her already delicate and beautiful face even more charming.

Seeing this, Sho Tsugami was instantly filled with question marks.

Don't you really hate scumbags?

How come...

Just when everyone had different thoughts, not far away was a man running towards Su Mo and the others crazily. In that man's hand, he was still holding a red unicorn-like thing tightly.


"elder brother?!!"

Seeing the person coming, Tiandao Shuhua shouted in surprise.


When she saw the creature following her brother, she became worried again.

The little face instantly paled.

He quickly looked at Su Mo beside him.

"Brother Su Mo! It's a Zerg!!!"

Zerg? ? ?

Everyone at the scene frowned, and all looked at the back of the Director of Heavenly Dao!

There, there was a zerg covered in blue chasing towards the Director of Heavenly Dao.

But looking at the appearance of Tiandao Chief Director, his face is so excited, it doesn't look like he is running for his life! ! !

"This... what is this???"

As an ordinary person, Feng Gu Zhenyu's beautiful eyes widened in surprise.

Subconsciously took a few steps back in the direction of Su Mo and the others.

Tsugami Sho froze in place for a moment, a vague memory emerged in his mind.


I have seen something like this before.

At this moment, another man appeared in everyone's sight!

It was a guy who was very unfamiliar to everyone at the scene, and he was chasing the ladybug and zerg in sweat.

"Hey hey hey! That guy! How about you use the Kabuto insect instrument to transform and fight."

"Otherwise, you return the things to me!!!"

The man yelled desperately, his tone full of anger and helplessness.

He was chasing Zerg, and Zerg was chasing Tiandao Chief, and Tiandao Chief was:

"Su Mo! You are back as expected!"

"Hahahaha! It's really suitable to come back!!!"

"Sure enough, I am the one who was really chosen!!!"

The director of Tiandao shouted excitedly while running towards Su Mo and the others.

He completely ignored the Zerg and the strange man behind him.

"Oh, it's really troublesome."

"God, since you want to be beaten, then I will satisfy you."

Su Mo said with a little helplessness, and then took the initiative to walk towards the head of Tiandao with an arrogant step that his relatives did not recognize. Hearing the words, the head of heaven, who had come not far from everyone, snorted coldly and said:

"Being beaten?"

"Su Mo! The me now is not the me I used to be!"

"There is only one name that everyone should remember!"

"That is......"

"Director of the Heavenly Dao!!!"

The head of the Heavenly Dao shouted, holding the Kabuto insect instrument in his hand and raising it to the sky.

A metal belt appeared around his waist at some unknown time.

Next up!

Install the Kabuto insect instrument in the slot of the belt without hesitation!

next moment! ! !

Starting from the belt, a huge energy surged out, instantly spreading all over the body of Tiandao Chief Secretary, and a set of red and silver metal armor appeared materialized! ! !

It has a V-shaped mark on its head, and its compound eyes are blue.

On the whole, the armor is very thick and the defense is good.


Fenggu Mayu's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

She didn't expect that this man who looked very secondary could transform into an armored warrior!

What makes Fenggu Zhenyu more concerned and worried is that.

Su Mo wants to fight such a guy? ? ?

Wouldn't that be very dangerous? ? ?


Next, something that shocked Fenggu Zhenyu even more happened! ! !

I see!

Facing the transformed Heavenly Dao Chief Director, Su Mo did not show the slightest fear.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at the ladybug and zerg who came not far behind the head of Tiandao!

"It's better to clean up the miscellaneous fish first."

Su Mo said calmly, flipped his palm, and a black and blue gun-shaped weapon appeared in his hand.


"what is this?"

Tiandao Shoji, who has transformed into Kamen Rider Kato-Kamen form, suppressed the excitement and excitement in his heart, and looked at the Diend drive in Su Mo's hand with great interest.

"Of course it's fun stuff."

Su Mo smiled lightly, the smile on his face was still so charming.

of course!

In the eyes of the Director of Heavenly Dao, he still deserves a beating.


I don't know where to draw out a knight card, Su Mo unhurriedly slid the front terminal of the Diend drive, inserted the knight card in his hand, and then!

Aim at the ladybug not far away, and pull the trigger fiercely! ! !

next moment!

In people's expectant and curious eyes!

A figure of Kamen Rider appeared out of thin air! ! !

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