Kamen Rider Imperial Knight! ! !

Appear again! ! !

"So handsome!"

When Fenggu Zhenyu saw this, his beautiful eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.

Shoichi Tsugami on the side fell into memories again.

This set of magenta armor is really hard to forget.

He understood that he had definitely seen Su Mo's current Kamen Rider form with his own eyes.

But when did you see it...and what happened, did Su Mo transform?


What is the so-called accident? ? ?


"Kamen Rider... Imperial Knight?"

"Dare to be called Emperor Qi, his strength should be very strong, but Jiadou..."

Tian Suoxiu frowned as he looked at the Emperor Qi and Jiadou in the surveillance screen.

If he was really asked to choose a guy who could win, he would definitely choose Jiadou.

After all, Jiadou is a product of their ZECT, although the shapeshifter is an outsider.

But at least part of them belong to ZECT.

And that Kamen Rider Emperor Qi, whether it is the transformation equipment, or the transformation person himself.

Tian Suoxiu felt very strange.

Therefore, he personally hoped that Director Tiandao could use Jiadou's power to defeat Su Mo.

But for some reason, Tian Suoxiu always felt it.

It is impossible for the Director of Heavenly Dao to defeat Su Mo.

"It feels like recently, both the Kamen Riders and the weirdos have become extremely active."

Beside Misaki Yuzuki said softly.

Tian Suoxiu nodded.

"Yeah, the world is becoming more and more chaotic."


"Tell me in advance, today's battle, I will not show mercy!!!"

"Unless...you swear to stay away from tree flowers from now on!"

The Chief of Heaven clenched his fists.

He said words that made Tendao Shuhua extremely shy, and Kaga Meixin and others looked strange.

"Brother! What are you talking about?!!"

"How can it be for such a thing..."

"Really! I hate my brother the most!!!"

Tiandaoshu's pretty face flushed, and she stomped her feet in embarrassment and annoyance.

Covering his face with his hands, he yelled in dissatisfaction.


It's too much to want brother Su Mo to leave her! ! !

Shuhua has decided that starting today, she will punish her brother!

You must not talk to him for at least three days! ! !

"Shuhua, brother, I am doing it for your own good."

Although the director of Tiandao knows that if he does this, he will be hated by Shuhua, but...

For the happiness of Shuhua's life! ! !

He had to do it again! ! !

Absolutely don't let your cute little sister fall into the trap of a scumbag like Su Mo! ! !

Kagami's eyes became strange, so I said...

The reason for the fight between the Director of Heavenly Dao and Su Mo is because of...love? ? ?


"The knight system should be used by me!!!"

Kaga Meixin wanted to cry, he had made all kinds of preparations, but at the critical moment, someone snatched the Kabuto insect instrument away, but that person still looked like he was holding a cup, and it seemed very difficult do.

Regarding the battle between Tiandao Shoji and Su Mo, Kaga Meixin was very conflicted.

As Tian Suoyi thought, as a member of ZECT, he naturally hopes that Kamen Rider Koto can defeat other Kamen Riders and win.

But he really hated the Heavenly Dao chief who took the opportunity to transform himself, and wanted Su Mo, who is the Kamen Rider Emperor Qi, to beat him up hard! ! !


To put it simply, it would be great if Director General Tiandao and Su Mo could die together! ! !

"Stay away from the tree flower?"

"Heaven! It's been so many years, haven't you understood?"

"It's not that I've been entangled with Shuhua, but... Compared with you, Shuhua prefers to stay with me."

Su Mo chuckled and said calmly.

[Compared to you, Shuhua prefers to stay with me! 】

Su Mo's words instantly broke the defense of Tiandao Director-General, and he was furious immediately!


"This is absolutely impossible!!!"

The voice of the Director of Heavenly Dao fell, and he didn't want to continue talking nonsense with Su Mo.

He took a step forward and went straight to Su Mo to kill him.

Su Mo smiled, advancing instead of retreating, and also walked towards the Director of Heavenly Dao.

Next up!

The two fought fiercely together, dust flying and sparks flying! ! !

But after a while, a figure was sent flying out!

He fell heavily on the ground, and that figure was none other than the Director of Heavenly Dao! ! !

"Ahem... how is it possible!"

Director Tiandao staggered to his feet, feeling the pain all over his body, and looked at Su Mo in disbelief.

The moment he transformed into Kamen Rider Kato, he understood what Kato could do.

Jiadou has two basic forms.

One is the masked form. In this form, the defense power will be extremely high, which also means that the damage received will be reduced a lot, but even so... After the battle just now, the body of the Director of Heavenly Dao , There were still many more injuries, large and small.

Every punch of Su Mo!

Every kick, obviously just an ordinary attack, once it hits his body, it will immediately erupt with a terrifying power that seems to destroy the world, making it completely irresistible even in the masked form with strong defense !

It was only now that the Director of Heavenly Dao understood why the monsters Su Mo encountered before were all wiped out so easily by Su Mo. There was no way...his injury...

Too high! ! !

"Hundan, I can't go on like this!"

The director of Tiandao understands that although his masked form will have a high defense.

But the shortcomings are also very obvious, the speed is too slow, the consequence of this is.

Su Mo's attacks were basically unavoidable, and all of them were hit! ! !

It's fine if the damage is average, the problem is...

It hurts so much! ! !

Even if he is the Director of Heavenly Dao, he can't handle it! ! !

"In that case!"

0 ································································

Tiandao Shoji stretched out his left hand and pushed the corner of Kabuto's insect instrument to the right, the corner was in the middle.

Then electric current flickered all over his body, and part of the armor on his body separated.

Tiandao Shoji stretched out his right hand and pulled the horn of Kabuto's insect instrument to the right again! ! !

【Castoff! ! ! ] (Explosive armor!!!)

The central part of the Kabuto Insect Apparatus flashes with red energy light!

At last!

The armor that had been separated from the head of Tiandao disappeared!

A large part of the thick and hard armor has disappeared, and the current Jiadou is obviously much lighter.

Jiadou's iconic unicorn-like red horns finally appeared on the head! ! !

[Change Beetle! ! ! 】(The beetle transforms!!!)

Kamen Rider Kato - Rider Form! ! !

In this form, Jiadou will gain extremely fast speed, but his defense will decrease.

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