"Switch form?"

"I will too~"

Su Mo smiled lightly, stretched out his hand and took out a new knight card from the card box.

Throw it into the card slot of the drive without even looking at it!

next moment!

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Masque control!!)

[Dark Kabuto! ! ! ] (Dark Armor!!!)

It is also Jiadou, but the difference between Su Mo and Tiandao Director General is that.

One has red horns on top of its head, while the other...

It is black! ! !

The compound eyes of Tiandao Director General are blue, while Su Mo's are yellow! ! !


"how is this possible?!!"

"Two Armor Fighters?!"


"Why can he also transform into a Jiadou?!"

Seeing Su Mo transforming into a dark armor, whether it is Kagami Shin, Tian Suo Shuichi, or Misaki Yuzuki.

Or Fenggu Zhenyu and the others were all shocked.

They didn't expect Su Mo to be able to transform into a Kamen Rider Emperor Qi.

It can also transform into a Jiadou like the head of Tiandao! ! !

Although the director of Tiandao had known for a long time that Su Mo could transform into other Kamen Rider forms.

But when something like account hacking happened to him face to face, the director of Tiandao still inevitably felt depressed. At this time, he not only understood the strange people who fought against Su Mo.

I understand Hidaka Hitoshi, the ringing ghost, better! ! !

When Su Mo transformed into a ringing ghost in front of him...

He must be feeling very uncomfortable, right? ? ?


"I can't believe it, you can even do this!"

The voice of Tiandao Director-General fell, gathered the energy in the body, and shouted:



Everything around him seemed to have stopped in time.

But in fact, it's just that the speed of Tiandao Director-General has been accelerated countless times!

Just when the head of Tiandao wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to attack Su Mo.


"I... am omnipotent!!!"


Su Mo, who was still very sluggish, returned to normal in an instant, and he didn't even know if it was an illusion.

Director of Tiandao even felt that Su Mo's speed was faster than his own! ! !

Director of Tiandao felt a little headache, even Su Mo possessed the ability to speed up.

If this is the case, then it can only be head-to-head...

With this in mind, Su Mo's figure suddenly appeared in front of him.


A fierce punch came over! ! !


At the same time, the office of the president of Tokyo Brain Group.

"What did you say?"

"Aonuma is dead, even Kitazaki is dead?!"

As the new president... oh no!

To be precise, the acting president Kyoji Murakami stood up abruptly from her seat, her eyes widened, and she looked at the new secretary she had just accepted in front of her in disbelief.

Wearing a short blue tight-fitting dress, the woman with heavy makeup on her face showed a frightened expression.

"Yes, it is!"

"Master President, although this matter is incredible, but..."

"I dare not deceive you~"

Murakami Xia'er naturally understood this, but it was precisely because of this.

He was even more shocked! ! !

It took a long time before I came back to my senses, and said coldly:


"Check it out for me!!"

"Look at what happened. If it's just Hanakata, it is absolutely impossible for Kitazaki to die somewhere. Although he is strong, if Kitazaki wants to run, even Hanakata will definitely not be able to stop him!"

"Something unexpected must have happened!!!"


"Investigate where the three belts are now..."

"Yes! President!"

The secretary named SmartLady nodded repeatedly.

Murakami Kyo'er took a deep breath, and murmured with a gloomy face:



Chapter 84 Knight Kick Showdown!Neighborhood party?Monsters are coming! ! ! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

"Tap Tap..."

"Cough cough..."

The Director of Heavenly Dao retreated suddenly, coughing continuously.

Looking at Hei Jiadou in front of him, that is, Su Mo.

My heart can't help but be filled with despair and powerlessness! ! !

Although they are all Jiadou, Su Mo's speed and defensive power are obviously higher than his own!

And the damage that the attack can cause can be at least ten times the difference! ! !

How can I fight this? ? ?

"I can only watch the last blow!!!"

Director Tiandao took a deep breath, and quickly pressed the "full speed switch" on the Kabuto insect instrument with his palm.




[Rider Kick! ! ! ] (knight kick!!!)

next moment!

A huge energy surged from the red unicorn fairy horn, and quickly converged on the right foot of the head of heaven.

At the same time, Su Mo was not idle.

"Then, this is the final blow."

Before he finished speaking, a knight card appeared in his hand at some point.

With a random flick, the knight card automatically entered the card slot of the drive!

Immediately afterwards! ! !

[Final Attack Ride! ! ] (Final Attack Control!!)

[Ka-ka-ka-Dark Kabuto! ! ! ] (A-A-A-Dark Armor!!!)

[Rider Kick! ! ! ] (knight kick!!!)

Terrifying energy also appeared in Su Mo's right foot.


Su Mo and Director of Tiandao looked at each other, and rushed towards each other at the same time.

In the accelerated state, the speed of the two is extremely fast.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the other party.


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