Raise your legs high! ! !

Knight kicks! ! !

The two right feet covered by the armor "[-]" collided with each other in an instant...

And the result is...


In the accelerated state, the speed of Su Mo and the Director of Heavenly Dao was enhanced to the extreme, allowing them to perform various actions in a short period of time, but everything they did, in the eyes of outsiders, took less than a day two seconds.


Originally, they all saw that the head of Tiandao used the power of "acceleration" and stood intact in the form of a knight in armor, but in the next second, they saw the body of head of the sky fly upside down.

He fell heavily to the ground, and was forced to cancel his transformation state! ! !

The Kabuto insect instrument flew into the sky again and disappeared, the belt detached from the body of Tiandao Zongji and fell to the ground.

The head of Tiandao's face was pale, his eyes widened, and his face was full of disbelief and pain.

A look of defeat.

Su Mo, who was fighting against him, also released his transformation state, and said with a helpless expression:


"You said, why is this necessary?"

Seeing this scene, everyone at the scene was a little overwhelmed.

what's going on? ? ?

Didn't you just look like the battle was about to enter a white-hot stage?

How could the battle be over in the blink of an eye? ? ?

Everyone couldn't figure it out, they obviously watched the Tiandao Director General and Su Mo fight with their own eyes.

But I don't know why, I always feel like I missed some very exciting battle scenes.

"and many more!"

"Could it be..."

Kagami Shin's eyes suddenly brightened, and he thought of something.

At the same time, Tiansuo Shuichi and Misaki Yuzuki have already started to act.

"Slow down the surveillance video twice!"

Tian Suoxiu shouted.


Misaki Yuzuki quickly started to operate.

Soon, Tiansuo Shuichi and Misaki Youyue watched the double-slowed surveillance video.

But even if the speed was doubled, they still hadn't seen the complete wonderful battle between the Director of Heavenly Dao and Su Mo.

"According to Jiadou's data, the acceleration ability can increase the speed of Jiadou, but there is no accurate data record for how many times it can be enhanced. The reason why they completed the battle in an instant must be that both of them used acceleration. Ability, the speed is too fast, so we can't see the specific battle process with the naked eye!"

Tian Suoxiu paused, then continued:

"Slow down again, try five times this time!!!"

"it is good!"

Misaki Yuzuki swallowed, and began to operate curiously.

She also really wanted to know what kind of battle the Heavenly Dao General Director and Su Mo fought, and how the Heavenly Dao Director General was defeated when they couldn't see it with naked eyes! ! !

After a while, the five-times-speed surveillance video came out, but it surprised the two of them.

Even though the surveillance video has been slowed down by five times, two figures who are constantly fighting can be seen.

But still...

There is no way to see clearly! ! !

Just two vague figures.

"I still don't believe it! Five times won't work, then ten times!!!"

While talking, Tian Suoxiu began to operate by himself.

Under ten times the surveillance video, the two finally saw clearly the specific battle scene between the Director of Heavenly Dao and Su Mo.

Although it is still a little unclear, at least the battle process between the two can be seen.

Not particularly blurry.

"Ten times of slowing down, I can barely see their movements clearly. The acceleration ability of the knight system is really terrifying. What's even more terrifying is, what is the origin of this young man named Su Mo???

"Being able to transform into a Jiadou, and even defeated the real Jiadou..."

Tiansuo Shuichi and Misaki Yuzuki looked at each other, their eyes were full of surprise.


Tiansuo Shuichi and Misaki Yuzuki watched ten times the surveillance screen, and it was already the next thing.

Back to the time when the battle just ended, Kagami swallowed, trotted all the way to the middle of Tiandao Chief and Su Mo, took the knight belt on the ground in his hand, and glared dissatisfiedly at Tiandao Chief glanced.

Then his eyes lit up, and he looked at Su Mo with admiration.

"Then...well, do you have an idea to join us in ZECT?"

"ZECT is an organization created specifically to protect humans and the world, and to fight Zerg!"

"If you join us in ZECT, you will definitely achieve great results!!!"

Su Mo has such a powerful force, wouldn't it be a pity not to join ZECT?


Facing Kagami's new invitation, Su Mo just smiled and said in a flat tone:

"Not interested in."

Then he looked at the tree flower not far away.

"Tree flowers!"

"Take Tiandao back to rest, he should need your comfort and care very much now."

Shuhua heard the words and looked at the Director of Heavenly Dao who was lying on the ground with a disheveled face.

Dissatisfied with his hands on his hips, he snorted softly and said:

"I don't want you!"

"He is a bad brother, I don't want to comfort and take care of him!!!"

For some reason, he wants to fight brother Su Mo to the death!

I still want brother Su Mo to leave me, idiot brother!

I hate him the most! ! !

"Bad...bad brother???"

Hearing this, the director of Tiandao's eyes went dark, and he almost passed out.

Su Mo's physical harm to him was not as great as that of Shuhua's words.

"OK then."

Su Mo shook his head indifferently, and then led everyone back to his house.

Including Mayu Fenggu and Shoichi Tsugami.


Only the Tiandao Chief Director who was lying on the ground in a daze, and Kaga Meixin, who was a little disappointed by Su Mo's refusal to join ZECT, were left on the scene.

Looking at the backs of Su Mo and the others, the two sighed in unison.

Afterwards, they looked at each other subconsciously, and the two of them felt a little bit of sympathy for each other.

At the same time, a system notification sounded in Su Mo's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully defeating Kamen Rider Koto-Tiandao Shoji!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward: Kuraga Sublimation Pegasus Form Knight Card!!!"


In the evening, as a new neighbor, Yoshihiko Misugi decided to invite the neighbors to his house for dinner.

I also want to establish a good relationship with everyone as quickly as possible.

You can also learn about the neighbors around you, what kind of character and character they are like.

At the warm invitation of Fenggu Mayu and Tsugami Shoichi.

Su Mo and others naturally agreed.

Su Mo and the others agreed, and it was naturally impossible for Dao Shuhua to disagree that day.


A king who has been defeated and is still in a state of mental breakdown.

They could only be forced to participate in this "neighborhood gathering".

Except for the three of them, no other neighbors participated.

of course!

The main reason is that there are many empty houses on Su Mo's side, and there are not many people living there.

In some houses, most of them are elderly people with limited mobility.

Therefore, Su Mo's family and Tiandao's family are the neighbors of Misugi Yoshihiko and his family that are worth getting to know.

Oh, right!

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