Immediately afterwards, a series of energy bombs burst out from the weapon, and they all shot at the elephant Orfi Enoch who hadn't reacted yet, and countless sparks shot out instantly.


The elephant Orfienuo retreated uncontrollably with both legs, and screamed in pain.

Just barely stopped his figure, Su Mo has already come in front of him, and...

A new attack has launched! ! !

Putting the muzzle of the gun between the elephant's brows, Su Mo laughed like a devil.

"It's a pity, if you are in the human state now, if you shoot, you will die right away?"

"But... it's about the same now."

After the words fell, Su Mo pulled the trigger without mercy! ! !

Another series of energy bombs were shot out, not only this time, no one saw the energy bombs.

Because the muzzle of the gun was directly blocked on the elephant's head.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--!!!"

Shooting directly at the center of the eyebrows would have caused huge damage.

After all, although the elephant Orfi Enoch is now in the form of a weirdo, his head is still one of his fatal parts. In addition to Su Mo's talent - the power of idealism, all the damage caused will be multiplied by 10 times...

The pain Orfi Enoch the elephant is suffering now is unimaginable! ! !


It hurts to look at it! ! !

Truth and the others felt a little sympathetic to this poor Orfi Enoch.

I don't know anything, and I foolishly ran here to seek death...

That's horrible! ! !


Although the elephant Ao Fei Enuo screamed miserably, Su Mo did not stop attacking just then.

Take advantage of his illness to kill him! ! !

While continuing to pull the trigger and shoot the elephant Orfi Enoch, he pulled out a knight card from the card box again and inserted it into the card slot of the drive! ! !

[Final Attack Ride! ! ] (Final Attack Control!!)

[De-De-De-Delta! ! ! 】(De-de-de-delta!!!)

[Lucifers Hammer! ! ! ] (Hammer of the Fallen Angel!!!)

The sound effects continued to sound, and the blasting gun in Su Mo's hand switched to:

[Pointer Mode! ! ! ] (cursor mode!!!)

[Ready! 】(Prepare!)

[Exceed Charge! ! 】(Energy filling!!)

Pull the trigger again, and what is fired from the blaster is no longer an energy bomb.

It's a purple cone-shaped energy body like an electric drill! ! !

The purple electric drill was locked on top of the elephant Orfi Enoch's head.

Sensing the crisis, the elephant Orfienuo panicked instantly and shouted:

"do not want!"

"I don't want to die——!!!"

The body changed instantly, and the body of the elephant Orfienuo became huge, and his hands and feet were on the ground. From the outside, he looked more like an elephant. This is another state of him.

Advance! ! !

The body has grown huge, and the realm has also been raised to the peak of the intermediate level! ! !

at the same time!

Su Mo also jumped up into the air.

With a flying kick, it pierced the elephant Orfienuo's body together with the purple electric drill! ! !


The screams that resounded through the sky resounded! ! !

When Su Mo fell to the ground with his back facing the elephant Aufienuo, red flames spontaneously ignited on the body of the elephant Aufienuo behind him, and a purple Δ emblem appeared around his body! ! !

At last!

The huge body of the elephant Orfi Enoch turned into dust, fell to the ground, and drifted away with the wind! ! !

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully eradicating the elephant Orfienuo!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward: knight transformation qualification!!!"

[Name: Knight Transformation Qualification! 】

[Effect [-]: Allow others to gain the ability to use any Kamen Rider drive without side effects!You can get rewards by defeating the enemy host in battle! ! ! 】

[Effect [-]: People who have obtained this qualification will be [-]% loyal to the host, and there is absolutely no possibility of betrayal! 】

After a systematic introduction, Su Mo understood.

The reward this time is actually a variant follower summoning card.

Same [-]% loyalty.

The difference lies in the eligibility for knight transformation.

Followers may not be able to unconditionally use the Kamen Rider drive to transform.

But this one works.

There are still many candidates who can obtain this qualification.

Truth, Shaye, Blossom, etc.

Especially now that he has Faiz, Kaixa, and Delta in his hand, the three knight belts that have conditions for use, the reward for this qualification is even more important.


Who is it for?

Su Mo, who was released from the transformation state, kept looking at the three girls of truth.

In the end, Su Mo's eyes locked on Saya.

Yuhua possesses the power of Crane Aufienuo, and whether she has a knight belt or not is actually the same.

Truth this fool compared to Saya...

Saya, known as the most suitable user of Delta, is obviously more suitable to obtain the 843 knight transformation qualification.

While thinking this way, he walked towards his original seat.


At the same time, his eyes were always on Saya.

This made Sha Ye's pretty face flush, and she was both puzzled and shy, but also a little proud!

did you see?

There are so many people, but Brother Su Mo only looks at me! ! !

Su Mo's direct "staring" at Saya naturally made Truth very angry.

Fenggu Zhenyu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

Only Jiehua is still calm, jealousy is always her least reaction.

Truth first, Saya second.


"This is the end???"

Even though Su Mo had returned to his seat, Misugi Yoshihiko still hadn't recovered.

Looking at Su Mo who was flirting with Zhen Zhen and others again, his eyes became suspicious.

That cold and powerful Kamen Rider just now is really this scumbag Su Mo? ? ?

"Instakill! Isn't this too handsome?!"

Misugi Taichi was not stingy with his admiration, and looked at Su Mo excitedly.


"The more you understand, the more you can feel his strength."

"This kind of person must join ZECT!!!"

Kaga Meixin thought so, and showed a fawning face again, as if licking a dog, filled Su Mo's empty cup with drink, and the head of heaven sitting next to him was even more disheartened sighed.

Su Mo's really too strong! ! !

How could I beat him? ! !

At this moment, Su Mo's voice rang in his ears.

"Hey! God! Isn't it, you, as a king, can't do this?"

Hearing this, the Director of Heavenly Dao raised his head with a dark face, and retorted rather dissatisfied:

"I'm not the one who pushes the king to push the king!"

For so many years, Su Mo, the hateful guy who snatched his lovely sister, has been calling himself this somewhat "inexplicable" name, which is really too much! ! !

Su Mo didn't care, just smiled and said:

"Didn't your grandma say this? Failure is the mother of success. If you give up after one failure, then you will never succeed. But if you learn the lesson and get up from where you failed and continue to work hard, then you You will be getting closer and closer to success!!!”

Hearing this, the Director of Heavenly Dao was stunned for a moment, and then his confused eyes lit up with splendor.

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