"Failure is the mother of success?"

"That's right! My grandma said that!"

"Yes! I am the protagonist of this world!"

"As the way of walking the sky, the chief director of everything!!!"

"I will never fall down here! Just wait, Su Mo! Sooner or later, I will defeat you with my own hands!!!"

The director of Tiandao stood up abruptly, pointed at the sky with one hand and shouted at Su Mo.

Su Mo responded with a smile: "Then I will wait and see."

The girl named Tiandaoshuhua whispered: "Did I remember it wrong? Grandma obviously didn't say such a thing..." A certain Tsundere ignored everyone's conversation, and focused on blowing cold with her mouth With the hot soup in front of me.

Chapter 86 Saya's Qualifications!Secretary Izzy?The new president of Feidian Smart? (Kneeling to subscribe~)

The next day, Brain Intelligence Group, in the president's office.

"Master President~"

"It's been investigated!"

The secretary named SmartLady, with heavy make-up, stood respectfully in front of Kyoko Murakami and said.

"Tell me what's going on."

Kyoji Murakami tapped her fingers on the desk lightly and asked in a flat tone.


SmartLady responded with a cry.

Then he began to tell the man in front of him all the things he had investigated.

"It was not Hanakata who defeated Kitazaki and Aonuma, but a boy named Su Mo. He controlled a special power called Kamen Rider Emperor Qi. He could not only transform into other Kamen Riders, use their power, and He can summon monsters to fight for him!!!”

"According to the location of the three belts, it has been confirmed that the location of the three belts is in the house under Su Mo's name. In addition, the elephant Orfi Enoch you sent to test yesterday was used by Su Mo on the spot last night. wiped it out."

Speaking of this, SmartLady showed a frightened expression.

Even though she was just investigating, she didn't face the boy named Su Mo in person.

It can be seen based on the information she has obtained so far.

Su Mo is obviously a terrifying demon in human skin! ! !

"Su Mo..."

"Able to use the power of other Kamen Riders, and also able to summon monsters to fight for him."

"Being able to defeat Kitazaki is a proof of his strength."

"This kind of existence is really difficult to deal with..."

"However, there is no solution."

Murakami Kyo'er narrowed her eyes slightly, lost in thought.


There is no doubt that this is a very difficult guy.

The power he controls is beyond imagination!

If you are head-on, the price you need to pay to defeat the opponent must not be low.

After all, even the powerful Kitazaki was killed by the opponent...

"As a human being, there must be weaknesses and desires. How about this, you go to him."

"Whether it's money, status or women, as long as he asks, he can satisfy him to his heart's content!"

"It would be great if we could subdue him for our use, but if not... At least we should be friends with him, not enemies!!!"

"If it really comes to the point where you must become an enemy, then..."

"Even if he is difficult to deal with, I will definitely trample him to death with the momentum of thunder, so that he has no chance to react!"

Murakami Kyo'er said firmly, no matter what, the three belts must be taken back.


You have to find it too! ! !


SmartLady trembled when she heard what Murakami Kyoer said, and her face turned pale.


He looked at his president with a terrified and flattering expression, as if to say:

"Can I not go???"

Are you kidding me?

Let her negotiate with a demon like Su Mo face to face?

Isn't this letting yourself go to death? ? ?

Originally, SmartLady was terrified of members of Lucky Clover like Bei Qi.

In the end, Su Mo was still a more terrifying guy than Bei Qi.

How dare SmartLady go face to face with Su Mo...

Murakami Kyoji glanced at her with emotionless eyes.

"Don't worry, of course it's impossible for you to go alone."

"Besides, you don't necessarily become enemies with him. What's there to be afraid of?"

An awkward yet polite smile appeared on SmartLady's face.

Although that's true...


How could a demon who could kill Bei Qi not be afraid? ? ?

"By the way, go and get the car ready. It's time to inform the other members of Lucky Clover about Kitazaki's matter. I believe they will be very interested in this matter."

When Murakami Kyoer said this, a strange smile appeared on his face.

And SmartLady trembled all over. The four members of Lucky Clover are very powerful and terrifying characters. Although Kitazaki is the strongest, the other three members are very important to a person like SmartLady. Fear is no less.

I couldn't help feeling a little regretful in my heart.

If I had known she would not have resigned from the newspaper office, I would have been Murakami Kyo'er's secretary.


It is worth mentioning that SmartLady has another name.

Nanako Shimada.

I used to be an employee of a newspaper.



"Brother Su Mo asked me to come here early in the morning. What's the matter?"

At the door of Su Mo's room, a girl with a delicate face and fair skin blushed, thinking wildly.

She is Saya Kimura. She just woke up this morning when she received a mysterious text message from Su Mo.

【Dear fiance: Saya, come to my room. 】

Early in the morning, carrying other people on their backs.

Suddenly let Sha Ye, who is his fiancee, come to Su Mo's room alone.

In addition, I heard that boys will unconsciously become stronger in the morning.

How could this not make Sayedo think too much?

With apprehension and anticipation, Sha Ye raised his hand and gently knocked on Su Mo's door.

"Boom boom boom --!!!"

Soon, Su Mo's deep and magnetic voice sounded in the room.

"come in."

Saya took a deep breath, and after making mental preparations, she slowly opened the door and walked into the room.

As a result, seeing the situation in the room, her beautiful eyes widened uncontrollably and she yelled:

"She...who is she?!!"

I see!

In Su Mo's room, Su Mo was not the only one!

There is another person, a woman!

A beautiful and cute girl with short hair that I have never seen before! ! !

Not the truth and not the flower! ! !

Why did other strange women appear in Su Mo's room early in the morning?

And Su Mo sent a special message asking him to come over? ? ?

Could it be that......


But! ! !

Even as a fiancée, I can't agree to such a thing, right? ? ?

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