Izzy didn't understand what was wrong with him, since he had just started working not long ago.

Is it going to be broken?


On an uninhabited beach somewhere, suddenly the sand and dust in an area gathered together.

And gradually formed a human figure.


With a flash of white light, the dust disappeared and replaced it!

It is a wretched and ferocious male face.


"She must be mine! Definitely!!!"

"Su Mo! Damn you——!"

"Just wait, sooner or later, I will defeat you with my own hands, hahahaha!!!"

"The truth is mine, it's mine-!!!"

The suddenly revived man (Qian Zhao) kept shouting crazily.

Two names appeared repeatedly in the mouth.

Truth and Su Mo! ! !



"Why do you all look at me like a scumbag?"

"I said it all! Izzy is just my secretary! The reason why she appeared is to help me deal with a big company called Fidian Intelligence in the future. I am the next president of this company!!! "

In the eyes of Truth, Tendao Souji, and Misugi Yoshihiko who looked at him with disdain as if they were looking at a scumbag!

Under the admiring eyes of Misugi Taiichi and Kaga Meixin, they seem to be looking at a scumbag! !

And in the eyes of Kanqiao, Kiba Yuji, Cilang, Woz and others who are accustomed to seeing scumbags! ! !Su Mo finally couldn't take it anymore, and shouted quite dissatisfied.


"Ah yes yes yes!"

"We believed it!"

Truth and the others immediately showed perfunctory expressions.


And the heir to the president of the company!

They haven't even heard of the so-called Feidian intelligence, have they? ! !

And ah!

Su Mo's parents are obviously not big shots!

To have the right to inherit the property of the Kiba family is already amazing.

How could it be possible to still have the right to inherit the president of a company? ? ?

"Su Mo-jun! I believe in you."

Jiehua is still the obedient, well-behaved and gentle good Jiehua. No matter what, she will always stand by Su Mo's side, which makes Su Mo feel better. What's even better is:

"Mr. Su Mo, Izzy also believes in you!"

"Brother Su Mo, I'm also a closet!"

Izzy and Saya said so.


And Woz!

"Your Majesty the Demon King! The same is true for my subjects!!!"

Seeing this, Truth was dissatisfied and said to Saya:

"Saya! Why are you on the side of idiot Su Mo this time?"

Before Saya could respond, at this moment, a strange voice sounded.

"Well, is this Su Mo's home?"


Chapter 87 Su Mo's two fiancées?Everyone is single? (Kneeling to subscribe~)

"Well, is this Su Mo's home?"

Whether it's Su Mo, the Director of Heavenly Dao, or Misugi Yoshihiko and others.

They were all very unfamiliar with this female voice.

Everyone subconsciously turned their heads to look at the source of the sound, and it caught their eyes.

It is a tall, long-legged young woman with exquisite facial features, fair skin, beautiful appearance and Fenggu Zhenyu! ! !

"who are you?"

"Why are you looking for Su Mo?!"

Truth, who was already in a bad mood, saw a strange woman suddenly appear looking for Su Mo.

It put her in a bad mood.

Suspicious eyes kept looking at Su Mo and Miho Kirishima.

Even Lian Lianhua and Saya cast a jealous glance at Su Mo.


It doesn't matter if an Izzy pops up out of the blue...

Actually, two appeared in one day.

Even the best-tempered Yuhua couldn't stand it anymore.

Fenggu Zhenyu and Shuhua sighed together, damn it!

There are so many enemies! ! !



The woman with long black and smooth hair did not expect that as soon as she came here, she would enjoy the hostile eyes of the girls. She froze for a moment, looked at the crowd, and finally locked her eyes on the one sitting closest to the girls, who was also the guy on the scene. The most handsome boy in the world.

"Hello there!"

"You should be Su Mo, right?"

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Miho Kirishima!"


In the end, even Miho Kirishima couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

no way!

It is really difficult to say such things in front of so many people without changing your face.



Hearing this, everyone at the scene widened their eyes in surprise, and many people even focused their attention on the girl named Kimura Saya. They all knew that beside Su Mo, there was a fiancée. .

That is Saya Kimura!

But now...

Another fiancée appeared? ? ?

"Brother Su Mo!"

"Please explain!!!"

Sha Ye felt a little sad in his heart, and looked angrily at Su Mo beside him.

She was already thinking that this morning Su Mo chose to hand over the knight transformation qualification to herself.

Instead of handing them over to the truth.

Is it because Su Mo knew that such a day would come, so he gave himself compensation in advance? ? ?

"Cough cough!"

"Here, I suddenly feel dizzy. Go back to 847 and go to sleep. Bye~"

Su Mo gave a fake cough, pretended to be uncomfortable, and was about to leave the yard and walk towards his room.



"Brother Su Mo, you must explain clearly today!!!"

Sha Ye stretched out his hand angrily and grabbed Su Mo's arm.

Zhenzhen and Shuhua also grabbed his clothes together.

Seeing this, Jiehua and Izzy looked at each other, and the two of them actually blocked Su Mo's way.


Just now, there was a pair of Yuhua and Izzy who focused on Su Mo in everything.

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