
"Don't come here!!!"

Qian Cangwei retreated back and forth in fear, but with a flash of Su Mo's figure, he was already behind him.

Hold the control card box sword tightly, and slash fiercely! ! !

The sharp blade cut on Asakura Wei's back.

Sparks flew everywhere in an instant, and a sharp pain came from Wei Asakura's back.


The unspeakable pain made Asakura Wei subconsciously scream, but it's not over yet!


just started! ! !

The arms kept waving, and the blade slashed at Wei Asakura's body continuously.

Sparks splashed, screaming again and again! ! !

At the same time, Kitazaki, Miho Kirishima and others also surrounded him! ! !

Immediately afterwards, in the mirror world, a very vile gang fight happened! ! !

Participants: Su Mo, Kirishima Miho, Kitazaki...

Victim: Wei Asakura! ! ! .

Chapter 90 Kill Asakura Wei!Kirishima Miho's bond!Sister resurrected? ! ! (Kneeling to subscribe~)



Another punch hit Qian Cangwei's head fiercely. Qian Cangwei's eyes flashed with stars in an instant, and he fell to the ground unsteadily. Before he could react, Su Mo stepped on his back back.

And continue to control the card box sword and continue to carry out very cruel attacks.

Wei Asakura screamed again and again, in great pain.

He wanted to stand up, but Su Mo's back was like a mountain, and it was very difficult for him to even breathe.

at this time!


The deafening dragon roar sounded, accompanied by a miserable howl.

Wei Asakura suddenly felt that the strength in his body was weakened, and the connection with something disappeared.

Enduring the severe pain in his back, he raised his head and looked not far away!

There, as his contracted beast, the Viper King was being attacked by two giant dragons, two white-winged swans and one of its kind, the Viper King! ! !

The situation is very bad, the life of the poisonous snake king has reached its limit.

A divine dragon named Dragon Crimson Dragon swayed its tail, and the poisonous snake king was amputated at the waist. The huge body was cut into two halves, and then turned into a little bit of starlight and disappeared in this mirror world.


Asakura Wei's only helper was also killed.

And the death was very miserable.

This made Asakura Wei think about his next fate.

The Viper King couldn't withstand the joint attack of so many contracted beasts.

He Asakura Wei...

It is also impossible to withstand the gang fights of Su Mo and others! ! !

and so!

If you can't escape...

Then I can only beg for mercy! ! !

Although begging for mercy would be embarrassing, but if you keep the green hills alive, you won't have to worry about running out of firewood!

Only when people are alive can there be hope for the future.

If he Asakura Wei died here, it would be too bad.

Thinking about it this way, seeing Su Mo wiped his sword, he wanted to slash at him.

Hastily shouted:

"I lost!"

"forgive me!!!"

"As long as you can spare me, you can let me be a cow or a horse!!!"

Hearing these words, Su Mo paused, and said in a playful tone:


"Is what you said true?"

Seeing this, Miho Kirishima thought that 09 Su Mo really had a plan to spare Wei Asakura's life.

Hastily said:

"No, Su Mo, he is not trustworthy!"

On the way to find her fiancé Su Mo, Miho Kirishima also found out the complete identity of Wei Asakura.

Knowing that Asakura Wei was once a prisoner.

Sit in prison for ten years! ! !

The day she killed her sister was when Asakura Wei had just come out of prison.

After ten years in prison, he killed people as soon as he came out.

How can such a guy be trusted? ? ?

Forgive him this time, what if Asakura Wei finds a chance to revenge Su Mo in the future?

Whether it's for my sister, or for Su Mo and the others.

Miho Kirishima didn't even want to spare Wei Asakura.

Seeing Su Mo's interest, Qian Cangwei's eyes lit up, there is a chance!

Hastily said out loud:

"of course it's true!"

"As long as you can spare me this time, don't talk about being a bull."

"Even if you treat me like a dog, there is no problem!!!"

When Truth outside the Mirror World and others heard the words, Qiqi showed contemptuous eyes.

This guy...

What a disgusting thing! ! !

"Do you think Su Mo will spare this guy?"

Kaga Meixin couldn't help feeling a little worried, what if Su Mo really believed what Asakura Wei said?

"Hmph! Although Su Mo is an idiot, he is very smart in this kind of thing."

"He won't really spare this nasty guy. Don't forget, Wei Asakura killed the sister of the idiot Su Mo's new fiancée. In order to please Miho Kirishima, the new fiancée, he can't let Asakura go. Cangwei!"

At the end, Truth put her hands on her hips rather dissatisfied.


Stupid Su Mo, why do you have so many fiancees? ! !

"Wei Asakura, male, 25 years old, a manic patient, easily loses control of his emotions. He once served ten years in prison. When his sentence expired, he obtained the transformation equipment of Kamen Rider King Snake and escaped from prison. "

With short hair, Izzy's eyes were shining with blue light, and he said every word.


"He escaped from prison???"

Everyone's expressions changed when they heard the words. They thought Wei Asakura was just a bad guy who got the power of the Kamen Rider and started doing evil, but he didn't expect that before he got the power of the Kamen Rider.

A bad guy who has been in prison for ten years! ! !

"This kind of scum..."

The director of Tiandao narrowed his eyes slightly, already thinking, if Su Mo hadn't killed Qian Cangwei in the mirror world.

Then he will wait for Asakura Wei to return to the real world, and use the power of Jiadou to forcibly kill him! ! !

This kind of scum, living in this world, is really too dangerous.

If you let him go, let alone other people, at least Shuhua may be in danger.

Anyone who can threaten Shuhua's life should be damned! ! !

Woz flipped through the Advent Calendar, and seemed to see something interesting, he twitched his mouth, smiled and said:

"After escaping from prison, Wei Asakura brutally killed Kamen Rider Shiratori Miho Kirishima's sister for fun. When chasing and killing Miho Kirishima, he was easily crushed by His Majesty the Demon King. He begged for mercy in vain, and his life ended."

Hearing this, everyone at the scene breathed a sigh of relief.

[Begging for mercy is fruitless, life ends. 】

If that's the case, then, there's nothing to worry about.


mirror world.

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