"It's okay to treat me like a dog!"

The corners of Su Mo's mouth rose slightly, he raised his foot, and looked down at Qian Cangwei.

"Is it okay to be a dog?"

"I don't believe it, call twice to listen?"

The mountain on the back left, Qian Cangwei gasped, hearing Su Mo's words.

The face hidden under the King Snake's armor was instantly gloomy, and he cursed inwardly.

"Do you really want me to be a dog?"


"Just wait for me, you will see me in the future!!!"


Qian Cangwei took a deep breath and shouted towards Su Mo.


"Wang Wang Wang!!!"

It has to be said that this is a character, and this kind of humiliation can be endured.

"Master, are you still satisfied?"

After Asakura Wei finished shouting, he asked in a flattering tone.

He thought this would be enough, but...


"Did you not eat? You called so softly???"

Su Mo said in a cold voice, and immediately afterward, the Controlling Cassette Sword in his hand slashed out mercilessly!

Quickly slashed on Asakura Wei who hadn't reacted yet!

next moment!


Unspeakable pain came, and Wei Asakura screamed unbearably.

at the same time!

The body has also reached its limit, the King Snake card holder and the V-belt buckle are automatically separated from Asakura Wei's body, the figure of Kamen Rider King Snake disappears, his face is pale and painful, and the sweaty Asakura Wei human form appears in everyone's sight middle.

In this state, the pain from the injury on his body became more intense.

Asakura Wei almost passed out without being slowed down.

Enduring the pain all over his body, Asakura Wei knelt on the ground with his legs and propped his palms on the ground.

He raised his head and said with a strong smile:

"Master said yes!"

"My voice is too low!"

"I called again."

After the words fell, Asakura Wei exhausted all his strength and started to bark like a dog again.


"Wang Wang!!"

"Wow woof——!!!"

"Huh...cough cough..."

"Master, are you satisfied now? Can you spare my life?"

Su Mo gently stroked the blade of the Kahe sword with his palm, and said very casually:

"It's loud, but...it's too ugly."

"Let you be a dog, some are too sorry for the dog."

"Let's forget it. In this way, I will give you a chance to be hit by me as a human being."

"If you survive without dying, I will spare you."

After the words fell, Su Mo put away the control card box sword without waiting for Qian Cangwei to respond.

A new knight card has been drawn from the card box! ! !

Insert card!

read! !

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Masque control!!)

At the same time that the armor on Su Mo's body changed, Qian Cangwei finally came back to his senses, cursed secretly with a gloomy face, stood up with gritted teeth, and limped towards the distance.


"I can't die!"

"I will never die!!!"

He kept saying that he was hypnotizing himself like this, but in fact...

In his heart, he didn't have any expectations for the next thing.

after all......

If he was still in the transformation state of Kamen Rider King Snake, there might be a [-]% chance of being able to withstand Su Mo's blow, but now he is in a human state! ! !

A dying, seriously injured human body...

How could it be possible to resist Su Mo's blow? ? ?

At the same time, the magenta armor on Su Mo's body has been switched to a special green and black armor.

Around the neck, there is a bright red scarf.

Kamen Rider No. 1! ! !

Official debut! ! !

After the transformation was completed, Su Mo patted the shocked Kirishima Miho on the shoulder beside him.

She didn't expect Su Mo to be able to switch forms!

"Don't be dazed, let's go together."


Hearing this, Miho Kirishima was even more dumbfounded.

Wei Asakura's legs went limp, and he fell to the ground unexpectedly.

Angrily turned his head to look at Su Mo.


"You fool me?!!"

Su Mo frowned.

"Who played you?"

"I said take a blow from me, but I didn't say it was just a blow from me alone."

After the voice fell, he took a step towards Asakura Wei.

The red scarf around his neck fluttered in the wind.

Miho Kirishima finally came to her senses, with a beautiful smile on her face.

It turns out that Su Mo never thought of letting Qian Cangwei off from the very beginning! ! !

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand and took out an advent card from the card case.

Next up!

Insert it into the light sword-shaped snow-white summoning machine in his hand!


[Final Vent! ! ! 】(Finally coming!!!)

[Misty Slash! ! ! ] (Flying feather flurry!!!)

The huge and pure white-winged swan chirped, its wings flapped, and a storm swept across the scene in an instant.

The red scarf around Su Mo's neck fluttered even more vigorously.

At the same time, Qian Cangwei, who was lying on the ground, was also directly blown into the sky by the storm!

Then, Miho Kirishima drew out an advent card again.


read! !

[Sword Vent! ] (Weapons come!)

[Wing Slasher! ! ! ] (Wings chopping sword!!!)

A golden naginata weapon fell from the sky in the storm, and landed firmly in Miho Kirishima's palm!

Next up!

Miho Kirishima and Su Mo leaped into the air at the same time.

Let's attack Asakura Wei together! ! !



Asakura was in a panic, but he had no way to defend and evade.

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