He could only watch Su Mo and Miho Kirishima getting closer.



The exclusive card case of Kamen Rider King Snake on the ground suddenly shattered.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully eliminating the Kamen Rider King Snake - Wei Asakura together with Kamen Rider Shiratori-Kirishima Miho!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward: Kuuga Sublimated Titan Form Knight Card!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for forming a very high bond with Kamen Rider Shiratori-Kirishima Miho."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host reward: sister's recovery!!!"


When the battle is over, all contracted beasts, summoned monsters, and knights disappear.

Su Mo and Miho Kirishima also released their transformation status and left the mirror world.

Miho Kirishima, who killed Wei Asakura, was not too excited.


847 is a little sad.

Even if you kill Asakura Wei, you will avenge your sister.

so what?

The sister who depended on each other for life will never come back...


At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar voice sounded.

"Mi... Miho?"


? ?


Miho Kirishima was stunned, and subconsciously turned around to look at the source of the sound.


Those familiar gentle eyes, those exquisite facial features that are very similar to hers...

"elder sister?!!"

Miho Kirishima was dumbfounded, and quickly stretched out her hand to rub her eyes, but the person in front of her didn't disappear.

Instead, he still stood there! ! !

He hurried over and stretched out his arms to hug his sister.

There are entities!

And not the already cold corpse! ! !

Very warm, just like before! ! !

While Miho Kirishima was delighted, she was also a little scared.

What exactly is going on?

Could it be that he misses his sister so much that he has a mental problem? ? ?

As for sister Miho, she also did not expect that she would be able to see Miho Kirishima again.

she remembers...

I should have been killed by a man wearing python pattern clothes.

His eyes subconsciously looked towards the people around him.

"Excuse me... do you know what's going on?"

Hearing this, Truth and the others all focused their attention on Su Mo who was standing in their C position.

"Congratulations, you are back from the dead."

Su Mo smiled slightly, looked at Miho's sister and said softly.

"Back to life?!"


Not to mention the two sisters, Miho Kirishima, even Shinri and the others are in a very confused state right now.

Why did Kirishima Miho's dead sister come back to life? ? ?

At this time, Su Mo's loyal servant named Woz suddenly shouted:


"This is the power of all knights, the powerful ability possessed by the king of magic!"

"Death? For His Majesty the Demon King, there is no need to fear at all!!!"

"It's life or death, only His Majesty the Demon King decides!!!"

Woz looked at Su Mo with fiery eyes and great respect.

For his king, resurrecting just one person, what kind of big deal is that?

The ability possessed by His Majesty the Demon King is beyond the imagination of the world! ! !

"Although I don't know what's going on, but..."

"Thank you!"

Sister Miho looked at Su Mo gratefully, let go of her sister's embrace, and bowed deeply to Su Mo.

At this moment, Truth suddenly thought of something.

"Wait! Say that."

"Idiot Su Mo has another fiancée???"



Everyone was taken aback when they heard the words, as if it was really the case.

Kirishima Miho, who was still very happy at first, had an unnatural smile on her delicate and beautiful face.

Chapter 91 Opaz!the holiday is over!New transfer student! ! ! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

"So...you are Miho's fiancé?"

After sister Miho knew everything, she looked at Su Mo in surprise.

"elder sister!"

"It's you...not me..."

Miho Kirishima smiled bitterly.

Now that the elder sister was resurrected, the identity of the fiancée naturally belonged to her elder sister.

Even so, Miho Kirishima was a little bit disappointed.

But... my sister is also very important! ! !

You can't even give up your dependent sister for the sake of your fiancee status, right? ? ?


"What are you pretending, sister, I don't know what you think yet?"

"Anyone with a discerning eye can tell that you like Su Mo, okay?"

"According to the parents, it's just that their daughter has a marriage contract with Su Mo's parents. It's not clearly stipulated which daughter it is~ So, you can also be his fiance."

Do not!

To be precise...

But the two sisters can both become Su Mo's fiancée...

Thinking of this, sister Miho blushed slightly.

Although I thought so in my heart, I definitely couldn't say that on the surface.

After all, she just met Su Mo, her fiancé.

And Miho obviously likes Su Mo more than herself.

If only one person could marry Su Mo.

As an elder sister, she is of course willing to give up this candidate to her younger sister.


Hearing what her sister said, Miho Kirishima's pretty face flushed, and the blush continued to spread on her neck and behind her ears.

Saying this in front of so many people...

She would be really shy! ! !

Sensing the sights of "nuclear goodness" focused on him, Su Mo sighed helplessly.

What can he do?

Engagement or something.

This is something settled in the previous life, okay?

He can't do anything~

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