

Miho Kirishima and her sister also live in a house not far from Su Mo's house.

That's right!

Su Mo bought another house just for the two of them.

Now there are three houses under Su Mo's name.

The main house where he lives with Truth, Saya, Yuka, Izzy and others.

The second house where Ganqiao, Kiba Yuji, Shiro, Woz and others lived.

The house where the two sisters of Miho Kirishima lived.


"By the way, Brother Su Mo!"

"When will you and sister truth go to school?"

After making arrangements for the two sisters, Miho Kirishima.

Tiandao Shuhua suddenly thought of something, and asked Su Mo curiously.

"Go to school?"

Su Mo, who had returned to the living room of his house, frowned upon hearing this.

Only then did I remember that my current status in society is still a student.

Just as I was about to answer, the phone in my pocket vibrated suddenly.

Taking out his phone, Su Mo couldn't help shaking his head and laughing when he saw the caller's nickname.

"It's quite a coincidence."

After answering the call, a sweet female voice rang from the other side of the phone.

"Student Su Mo!"

"Today is the last day for you to ask for leave. If you don't come to class tomorrow, the teacher and the others will definitely be angry." On the opposite side of the phone screen, a beautiful girl named Hitomi Mochida with a ponytail said inwardly:

"I'll be sad too..."

Hearing what Hitomi Chida said, Su Mo nodded.

"I see, I will go to school with Truth and the others tomorrow."

When going to Meteor School to attend the class reunion, Su Mo, Zhen Zhen and others took a short vacation in school.

Today is the last day of vacation.


If Tiandaoshuhua and Hitomi Mochida hadn't reminded him, Su Mo would probably have forgotten about it.

After all, going to school is a matter for Su Mo, who is a time traveler and a Kamen Rider Emperor Knight transformation.

It doesn't matter at all!

The reason why I still go to school.

The main thing is to accompany Truth and the others so that they can have a complete life.

And in school, many interesting things can indeed happen.


"Then it's settled"~"

"Student Su Mo must come tomorrow, otherwise! As the class monitor, it's hard for me to explain to the teachers."

"Oh, by the way, there seems to be a new transfer student coming to our class tomorrow."

"It's really strange to say it. It's almost the end of the semester of the college entrance examination, and there are still transfer students."

Hitomi Chida's sweet voice sounded slightly puzzled, and Su Mo smiled slightly.

"Maybe it was because I was bullied at my original school."

"But these have nothing to do with us, so..."

"Michida-san, see you tomorrow?"

Hitomi Mochida on the opposite side of the phone screen quickly responded:

"makes sense!"

"Student Su Mo! See you tomorrow!!!"


After hanging up the phone, Su Mo touched Shuhua's little head.

"Here, did you hear that too?"

"I'm going to school tomorrow."

Shuhua smiled happily.


"Finally going to class with brother Su Mo again!!!"

Ever since Su Mo and the others asked for leave, Shuhua suddenly felt so boring in school.

Although there are Hitomi Mochida, Akira Tianmei, and Dreaming of Tomorrow.


Without Su Mo and the others, it felt like something was missing.

Now Su Mo and the others can finally go to class with her like before.

Tiandao Shuhua is naturally very happy.


A certain king who has graduated and returned to his home to train himself as a devil is naturally [-]% unhappy about this, but it's a pity... No matter how unhappy he is, there is nothing he can do! ! !



"The person who killed Kitazaki was this boy?"

In a place called Clover Bar, standing next to the wine cabinet, a tall, slender woman with a good face and a charming temperament is holding a goblet full of red wine gracefully in one hand, and gently holding a goblet full of red wine in the other hand. hold a photo.

On the photo, there is a handsome young man with a peerless face.

"Su Mo, a 17-year-old boy, was the first child who was adopted by the Huaxing Meteor School. After a few years, it was said that the inside of the Meteor School was attacked by strange people, and it was not Huaxing, but Su who wiped out these strange people. ink!"

"Since that year, Su Mo gained the power called Kamen Rider Emperor Rider, and left there with Sonoda Mari and Kimura Saya, who are also orphans of Meteor Academy, and settled in the city of origin."

"Later, Hanakata stole the three belts Faiz, Kaixa, and Delta made to protect the king, and held a class reunion at Meteor Academy. Su Mo and others arrived as scheduled. I got the news in advance and sent Kitazaki. Things are pretty sure, even if Hanakata is there, even if Kitaki can't beat him, it's not a problem to escape."

"But what I didn't expect is!"

"That guy Hanakata didn't show up, Su Mo killed Bei Qi by himself!!!"

"The three belts were also taken away by him."

"All of the above are true."

Murakami Kyoer, who was sitting on the chair, said with a flat face.

But from his tone, the charming woman named Kageyama Saeko still felt a bit surprised.

no way......

The news of killing Bei Qi or something is too unbelievable.

What is even more unbelievable is that the culprit is actually a 17-year-old boy! ! !

Saeko Kageyama narrowed her eyes slightly, and locked her eyes on Su Mo's face in the photo.

"Don't talk about strength, just talk about this face, it's really perfect."

Hearing Kageyama Saeko praise the appearance of a young man wearing white-rimmed glasses and holding a book in his hand, the gentlemanly young man frowned slightly.

"What's the use of looking good?"

"As for his strength...heh!"

"Anyway, I don't believe that a guy like Kitazaki will be killed by him. In my opinion, even if he really fought with Kitazaki, it must have joined forces with Hanakata to kill Kitazaki single-handedly... .I will never believe it!!!"

Saeko Kageyama put down the goblet, and gently stroked her red lips with her fingers.

"Zhao Mo, if you say that, won't you worry about being slapped in the face in the future?"

"After all, this information was collected by our new president fortunately."

"The accuracy is still extremely high."

Although Kageyama Saeko still has doubts about the news that Kitazaki will die, or even be singled out to death.

But this information was brought by Murakami Kyo'er, there was no need for him to deceive himself and others.

Lying to them would do more harm than good.

"Anyway, if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would never have believed it."

The gentleman named Itsuro Takuma said so.

Murakami Xia'er sitting on his left smiled indifferently, and said softly:

"In this case, why don't you go and see for yourself how strong Su Mo is?"

Sitting on the right side of Zhuo Mo Yilang, the tall, muscular black man kept silent all the time.

He just kept stroking the puppy gently in his arms.

I have to say that sometimes, it is indeed impossible to judge a person's character based on his appearance.


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