"This is the new transfer student in our class, named Fenggu Zhenyu!"

"How? It's beautiful, isn't it?"

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized that they were transfer students?

However, it seems that it is not the transfer student they knew before.

after all...

They had received news earlier that the transfer student in the class was a boy.

And the real fish in the wind valley in front of him, no matter how you look at it.

They're all girls, no doubt.

Many boys rolled their eyes angrily when they heard Su Mo's last words.

What's the use of being pretty?

It's obviously already yours! ! !

As soon as they saw Fenggu Zhenyu and Su Mo's close behavior, they understood.

There is no chance for others to wait for themselves.


He could only sit in his seat cursing in his heart, and turned his head to look at the girls in other classes outside the window.


After discovering that the girls in other classes were also staring at Su Mo.

The corners of the boys' mouths twitched, and they simply closed their eyes and fell asleep on the table.


Out of sight out of mind! ! !

Although... it will still be annoying! ! !

The damn face-watching era! ! !


Soon, it's time for class.

A tall teacher walked into the classroom.

As soon as he came, he said to the classmates with a smile on his face:

850 "Today, the big family of our class will have a new member."

"Shall we give you a warm welcome?"

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and clapped first.

Seeing this, Hitomi Mochida and the others applauded together, and looked curiously at the door of the classroom.

They all eagerly want to know what this new transfer student looks like.

Get along well.

"Student Jing, do you know who the transfer student is?"

At this time, Truth couldn't help asking Tian Meijing who was sitting in front of herself, Su Mo and others.

Tian Meijing turned her head and glanced at Su Mo subconsciously, but the other party happened to be looking at her too.

Looking at each other, Tianmeijing blushed slightly, turned her head quickly, looked at the truth and said:

"I'm not particularly clear about the specific situation, except that the new transfer student is a boy."

"I just have one unverified gossip."

Truth, Shaye, Jiehua, and Shuhua all became puzzled when they heard the words.

Gossip? ? ?

"Student Jing, what kind of gossip is it?"

Shuhua blinked and asked in a low voice.

Tianmeijing looked at the door of the classroom and found that the new transfer student hadn't appeared yet.

He explained to Su Mo and others.

"It's like this. I heard that this new transfer student, the reason why he transferred to another school was because he was not welcomed in the original school. Not only the classmates, but even the teachers didn't like him. He is a very annoying guy, he was forced to change schools because he couldn't stay in the original school."


"There are still such people..."

When everyone heard this, Qiqi was a little surprised.

Not only hated by classmates, but also hated by teachers?

What about the transfer student...

Thinking of this, Truth and the others couldn't help looking at Su Mo.

I always feel that Su Mo and this transfer student are two opposite existences.

Whether it is with the classmates or the teachers, Su Mo is very fond of him.

But the transfer student was unanimously hated by his classmates and teachers.

"What a disgusting thing to do?"

Just when the truth and the others were guessing whether the transfer student was too ugly or had done something bad, a sound of footsteps sounded from the door of the classroom, and then, a figure came into everyone's eyes! ! !


This is a boy of seventeen or eighteen years old, with black hair and black pupils, not ugly, even handsome.

But the problem is...

His face and the way he looked at his classmates were (ajdh) full of condescending disdain and arrogance.


All the students, whether male or female, were filled with disgust for this transfer student.

Should I say that he really deserves to be the guy who was forced to transfer schools because he was disliked?

It was just a meeting, and he succeeded in making the students hate him.

The transfer student didn't notice the disgust of his classmates at all.

He went straight to the podium, and finally stood beside the female teacher, who was the head teacher of Su Mo and others.

Stand tall, while Su Mo and others are sitting on chairs.

Well, more condescending.

The transfer student glanced at the class members who were about to become classmates with him. When he saw Hitomi Mochida, Shinri and others, he was overjoyed. When he saw Su Mo, he couldn't help frowning.

Looking back, the transfer student snorted coldly and said:

"My name is Kiriya Kyosuke!"

That tone, that expression, is really disgusting to the extreme.

"Damn it...why is this guy so in need of a beating?"

Truth clenched her fists and looked at Kyosuke Kiriya on the podium with a frown.

She didn't know what was wrong with herself, the more she looked at this boy named Kiriya Kyosuke, the more she wanted to punch him in the face with her fist! ! !

"He's so attractive..."

Tomorrow Dream, who was sitting not far from Su Mo and the others, whispered.

A male classmate sitting in front of him nodded. In comparison, Su Mo seemed less annoying.

"So it's this guy...another Soka..."

Su Mo's expression was calm, and he recalled the information about Kyosuke Tongya in his mind.

A disgusting character created by a disgusting ghost, an ordinary character who cheats.

The "protagonist" who came out halfway is based on the original work of Kamen Rider Hibiki.

He is the guy who will replace tomorrow's dream as Hidaka Hitoshi's disciple, and finally gain the power of ghosts.

This guy is indeed a very annoying existence.


As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to provoke me or tell them the truth, then I don't bother to talk to him.

Just when Su Mo was thinking this way, the young man named Tongya Kyosuke had already stepped off the podium, walked straight to the seats of Su Mo, Zhen Zhen and others.

It is worth mentioning that the seats in the classroom are divided into five rows.

One row on the left, one row on the right.

The middle three rows are tables close together.

Su Mo sat in the middle, with Truth on his left, Jiehua on his right, and Saya, Tree Flower, and Real Fish behind him.

In front are Tianmeijing, Mochida Hitomi and an empty seat.

and so!

Seeing Kyosuke Tongya walking towards Su Mo and the others, everyone thought that the new transfer student wanted to sit in the empty seat next to Hitomi Mochida, and the female teacher who was the head teacher even smiled and said:

"Sit there?"

"It just so happened that I wanted you to sit there."

Many male students complained in their hearts.

Isn't it a pity that this seat is given to such an annoying guy?

Although it has been so long.

Everyone knows that Hitomi Chida and Tianmeijing have a good relationship with Su Mo.

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