It must be interesting to Su Mo.

Even if everyone sat next to Hitomi Mochida, they had the opportunity to communicate with the girls.

It is absolutely impossible to have anything to do with them.

But being able to sit near them is also a very happy thing for ordinary boys, okay? ! !


Unexpectedly, Kiriya Kyosuke... didn't stop at the empty space next to Hitomi Mochida.


Stop next to the knotted flower! ! !

What does it mean?

Everyone was shocked, and the head teacher directly reminded:

"Kyosuke-san, your seat..."

Before she finished speaking, Tongya Kyosuke locked his eyes on Su Mo.

The tone is very polite and said:

"Get up! I'm going to sit here!"


? ?


Hearing this, everyone at the scene, whether it was the students or the teacher, was dumbfounded.

There are obviously vacant seats, but you don't sit, and you insist on taking Su Mo's seat?


Even if you don't like that empty seat, you want to sit with Su Mo.

Can't you talk about it properly and discuss it properly? ? ?

What's the matter with the tone of this order, hello? ! !

"Hey hey hey! What are you thinking about?"

"Su Mo is sitting here well, why should he get up?"

"Also! If you don't want to sit in this seat, then you can go to another place to stand and listen to the lecture!"

Truth, who had been upset by Kiriya Kyosuke, slapped the table with both hands, stood up, and said in a very angry and cold tone.

"Oh, I'm not talking to you!"

Kiriya Kyosuke sneered without fear, and didn't bother to talk about the truth.

He looked at Su Mo again.

"How are you thinking?"

"If talking doesn't work, then I'll use my fists!"

Before he finished speaking, he raised his fist and acted like a very arrogant and threatening threat.

Seeing this, everyone became even more disgusted with Kiriya Kyosuke in their hearts.

This guy is crazy, right? ! !

"It's amazing!"

"Could it be that you still want to beat classmate Su Mo in front of all of us?"

"As the squad leader, I can't sit idly by!!!"

Akira Amami and Hitomi Mochida stood up at the same time, looking at Kyosuke Kiriya with unkind eyes.

Next up!

Even Lianhua, Saya, and Fenggu Mayu also stood up.


"You are so popular!"

"However, do you only stand behind girls with a face like you???"

Tongya Kyosuke was a little surprised, so many female classmates stood up for Su Mo.

not only!

He still didn't give in, and continued to challenge Su Mo.

The meaning behind the words is obvious.

Su Mo = boy? ! !

"Oh, I really don't understand, why do people always want to die?"

"I'm not that guy from Tiandao. I keep saying that I'm the sun, the center of the world, the protagonist and so on."

Su Mo shook his head helplessly, then stood up, with a playful smile on his face, looked coldly at the boy named Tongya Kyosuke, and said in a flat tone:

"So... how do you want to die?"

? !!

Facing Su Mo's cold gaze, Tongya Kyosuke was startled, and his legs took a step back uncontrollably.

Realizing how embarrassing he was, Kiriya Kyosuke blushed and became ugly.

"Damn it! You're looking for death!"

"It's just a student, do you think I will be scared if I say this?!"

"In this case, let's play a game."

"If I win, your seat will be mine."


"From now on, you can't say a single word to them!!!"

Kiriya Kyosuke said, pointing at the truth and the others.

Hear it!

Truth and their reaction are naturally great.

"Damn! Why?!!"

This guy actually wanted Su Mo not to talk to them? ? ?


Damn it! ! !

Yuka and Saya looked at Kiriya Kyosuke with killing intent.

If it weren't for the current environment being inappropriate, they would have already turned into hands.

Hearing Tongya Kyosuke's words, Su Mo suddenly realized that there was a conflict this time.

The main thing is to tell them the truth...


It's still a bit too hateful for him to be a boy sitting among all the beautiful girls.


Hate it, hate it, anyway...

You can't do anything about me.

Thinking of this, Su Mo smiled like a devil.

"Play a game with me?"


"I agree with your bet, but...if I win."

"From now on, every time you see me, kneel on the ground and kowtow three times before speaking."

Su Mo said in a flat tone, he didn't have the slightest fear of this sudden conflict.

no way......

Not to mention the current Tongya Kyosuke, he is just an ordinary person.

Even if he really gained the power of a ghost and became a member of Kamen Rider like Kamen Rider Hibiki in the later period of the original work, there is nothing to worry about, after all...

It's not like Su Mo has never killed Kamen Rider or something.

And Kiriya Kyosuke is also not afraid!

Su Mo is not afraid, he has confidence.

Kyosuke Kiriya......

It has an inexplicable self-confidence and courage! ! !

"Kneel down and kowtow?"

"Hehe! I hope you won't be beaten on your knees and begging for mercy in a while!!!"

After Tongya Kyosuke finished speaking, before Su Mo could respond, he clenched his fist and hit Su Mo directly.

Seeing this, everyone stared wide-eyed, unable to believe Kiriya Kyosuke's shamelessness.

isn't it?

You made a sudden move right now? ? ?

Sneak attack? ? ?

Shouldn't everyone agree on the time and place before starting the fight? ? ?

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