The young man whose identity was very extraordinary at first glance curled his lips and said impatiently.

The old man looked around, pointed to the church not far away and said:

"Master! It's in there. Our task today is to attend a wedding."

"During the wedding, there may be zerg."

Hearing the old man's words, the young man stopped, turned around, and corrected dissatisfiedly:

"Old man! It's an entrustment. What kind of task is it? It's as if it's something our superiors have entrusted us to do."

"This is an entrustment. They asked us to come and help them. Correspondingly, they will also pay a reward, although... I don't care much about the reward..."

The young man in the white tuxedo paused when he said this, and then stood on a stone.

Said in a very serious tone:

"Old man, you have to understand how powerful and famous our Diskabill family is, and how honorable and dazzling my identity as a direct descendant is, after all..."

"I want to be the one who aspires to be at the top in all fields!!!"

"Old man, let's not take this as an example. When you talk in the future, you should pay attention to your words!"

"Otherwise, I will be laughed at by others..."

"Although, whoever dares to make a joke, I dare to let his head fall!"

After the words fell, the young man named Shendaijian waved the sharp long sword in his hand, the cold light flickered, showing his sharpness!

"Yes! Young master!"

"I see!"

The old man didn't dare to refute, and nodded repeatedly.

"Well! That's right!"

"Let's go, let's go and see whose wedding it is, and it's worth my coming to attend in person."

Shendaijian smiled in satisfaction, 09 put away the sharp sword, and walked towards the gate of the church.

The old man hurriedly followed, but secretly worried.

He heard that the person who jointly planned the fake wedding with ZECT this time is not an ordinary person.

I hope the young master won't have conflicts with him...

if not......

But it's a big trouble!

The preoccupied old man followed the haughty Shendaijian to the church gate very quickly.

The church door is open.

So as soon as the two came, they saw the situation inside the church.

In the church, the lights were brightly lit, accompanied by a burst of familiar wedding BGM.

The seats on the left and right sides of the church are full of people. There is no doubt that these should be the family and friends of the bride and groom. Of course... there may also be ZECT members and Zerg mimics." Humanity".

"So... where's the groom?"

"It hasn't started yet?"

Shendaijian looked up and down the scene, then frowned slightly, and muttered to himself.

Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward and walked towards an empty space not far away.

The old man followed closely behind.

Soon the two sat down.

As soon as Jindaijian raised Erlang's legs, he heard the conversation between a father and son sitting in front of him.

"So, the real fish is helping a special organization called ZECT to catch monsters?"

"Yes, yes, it seems to be called Zerg, and it is not of the same type as the monster we saw last time."

"Even so...then there is no need for the real fish to be the bride, right? There are so many girls around that boy Su Mo, and it is not necessary for the real fish to be the bride of such a scumbag, even if it is fake. It's a shame!"

The middle-aged man who is the father said with a sigh.

It can be seen that he doesn't seem to like that man named Su Mo very much, um...

It should be today's groom.

But his son, the little boy, didn't have much aversion to it.

"What? Why did you suffer?"

"If Miss Zhenyu didn't want to, who could force her to fail? And ah..."

"You don't know, let her be Brother Su Mo's bride, she is so happy!!!"

Hearing what his son said, the middle-aged man's face changed, and he retorted dissatisfiedly:

"Hey, hey, where are you on?"

"Why are you still talking to that kid Su Mo? What is real fish? She is so happy. She is young. She likes Su Mo just because she is handsome. Alas, what's the use of being handsome these days... ..."

"Cut~Brother Su Mo is not only handsome, but haven't you seen his strength?"

His son pouted, and his tone was also very dissatisfied.

He seemed unhappy that his father looked down on Su Mo.

"Oh? I seem to have heard something incredible just now."

"Mr. Misugi Yoshihiko, I will truthfully report what you just said to His Majesty the Demon King."

Before Misugi Yoshihiko could say anything, the man sitting next to him, wearing a scarf and holding a black book - The Advent Calendar of Enchanted Demons, smiled kindly and spoke word by word.


Misugi Yoshihiko's face became embarrassing, bad!

Forget that there are many people around who are very loyal to Su Mo.

"Misunderstanding! This is all a misunderstanding!

"Woz, you misheard me just now, I didn't mention Su Mo, I was talking about the bastard Tai Yi!"

As Misugi Taichi said, he stretched out his hand and patted Taichi's head hard.

However, Woz didn't respond, just looked at their father and son with a nuclear smile.


Shendaijian, who was sitting behind the three of them, smiled, his eyes full of curiosity.

It sounds like the groom named Su Mo doesn't seem simple, does he?

I really can't wait to see you.

Just when Shendaijian thought so, there was a burst of unhurried footsteps.

At the same time, the chattering and laughing, bustling church instantly fell silent.

In the audience, there was only the sound of footsteps left! ! !

Shendaijian and others subconsciously looked towards the source of the sound - the door of the church.


Then I saw a beautiful young man wearing a white groom's suit, with an extremely handsome face, a noble and calm temperament, stepping on the red carpet, walking towards the innermost part of the church step by step.

"Is he Su Mo?"

Shendaijian's eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

Just the appearance and temperament, I seem to have lost...

"Old man, in this world, there is actually someone more noble than me!"

Shendaijian took a deep breath and said in a surprised tone.

The old man nodded subconsciously, then shook his head quickly.

"Master! Don't be sad!"

"It's normal. Although his appearance is more dazzling than yours, it's useless just to be skinny."

"You are far better than him in other respects!!!"

Shendaijian heard the words, chuckled and said:

"Sad? How come?"

"I'm just more excited, this is another field where I haven't reached the top!"

"Temperament can be cultivated, but appearance... How about it, old man, after you go back, you can contact me with the plastic surgery hospital in Kimchi Country. I heard that the plastic surgery technology there is the best!"

"I believe that after the plastic surgery, my appearance must surpass that of Su Mo, right?"

"As long as I surpass him, there will be no one in this world who can be stronger than me in terms of appearance!"

Shendaijian said confidently.

Hearing this, the corners of the old man's mouth twitched wildly.

Just as I was about to say, "Young master! This is unnecessary", but was forcibly interrupted by a series of shouts.

"Su Mo!"

"Su Mo!!"

"Su Mo!!!"

Everyone stood up excitedly, and looked at Su Mo with joy, respect, and admiration.

The guy named Woz suddenly came to Su Mo's side, knelt on the ground and shouted:


"This will be the first wedding of His Majesty the Demon King with the power of all knights!!!"


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