? ?


Hearing this, many people's expressions changed, including Shendaijian and the old man.

"The power of all knights? Knights???"

"So, does this guy also have the power of a Kamen Rider?"

"Interesting! I hope his strength in knighthood won't let me down!"

Shendaijian became more interested in Su Mo, no wonder that Misugi Taichi just said that Su Mo is not only handsome, but he also has the power of a knight...

The old man frowned tightly, the power of a knight?

As far as he knows, there are several knight belts in ZECT, but Ruosumo is a member of ZECT.

Those people, there is no need to deliberately say that this fake wedding was held jointly by Zect and others, and let themselves be optimistic about the young master, so that he will not cause trouble with others this time, right?

Just when the old man was thinking like this.

Su Mo had already stopped.

Glancing at the people sitting below, the corners of Su Mo's mouth rose slightly.

"It seems that some unexpected people came today."

Without paying too much attention, he chuckled and said:

"I won't talk nonsense, welcome everyone to my wedding!"


A figure appeared beside Su Mo, this is the priest!

Well, the priest named Tiandao has been staring at Su Mo's priest with murderous eyes! ! !

"Don't look at me, let the brides come out."

Su Mo frowned. If you look at me like this, others will think you are my bride.

Shendaijian nodded at first, but didn't find anything wrong.

But not long after...

"and many more!"


"What does this mean???"

Question marks filled Jindaijian's head instantly. This was the first time he heard the word "brides" at a wedding.

"Masaka?!!" (Could it be?!!)

Hearing the sound of Jindai Sword, Misugi Taiichi who was sitting in front turned around and said with a smirk:

"That's right! It's that Masaka!!!"


"The soul is light!"

Director of Tiandao gritted his teeth and clenched his fists, wanting to beat Su Mo to death who was so close.

The more he looked at Su Mo's face, the angrier he became.

Very meow!

For a fake wedding, wouldn't it be good to just find one of Truth, Shaye, and Yuhua to be the bride? ? ?

It turned out that this guy was fine, you're welcome, a fake wedding, all the girls were invited to be brides, and the truth didn't matter to them, the problem was...his lovely tree flower sister was also among them! ! !


"You wait, sooner or later you will regret it!!!"

Director of Tiandao took a deep breath, suppressed his anger, and said angrily.

Next up!

Facing Jindai Jian and the others, I just wanted to say something and let the brides come out.


"Brother! Why are you so slow!!!"

A lovely girl in a white wedding dress jumped up and down excitedly and appeared in the sight of everyone from the back door of the church. She is Tiandao Shuhua, the younger sister of the head of Tiandao, and also the bride of this wedding.


The bride is not alone!

After she appeared, one after another beautiful figures appeared in everyone's sight.

The Tiandao tree flower exudes youthful vitality all the time.

Sonoda Mari has a baby fat and cute face, but has a somewhat feminine personality.

Gentle but not completely like the black long straight girl Saya Kimura!

A pure and beautiful girl who is completely gentle and obedient - Nagata Yuka!

Miho Kirishima has a tall figure and eye-catching long legs!

The girl next door with medium-length hair is pure and lustful, the real fish of the 850 Wind Valley!

Wearing headphones, a short hair, a cute girl full of two-dimensional feeling - Izzy!

And... Misaki Yuzuki, who counts.

Misaki Yuzuki:? ? ?Am I so shameless? ! !





Shendaijian stared dumbfounded at the eight girls standing beside Su Mo with different temperaments, each with their own characteristics, and with extremely high looks. He was shocked to the extreme. What scene had he never seen in his life?

This kind of scene... I have never seen it before! ! !

They are all seven fairies, you eight brides? ? ?

Are you kidding me? ! !

Outrageous, outrageous!

Eight brides at one wedding...


"Poor real fish!"

Although Misugi Yoshihiko already knew that such a scene would appear, when he really saw such a scene.

Still couldn't help shaking his head and sighing, cursing Su Mo secretly!

"It's so pitiful, Dad, Miss Zhenyu is obviously very happy!"

Misugi Taichi held out his hand.

He pointed to Fenggu Zhenyu who was standing beside Su Mo, with a pretty face flushed, but a smile all over his face.

"What do you know?"

"Although the real fish is laughing now, but..."

"Forget it! I can't make it up anymore, brat! Which side are you on?!!"

Misugi Yoshihiko couldn't go on talking, he grabbed Taichi Misugi's collar with one hand, and hit him mercilessly with the other hand, so... there were miserable cries up.


"Old man, if I remember correctly, I don't seem to have a girlfriend until now, right?"

Shendaijian suddenly asked such a question to the old man beside him.

The old man's heart tightened. Could it be that his young master was stimulated when he saw Su Mo's eight brides?

"Master...Although it is true."

"But in fact, you don't need to pay too much attention to this wedding. This wedding is just a fake. The bride and groom are also fake. As for your girlfriend, I believe you will find it soon!!!"

Hearing this, Shendaijian frowned.


The old man nodded seriously.

"It's true, master!!!"

"Is that so? Then I..." Shendaijian was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw an unbelievable scene! ! !

I see!

One of the eight brides shouted:

"Stupid Su Mo! I'm finally your bride!!!"

Immediately afterwards, he rushed towards Su Mo, and kept stamping his own seal on the other's face.


Shendaijian's face darkened, and he turned his head to look at the old man expressionlessly.

"You tell me it's fake???"

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched wildly, and he opened his mouth, but he didn't know how to respond.


Chapter 96 Sword of Gods!God!Yacar thinks!Zerg!Let's go together! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

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