"Where is it recently? Ever since some people heard the sound of dragons singing near Xiangle Mountain a few years ago, and some people said that they saw two giant dragons with their own eyes, this place has not been very peaceful."

Symphony Mountain?

Tongya Kyosuke frowned, this name was no stranger to him.

On the contrary, it is quite familiar.

As one of the nurses said, since the news of two giant dragons in Xiangle Mountain came out a few years ago.

The name "Eight Five Zero" of Xiangle Mountain kept appearing in everyone's sight.


Every time it appears, there are some strange colors.

For example: Shocked!A huge mysterious creature appeared in Xiangle Mountain! ! !

Another example: Are you crazy?In Xiangle Mountain, there are special warriors named ghosts? ? ?

As time passed, the rumors about Xiangle Mountain became more and more outrageous.

More and more people believe in this aspect.

"Sounding Mountain?"

"Special creatures and special fighters?"

"A ghost? If you can really find him and learn a little special ability, maybe you can take revenge."

Thinking of this, Kiriya Kyosuke's eyes lit up, and he couldn't wait any longer.

He has decided!

Go to Xiangle Mountain!

Find that so-called Ghost Warrior! ! !

As soon as he thought about it, he could do whatever he wanted, and Kiriya Kyosuke got up straight away, and ran out of the ward with bare feet.

And then... a few minutes later.

Kyosuke Tongya, who was forcibly carried back to the hospital bed by several medical staff, shouted in dissatisfaction:

"I've said it all! I have something urgent to do!"

"I'm not crazy!!!"


Still in the hospital, in another double ward not far from Kiriya Kyosuke.

The man who walks the way of heaven and is in charge of everything - the head of heaven.

With the man who will stand at the top of all fields - the sword of the age of gods.

At this time, the two of them were lying in this ward.

Like Kiriya Kyosuke, they were also fully awake, and their bodies were also alive and kicking.

"Hmph! Damn Su Mo!"

"Damn Kamen Rider Imperial Knight!"

"Wait! Whether it's appearance or Kamen Rider's strength, I will definitely be able to surpass you and stand at the apex of these two fields!!!"

Wearing a blue and white hospital gown, Kendai Ken held the Sasword blade in his hand, stood on his hospital bed, and while playing with the sword flower beautifully, he said loudly with great seriousness.


This is the man he must surpass in the future! ! !

Whether it's appearance or strength! ! !

Hearing this, Sitting on the hospital bed with his back against the pillow and holding a newspaper in both hands, Chief Director of Tiandao raised his head, glanced at Shendaijian, shook his head, and said in a flat tone:

"In these two fields, if you want to surpass him, it seems that it is not an easy task."

Judging from the difference between the appearance and power of the Sword of Gods and Su Mo...

"Instead of trying to surpass him, you might as well set a smaller goal and surpass me first."

When the Director of Heavenly Dao said this, a confident sunny smile appeared on his face.

"A smaller goal? Beyond you?"

"Are you kidding me! The goal, of course, is to set a big one to be more challenging!"

"And if I say it like this, it will also appear that I have a high profile!!!"

"As for you... Do you think anyone can be the target of my Age of Gods sword?"

"Our appearance is equal, right? As for the strength of the Kamen Rider domain..."

Shendaijian hesitated for a moment, then raised his chest and raised his head, and said with a little satisfaction:

"After I hit that guy's nirvana, I fell to the ground after holding out for three seconds!!!"


? ?


Is three seconds a big deal?Also, can this kind of thing be shown off proudly? ? ?

The corner of Tiandao Director General's mouth twitched, then he smiled lightly and said:

"Three seconds? I'm sorry, I have five seconds!"

"Besides, it was Su Mo's body that kicked me, and yours was just his avatar!"

Seeing Shendaijian still want to refute, the head of Tiandao took the lead and continued:

"Also, although I fell to the ground, I didn't pass out completely. This point, Juhua and the others, all saw it, and you... If I remember correctly, it was Kazuya who thought That guy just lost consciousness, right?"

Hearing the words, Shendaijian was forced to close his open mouth.

After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of anything to refute the words of Director Tiandao, so he could only slump down on the hospital bed sullenly.


He thought of something, took out his mobile phone, and dialed his butler's phone number.

Soon the other person got on the phone, and Sword of Gods did not talk nonsense, and went straight to the point!

"Old man, have you contacted the plastic surgery hospital?"

It is very difficult for the field of Kamen Rider to surpass Su Mo.

Compared with the appearance, it is much easier.

After all, in this world, there is still such magic as plastic surgery.

Hearing Shendaijian's words, Director Tiandao twitched slightly, this guy... so ruthless?

On the opposite side of the phone screen, an old man's voice sounded.

"Ah, this...Master, I'm still in contact, and I haven't succeeded yet."

"The main reason is that the business of plastic surgery companies is too hot now, and many people have made appointments in advance."

"What's more, you want to surpass Mr. Su Mo through plastic surgery this time. This is undoubtedly a big problem."

"There are not many plastic surgeons with this kind of technology, and the time will naturally increase, so..."

Hearing these words, Shendaijian frowned.

"According to what you're saying, you won't be able to have plastic surgery in a short time?"

The old man quickly responded:

"I'm sorry, master! I will find a solution as soon as possible!!!"


After the fake wedding was over, Su Mo, the old man, Misaki Youyue and others all added a contact information.

At this time, Su Mo, who was still wearing a white groom's suit, was wearing a ghost mask, and was playing with his mobile phone in a clothing store in a boring and embarrassing way. It's hard not to be embarrassed by the beautiful girls in bridal gowns who look like seven fairies on the street.

That is, wearing a mask and staying in a clothing store with not too many people, so Su Mo is not particularly embarrassed.


After the fake wedding, Su Mo and the others did not change their clothes.

At the joint suggestion of Zhen Zhen and other women, he was forced to go shopping with them.

Special meow, one groom + seven brides.

It's embarrassing to think about it, but fortunately Misaki Yuzuki still has things to do.

So it wasn't involved.

Otherwise, Su Mo's embarrassment would be doubled again.

"Oh, it's nonsense, isn't it?"

Su Mo sighed, if it wasn't for the truth, they were very happy today, and they all wanted him to go shopping together.

He didn't want to come out and embarrass them.

Shaking his head, he looked at the screen of the phone in his hand.

At this time, a person nicknamed the old man sent him a message.

[Grandpa: Mr. Su Mo, that...although it's not good to say that when we just met, but...]

[Grandpa: Can you lend me some money?By the way, please don't tell my young master! 】

Borrow money?

Su Mo frowned, couldn't help typing and asked:

[Su Mo: Huh?Borrowing money is a small problem, but I want to know why you want to borrow money? 】

As a time traveler, Su Mo, who knows the plot of the original novel, naturally understands that although Shendaijian looks noble on the surface, like a high-class nobleman, in fact...his family doesn't have much money.

The reason why I still feel that I am a young master is entirely relying on the family property left by the old man and the previous generation.

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