According to the timeline, although the sword family of the Age of Gods doesn't have much money now.

But it's not so urgent to ask yourself to borrow money from someone you just met not long ago, right?

Not long after, the old man on the other side replied.

【Old man: Well, the thing is like this, the young master's house...】

[Grandpa: Then, because he wants to be at the top in all fields, including appearance, especially after seeing you, he wants to make his appearance surpass yours through plastic surgery. 】

[Grandpa: I personally don't agree with this method, but if the young master wants to do this, I have no choice but to help the young master to contact the people in the plastic surgery hospital, but here comes the problem... I want plastic surgery The amount of money needed to create a face that surpasses your appearance is astronomical...]

Seeing this, Su Mo couldn't help laughing, Xiu'er.

That guy from Age of God Sword actually wants to surpass me in terms of appearance through plastic surgery? ? ?

The most outrageous thing is that the old man begged him, the client, for this kind of thing.


Su Mo shook his head, he didn't know what to say...  

[Su Mo: So that's the case...Since that's the case, then I think it's more practical to let him give up surpassing me than to borrow money to really let him have a plastic surgery that can surpass me. 】

Type, send!

Before the old man sent a reply, another message appeared.

It is from Tachibana-Xiangxushi.

Su Mo clicked on it, switched the chat interface, and soon saw the message from Xiangxu Shi.

[Lihua-Xiang Xushi: Su Mo, when are you coming over?It's been almost half a month since the last time I came here! 】

Since I went to the Lihua shop a few years ago, for so many years, whenever I have time, Su Mo will take the truth and the others to the Lihua shop to play. Anyway, there is a dimension wall, and it takes a moment to go back and forth.

Recently, Su Mo forgot to go to the Tachibana shop because of the meteor school reunion and all kinds of messy things.

It's just that he didn't expect Xiang Xushi to send a message directly to urge him.

[Su Mo: Got it, I'll go and have a look in the next two days. 】

As soon as Su Mo finished sending the message, the other party replied in seconds.

[Tachibana-Xiang Xumi: That's what you said!If you still don't come by the third day, hum!Hinaka and Takizawa will never talk to you again! ! ! 】

[Su Mo:? ? ?They ignore me, what about you? ? ? 】

At this moment, the truth of changing clothes wanted to let Su Mo see if it looked good.


It was then that Su Mo was sitting on the stool alone, "sneaking" and chatting with someone.

The beautiful eyes of truth became suspicious, and approached Su Mo from behind Su Mo lightly and "fairly".



Su Mo suddenly turned his head!

The scary ghost mask frightened the truth instantly paled, and the screams followed! ! !

"Stupid Su Mo!!!"

Hearing the screams, the other "brides" who were changing clothes also involuntarily sped up their movements.

Soon one after another came out of the changing room.

Fortunately, this clothing store is not small, otherwise, ordinary clothing stores really don't have seven changing rooms.

Seven youthful and beautiful girls with different appearances, temperaments, and figures are really like seven fairies.

The staff of the clothing store, even if they were boys, even if they were girls, they all stared at them intently.

Seven such cute and beautiful girls appeared together, and only one boy was with them.

The most important thing is!

When the seven girls first came, they were all wearing bridal gowns.

This boy is still wearing the groom's clothes.

This amount of information... this scene...

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, how could they believe that such a thing really happened? ? ?


"How about it?"

"Does it look good?"

"Very good, good, good looking."

"Then who is the prettiest?"

"...all beautiful!"

Facts have proved that it is not easy for Su Mo to deal with seven girls.

Fortunately, the relationship is still in an ambiguous stage. Mau Kazetani and Miho Kirishima are not as difficult as the truth, and in 3.7 there are Izzy and Yuka who are absolutely loyal and loyal to Su Mo. obedient existence.

After the seven girls changed their clothes, they received Su Mo's "perfunctory" evaluation.

Just when Su Mo thought he could leave.

"Eh? What's the rush? Stupid Su Mo, you haven't changed your clothes yet!"

"Yes yes yes!"

When Su Mo heard this, he remembered the truth that although they had taken off their bridal attire, they had put on more normal attire.

But he was still wearing the groom's clothes, so he would still be embarrassed when he left the clothing store.


He decisively chose a set of men's clothing from the side, and prepared to go to the changing room to change.

But what Su Mo didn't expect was that!

"Stupid Su Mo! Why don't you go to the changing room I just had?"

"As Brother Su Mo's real fiancée, it's more appropriate for Brother Su Mo to go to the dressing room I just had!"

"Then I think my changing room is fine~"


? ?


Su Mo didn't expect that all the girls would fight over whose changing room he went to.

I have to say, it was really painful and joyful.

In order to deal with this problem, Su Mo came up with a very simple solution.

"In this case, I'll go to every changing room."

"Statement in advance! This is what you asked me to go, not what I want to go!!!"

Even though I said so, I don't know why.

Truth and the others, including the staff of the clothing store, looked at Su Mo.

It's still very wrong, it seems to be watching a BT!

What's even weirder is that although they were a little shy, none of them stopped Su Mo from doing this...

After leaving the clothing store, Truth and the others forcibly dragged Su Mo to a photo studio.

It is worth mentioning that the name of the photo studio is Light Photo Studio.


Chapter 100 Light Natsumi? Is number 4 still empty?Grunge? (Kneeling to subscribe~)

City of Origin, at the entrance of the photo studio.

A handsome young man named Su Mo is being forcibly dragged by the arms by Jin Zhen, Sha Ye and other girls into this photo studio.

"Stupid Su Mo, come in!"

Su Mo said helplessly:

"Really, you obviously didn't take pictures when you were wearing wedding dresses just now."

"Now that you've changed your clothes, why do you still have to take pictures?"

Before Truth and the others could respond, Su Mo stretched out his hand and pushed open the door of the Photo Studio.

Then he looked warily at the interior of the photo studio.


If you remember correctly, the Light Photo Studio is a special building in Kamen Rider Taiqi.

Will Xiao Ming be here?

The line of sight soon saw a figure, but...

It wasn't Monyashi, but a tall girl with beautiful legs wrapped in stockings.

It is worth mentioning that the stockings on both legs are different.

One white, one black.

At this time, the girl also noticed that someone was coming in, and turned around to look at everyone.


Seeing Su Mo and the others, the girl's eyes widened uncontrollably and her mouth opened in surprise.

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