It seems to have seen something incredible.

Well, I have to say, Su Mo, Zhen Zhen and other seven people, each of them has good looks.

Who is not surprised to see this? ? ?

The girl quickly came to her senses, her fair and lovely face blushed for no reason.

He lowered his head and asked shyly and embarrassedly:

"You... are you here to take pictures?"

At the same time, another figure came out from the photo studio.

He is 60 years old, has white hair and wears red-rimmed glasses.

He was also surprised when he saw Su Mo and others, and then said enthusiastically:

"Hello, guests!"

"I am the owner of this photo studio, do you want to take a photo?"

"Or...would you like a cup of coffee?"

"Well, although it's true that this store is a photo studio, many customers will mistake it for a coffee shop."

While shaking his head and saying this, he walked aside on his own, and opened the curtain in the center of the photo studio hall, revealing the huge portraits inside the curtain. The contents of the portraits are police cars and red warrior.

The red warrior was no stranger to Su Mo and the others.

It is the almighty form of Kamen Rider Kuuga! ! !


Just waiting for the truth and others to ask why there is a portrait of Kamen Rider Kuga in this photo studio 09.

Everyone sensed a special feeling.

This feeling, which is unclear, is waiting for everyone to show doubts.

Su Mo seemed to understand something, turned around and walked outside the photo studio.

Truth and the others naturally followed closely behind, but when they saw the scene outside, the doubts on their faces increased a bit, and even a bit of shock was added to the doubts! ! !

I see!

The photo studio is still the same photo studio, but the buildings around the photo studio are different from the buildings before they entered the photo studio! ! !

What makes them even more unbelievable is that!

Su Mo's clothes turned into a police uniform!

Police uniforms, caps, and even walkie-talkies! ! !

"Attention all units!"

"An unknown life form was found in the North [-] Warehouse at Fujimi [-]-chome."

"This operation is directed by members of the Police Department's Unknown Life Form Correspondence Department!"

"Police officers who went to the scene to participate in the operation, please follow the command of the response team members..."

"Don't get close to unknown life forms, pay attention to protect your own safety..."

A strange man's voice kept ringing from the intercom on Su Mo's body.

At this time, Koeijiro and the girl also came out of the photo studio, and they were both shocked when they saw the surrounding situation and the change of Su Mo's clothes.

"What exactly is going on???"

How come the buildings around the photo studio have changed after a while?


Even Su Mo's clothes changed unexpectedly.

Su Mo glanced around, not too surprised, but said lightly:

"I already understand the general situation."

"We have now traveled to another world."


? ?


When everyone heard the words, they were all dumbfounded, have they traveled to another world? ? ?

And still traveling with so many people together with the light photo studio? ? ?

"Don't look at me like that, Kamen Rider and all kinds of monsters can appear."

"Couldn't it be possible for things like time travel to happen?"

Hearing what Su Mo said, Truth and the others suddenly nodded.

Also, Kamen Rider and all kinds of weirdos can appear.

It is naturally not an incredible thing to travel through or something.

"But...then can we travel back again?"

Miho Kirishima asked worriedly. Although she has traveled through time, she will not be afraid if she can stay with Su Mo and the others. But the problem is... her sister is not here. If she can’t go back to The original world...

Su Mo understood what she was thinking, smiled lightly, and said softly:

"Don't worry, the reason why we came to this world, I think, is because there is something in this world that needs our help. As long as we do the things that need help, we can probably return to the previous world. "

Su Mo's tone was not very sure.

But even if the problems of this world are solved, it is impossible to return to the previous world.

He still doesn't worry about anything, after all...

With the dimensional wall, he can cross anytime and anywhere.

Even if it is the world and the world, he can come and go freely.

"That's it... I understand!"

Miho Kirishima nodded, she chose to believe in Su Mo, and if she didn't believe in Su Mo, she couldn't help it on her own.


At the scene of the crime, a police car stopped, the door opened, and a young woman stepped out of it.

He is holding a walkie-talkie in his hand.

"It has been confirmed that it is Life Body No. [-]!"

"Yusuke, did you hear that?"

At the same time, in front of her, there is an ugly and terrifying humanoid monster!

Surrounding the humanoid monster was a group of police officers clutching pistols.

After the young woman's voice fell, she also took out her pistol and aimed it at the head of the humanoid monster.

And quickly ordered:


Upon hearing the order, all the police officers pulled the trigger without saying a word.

Countless bullets were fired at the humanoid monster! ! !

A series of sparks shot out in an instant, accompanied by the scream of the humanoid monster.

Although there are a lot of bullets, these bullets, which are enough to make human beings riddled with holes, did not cause much damage to the humanoid monster. The humanoid monster has wisdom and understands that it just let the surrounding humans attack itself.

It was the young woman, therefore!

Ignoring the surrounding policemen, I went straight to the young woman and rushed over.

"not good--!!!"


Everyone's face changed when they saw this, a motorcycle was quickly driven by someone, and the young man on the bike saw this scene, and couldn't help shouting in worry:

"elder sister--!!!"

Immediately, both hands were placed on the abdomen, and a metal belt appeared out of thin air! ! !

In the center of the belt is a red energy crystal.

"Hen-shin!" (Transformation!)

Accompanied by the young man's shout, the red energy crystal shone with dazzling light.

Not long after, a set of red armor covered the young man's body.

Red compound eyes, two golden horns.

This is Kamen Rider Kuuga! ! !

After the transformation was completed, Kuraga jumped and quickly came between the humanoid monster and the young woman.

Without hesitation, he clenched his fist and slammed it fiercely at the humanoid monster.

He had to use his fists to kill the monster in front of him.

Only in this way!

To protect the people behind him! ! !

The young woman breathed a sigh of relief, since I'm here when I'm free, the problem isn't that big of a deal.

Just when she thought the scene was safe, a light curtain like a silver wall appeared beside her out of thin air! ! !


? ?


What is this! ! !

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