The young woman and the surrounding policemen were all dumbfounded, and Sora also noticed this special light curtain.

Turning his head and shouting:


He felt that there must be something bad inside the light curtain.


Before everyone could react, a figure came out of it.

The facial features are exquisite, fair skin, black hair and black pupils.

This is a beautiful man who seems to have stepped out of a fantasy work, full of unreal feelings.

The face is so handsome that Nakongwo's shapeshifter is a little jealous.

Especially, after seeing the young woman's nympho expression...

"This is indeed my world."

The handsome young man named Su Mo said so, and then several figures came out from the light curtain.

What is even more surprising is that the figures behind this are all very beautiful girls.

Everyone looked around curiously.

When they saw the red warrior, their eyes lit up and they called out his name directly.

"Huh? Are you really empty?!"

"Empty me... the world?"

"Who are you?"

The young woman came back to her senses and asked with her brows furrowed.

Empty me?Do you mean number 4?

Whether it is inexplicably coming out of a light curtain.

Or what they said fully explained one thing, the identities of these people...

not simple! ! !

"That's a good question."

Su Mo smiled lightly, and responded softly:

"It's just a passing Kamen Rider, remember it for me!"

The voice fell, and he walked towards Kuraga and the humanoid monster-Gurangi who were fighting.

"Kamen Rider???"

This is another name that has never been heard before. Looking at Su Mo's back, the young woman couldn't help reminding:

"Hey! Although I don't know who you are, but..."

"Please don't go near there, it's dangerous!!!"

What she didn't expect was that among the group of beautiful girls who followed Su Mo, there were also people who agreed with her.

"Yes, yes, Su Mo! Don't go there!"

The girl in black and white silk from the photo studio echoed worriedly, and after some exchanges.

She already understood the names of Su Mo and others. Of course, Su Mo and the others also knew her name.

Guang Xiahai!

The granddaughter of Koei Jiro, the owner of the photo studio.

Su Mo didn't respond, but continued to approach Kuango and Gulangi with the arrogant steps of disapproval.

Izzy tilted her head cutely, her eyes flickered with blue light, as if she was scanning the body data of Souga and Gurangi, and soon, a sweet voice sounded:

"Kamen Rider Kuuga - Almighty Form - Early Intermediate Stage!"

"Unnamed Gulangji - Late Intermediate Stage!"

Immediately, the blue light in both eyes disappeared, and he calmly looked at Guang Xiahai beside him and said slowly:

"Don't worry! They are not Mr. Su Mo's opponents!"

"Mr. Su Mo... is very strong!!!"


Guang Xiahai and the young woman were taken aback for a moment. These two guys who seemed to have great power, weren't Su Mo's opponents?Also...Kamen Rider Kuga and Gurangi, what the hell are they? ! !


"Why are you here? Get back quickly!!!"

Seeing Su Mo approaching, Kong Wo hurriedly shouted.

I want to keep the guy who suddenly appeared in front of me away from Zhan Chong.

This is not only to protect Su Mo, but more importantly...

Sora is not sure about the identity of the handsome boy in front of me.

It is not clear whether it is an enemy or a friend.

It's not a good thing to be approached by such a guy.


Taking advantage of Kuango's distraction, Gu Langji gave a strange laugh, clenched his fists resolutely and slammed towards Sora, two hard fists hit Sora's head mercilessly.



853 The surprise attack is successful!

Sora screamed in an instant, subconsciously took two steps back, but still did not stop his figure.

The body fell to the ground, just at this time, Su Mo had also walked over.

"Hey, leave the next battle to me?"

Although this was a question, Su Mo didn't intend to wait for Kongo to respond.

With his hands in his pockets, he continued to walk towards the terrifying looking Gu Langji.


Seeing a human being walking towards him, Gu Langji muttered something that no one could understand.

He also seemed a little surprised, but soon, he came to kill Su Mo! ! !

"be careful--!!!"

The heart of the young woman and Guang Xiahai Qiqi tightened up, and she became worried.

But Zhen Zhen and the others beside them looked indifferent, not worried about Su Mo.

They have experienced this kind of scene many times.

With Su Mo's fighting power.

Even if there are ten such Gulangji appear, it is estimated that they can be crushed easily, right?

Just when people's minds are different.

Facing Gu Langji's attack, Su Mo unhurriedly raised his foot and kicked it.

It hit Gu Langji's abdomen instantly, and huge strength and severe pain appeared on Gu Langji's body.

Before he could react, his body flew upside down uncontrollably, hitting the wall behind him heavily.

Finally slipped to the ground! ! !


"You bastard!!!"

Although Gu Langji still speaks a special Gu Lang language, Su Mo can understand it.

When Gu Langji stood up cursing and staggeringly, a metal belt appeared out of nowhere around Su Mo's waist, and there was a magenta driver in the center of the belt that looked like a camera!

This is the Decade drive! ! !


Seeing this scene, Sora lying on the ground felt a little unbelievable in my heart.

From the young man in front of him, he felt a powerful force far beyond his own!


Because of this power, Kuraga's soul trembled in fear! ! !


Su Mo stretched out his hand and took out a knight card from the card box without hesitation.

Insert it directly into the card slot of the drive!


"Hen-shin!" (Transformation!)

A deep and magnetic voice sounded in everyone's ears, accompanied by a series of sound effects.

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Masque control!!)

【Kuuga! ! ! ] (empty me!!!)

A set of red armor instantly covered Su Mo's body.

The same red compound eyes, the same two golden horns! ! !

"This is another number 4?!"

The young woman's eyes widened, her face full of shock.

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