Another leap, and another flying kick! ! !

"Damn Sora——!!!"

Gu Langji on the eighth shouted angrily and terrifiedly.


Another explosion was born! !Jay!


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully eliminating a Gulangi!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward: talent - the power of idealism effect [-] has been improved!!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully eliminating a Gulangi!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward: talent - the power of idealism effect [-] has been improved!!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host's talent - the power of idealism effect [-] has been increased twice in a row. The current effect is: all damage caused by the host has been increased to twelve times!!!"


At the end of the battle, the flames and dust slowly dissipated.

Su Mo released the transformation state and returned to the human form.

Putting his hands in his pockets, he looked at everyone and smiled lightly:

"How about it?"

"This battle, is it okay?"

Where is this okay?

It's so good! ! !

The two monsters were easily eliminated? ? ?

Not to mention other people, even the other Kong I was amazed.

At this time, the young woman known as Yadai thought of something, took a deep breath, took two steps forward, and said to Su Mo and the other Sora:

"You two! Let's talk in another place, shall we?"

853 ......

Not long after, on a rooftop.

"Let me formally introduce myself, I am Yadailan!"

"One of the members of the Unidentified Lifeform Response Department!"

After Yadai Lan finished speaking, she gave a look to the young man beside her.

Seemingly understanding what she meant, the young man quickly introduced himself to Su Mo, Truth and others:

"Hello everyone!

"I am number 4... No, it should be the shape-shifter you call me!"

"Yusuke Onodera!!!"

On the rooftop, except Yatsushiro Lan and Onodera Yusuke.

It was Su Mo and eight girls including Guang Xiahai.

Hearing the self-introductions of Onodera Yusuke and Yatsushiro Lan, everyone nodded, and then introduced themselves.

"I am the truth! Idiot Su Mo's childhood sweetheart!"

"I'm Saya..."


"Well... I don't need to make the so-called self-introduction anymore, do I?"

After the girls finished speaking, Su Mo spread his hands and said helplessly.

(ajdh) Hearing this, Yatsushiro Lan and Onodera Yusuke said at the same time:


"Please be sure to introduce yourself again!!!"

Among the crowd, only Su Mo's identity was the most curious about Yatsudai Lan and Onodera Yusuke.

They were eager to know why Su Mo suddenly appeared, and why he was able to transform into Kuraga.

What is Kamen Rider?

What is Grunji? ? ?

These questions, only the handsome young man in front of him can answer them all at once! ! !

"Well, since you are all like this, then I have no choice but to be respectful rather than obedient."

"Actually, my identity is very simple, just a Kamen Rider passing through this world."

Seeing this, Su Mo shook his head and smiled lightly.

Hearing these words, Yatsushiro Lan and Onodera Yusuke twitched their mouths at the same time.

Just saying [passing through this world] is already very difficult, isn't it? ! !

Eight Dailan took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and looked at Su Mo with burning eyes.

"Excuse me, what does it mean to pass by this world?"

"Aren't you...and ladies from this world?"

Su Mo said calmly:

"No, we come from other worlds, other worlds where Kamen Riders and various monsters exist!"

"As for what Kamen Rider is, you can understand it as a special group with powerful power. Most of them are righteous partners who fight to protect human beings. Of course... some evil guys are not excluded."


First rule out the loving self! ! !

Really from another world? ! !

Yatsushiro Lan and Onodera Yusuke looked at each other, and each other's eyes were full of shock.

People from other worlds, this kind of thing...

No matter how you look at it, it is a very unbelievable thing.

"Then, what does Gu Langji mean?"

"Also, why can you, like Onodera, be able to use the power of 4... kuya?"

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yadailan hastily raised two more questions, but...

This time Su Mo did not answer, but asked with a meaningful smile on his face:

"So, are you interrogating me now?"

Yadailan's heart tightened, his face turned pale, and he took two steps back subconsciously.

She almost forgot that the beautiful young man in front of her, who looked harmless to humans and animals, could easily wipe out the existence of two unconfirmed life forms. If she wanted to kill herself, it was just a matter of moving her fingers.

"No... please don't get me wrong!"

"I'm not interrogating you like a prisoner, but because... I'm just too curious."

"I didn't expect people from other worlds to come and use the same Kuuga power as Onodera!"

Yadailan came back to his senses and quickly explained.

She didn't want to be an enemy with someone like Su Mo.

Su Mo raised his forehead slightly, "Well, that's better than this. We just came to this world, and we are full of curiosity about everything in this world. If everyone is so curious, let's exchange useful information."

When the truth and other women heard the words, they nodded repeatedly and echoed:

"That's right, you have to answer our questions too!"

Suddenly crossing over to this world, everyone's curiosity and doubts are no less than those of Yatsushiro Lan and Onodera Yusuke.

Yadailan breathed a sigh of relief, exchange information with each other?

Just as she wants!



In the following time, Su Mo and others got to know the world better, and Yadai Lan and Onodera Yusuke also got to know Su Mo and the others better.

"It turns out that there are monsters like Kamen Rider and Grunji in other worlds."

Yusuke Onodera let out a breath, with a smile on his face.

Even so, he is not the only hero.

But this way...

It can also prove that he is not alone!

Not only is Yadai Lan accompanying me in this world, but in other worlds, there are also other Kamen Riders who are like me fighting against evil monsters for the sake of human beings and the world! ! !


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"By the way, this time you helped us eliminate No. [-] and No. [-]. We haven't thanked you yet."

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