"Well, it's getting late, may I invite you to dinner?"

"It just so happens that I can taste the difference between the food in this world and your world."

After exchanging information, Yadailan looked at Su Mo and the others with a smile on his face.


As soon as this was said, the truth beside Su Mo's eyes lit up, and he quickly agreed.

Just as the others were about to say something, the mobile phone in Eight Dailan's pocket suddenly vibrated. He took out the mobile phone and looked at the caller, then looked at Su Mo and others apologetically and said:

"Sorry! I'm going to the bureau, I can't go to dinner with you."

"Well, let Ono ~ Temple take you there."

Yatsushiro Ai said, and gave Yusuke Onodera a look.

When Yusuke Onodera saw this, his heart tightened, and he was asked to face Su Mo alone—them?

don't say...

Although he controls the power of the Kamen Rider named Kuraga.

But staying alone with Su Mo and the others still feels very awkward.

It's not just because except for Su Mo, everyone else is very beautiful girls.

More importantly, this guy Su Mo... is very dangerous! ! !

Yusuke Onodera felt that if he and Su Mo became enemies, the other party would definitely kill him in seconds as easily as those two Gurangi monsters...

"That's it, I leave it to you!"

Yadailan turned around and left without waiting for everyone to respond.

"Eh? Sister..."

Yusuke Onodera's mouth twitched, he looked at Yatsudai Lan's back, then at Su Mo and the others, with an involuntary expression on his face, he stammered:

"Well...you...what do you want to eat?"


As long as you don't say I ate it, I'll be fine! !

Yusuke Onodera thought secretly in his heart.


Police station, a conference room.

Yadailan is reporting this incident with other personnel.

Two unidentified life forms appear at the same time, and finally several strangers appear.


One of the strangers can also have the same power as No. 4.

It's hard not to draw people's attention to this incident.

"The victim this time is another policewoman."

"So far, this is the third."

"Moreover, the policewomen who were murdered were all on duty..."

Yadailan stood up, and the cold voice kept ringing in the meeting room.

But before she finished speaking, a bald man beside her interrupted.

"Hey, Yashiro!"

"Isn't it normal for an unidentified life form to appear and the police to get injured?"

Yadailan nodded, and then said in a colder voice:

"Of course this is normal, but the victims are all women, which is very abnormal!"

"This means that the unconfirmed life forms are not killing people randomly, but killing people according to the rules with traces..." Yadailan said this, and the words from the past not long ago sounded in his mind. What Su Mo heard about Gu Langji that existed in another world.

According to Su Mo, in another world, there are also creatures like Gulangji.

Moreover, the reason why Gu Langji killed people was playing a terrible game.

killing game! ! !

The killing game is not without rules, and the Gulangi will attach great importance to the rules.

At this time, the bald man beside Yadailan frowned and said:

"According to what you said, are these unconfirmed life forms playing some kind of killing game?"

"But... do they have such wisdom?"

"Besides, if this is the case, doesn't it mean that we have to protect all the policewomen? There are so many policewomen, it's unrealistic to protect them all..."

After finishing speaking, the bald man asked another question without waiting for Yadailan's response.

"Let's skip this matter in advance. Compared with the killing game without any evidence, I still care more about another unconfirmed life body No. 4, Yadai, the boy and a group of girls who appeared at the battle scene, you know they are What's going on???"

Badailan didn't hide anything, took a deep breath, and directly revealed the identities of Su Mo and others.

"They are people from another world. In other worlds, there are also unconfirmed life forms, that is, monsters named Gulangji. Unconfirmed life form No. 4, in other worlds, is called The existence of Kamen Rider."

0 ································································

"Kamen Rider is justice!"

"So, whether it's No. 4 or the boy who suddenly appeared, they are all good, and they are our partners!"

"I understand that it's impossible to completely let people down on them, but..."

"Before they do something that harms humans, please don't be hostile to them!"

Yadai Lan said in a very serious tone, whether it is Yusuke Onodera or Su Mo and the others, she trusts them all.

Yusuke Onodera, because she and him knew each other and were familiar with each other.

As for Su Mo and the others...

........ ......

If Su Mo really wanted to hurt the humans in this world, then there was no need for him to help during the battle.

after all......

With that powerful power in his hands, he can easily kill most of the lives in this world.

Even, it is not impossible to destroy the entire world.

"People from another world..."


"Kamen Rider???"

The corner of the bald man's mouth twitched wildly, this...

how can that be possible? ! !

However, at this moment.

"Urgent news!"

"An incident of suspected new unconfirmed life forms attacking a police car on patrol has just occurred!!!"

"Urgent news..."

The faces of everyone in the conference room changed instantly. Did the unconfirmed life form appear again?

How come so often? ? ?

Two just appeared and were eliminated, and a new one came out? ! !

Everyone didn't have time to think, Qi Qi stood up and ran towards the door of the conference room.

Yatsushiro Lan also quickly took out his mobile phone and called Yusuke Onodera.


The phone was connected, and the Eighth Generation Lan just wanted to inform the other party that there was a new Gurangi, when he heard a burst of familiar and unfamiliar...unintelligible words coming from the other side of the phone!


It's... Gurangi! ! !

Yusuke Onodera and Su Mo are already there? ? ?


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Yusuke Onodera and Su Mo didn't think of it either.

Not long after Yadailan left, they were "lucky" to meet a Gulangji again!


Unconfirmed Life Form No. [-]! ! !

The scene of the crime was next to a police car on a street.

There are two female policemen sitting in the police car, and outside the police car, there is a humanoid monster-Gurangi!

He kept waving his fists and pounded on the police car.

The car windows are already covered with spider web-like cracks.

It gives people a feeling that if you come again casually, the window will be smashed into pieces.

And once the car window was broken, Gu Langji, who was standing outside, would be able to attack the two female policemen in the police car.

It can be said that the current situation is very dangerous! ! !

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