"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu, Rinko, what should I do?"

"We won't be so unlucky, will we?"

A policewoman in the police car was pale, with tears flowing from her eyes.

Obviously, she was terrified of the Gurangi monsters outside.

But this is impossible!

Ordinary humans, even with weapons such as pistols, cannot cause any harm to creatures like Gulangi.

In the face of such monsters, human beings will appear weak and weak like ants.

And next to this policewoman, another policewoman named Linzi was also terrified at this time.

Although she shed tears like the companions beside her, her trembling body also showed her mood.

Damon Rinko really felt that she was extremely unlucky.

Ever since he traveled over two days ago, he has been unlucky until now.

That's right!

cross! ! !

Damen Rinko was not from this world before, and she didn't know what happened.

Just after sleeping, the world changed and became very strange.

Although her identity has not changed, she is still a rookie policewoman.

But here is the bad luck! ! !

The unconfirmed living creature monsters that have appeared these days are all designed to attack the policewoman.

Even worse...

I really met her.

"It's over, it's over..."

"I'm afraid I'm going to die this time..."

Looking at the unconfirmed life form with an ugly and terrifying face, who was about to shake his fist and smash the car window again.

Damen Rinko bit her red lips tightly, her hands tightly holding the only weapon that could give her a little sense of security.


Naturally, the gun was aimed at the unconfirmed life form No. [-] outside.

As soon as the car window shattered, she pulled the trigger immediately, and it was considered dead.

She wants to shoot the other party too!

Although I know that the damage of this bullet to the monster in front of me is very low, but if it is aimed at the head, it should be more effective than hitting other parts, right? ? ?

Just when Damen Rinko was thinking this way, she suddenly saw an incredible picture.

I see!

Before the fist of the unconfirmed life form No. [-] hit the car window, he was sent flying by another fist. The terrifying and ugly monster disappeared from sight, replaced by an extremely handsome The elegant and beautiful boy, this kind of good looks, appeared in this situation again.


The policewoman sitting next to Damen Rinko couldn't help swallowing, and couldn't help saying:

"Is he my savior?"



? ?


Hearing this, Damen Rinko came back to her senses in an instant, looked at her side with tears streaming down her face, and even had a runny nose...

The corner of his mouth twitched, he turned his head quickly, opened the door, and got out of the car.


"Hey, hey! Rinko! Why are you getting out of the car so quickly?"

"Do you want to get ahead of me and make a promise with your body?!!"

Damen Rinko almost tilted her foot and fell to the ground.


Even without me, your body promise would probably not be successful, okay? ! !


"Thank you!"

Damen Rinko got out of the car, and trotted all the way to the boy's side, thanking him with gratitude and admiration.

"It's okay, I just passed by 0......"

Su Mo smiled lightly, and didn't pay much attention to Damen Rinko. He turned his head to look at No. [-] Gu Langji who was punched by him not far away, and walked slowly over.

Seeing this, Damen Rinko was about to shout "Be careful".

As a result, a metal belt appeared out of thin air around Su Mo's waist.

"what is this?"

Damen Rinko was taken aback, this touched her blind spot of knowledge.

At this moment, Yusuke Onodera, Makoto and others also came over.

Hearing Daimon Rinko's words, everyone responded in unison:

"Knight's Belt!"


However, everyone's response made Daimon Rinko even more confused.

What the hell is a knight's belt? ? ?


He stretched out his hand, and a knight card appeared out of thin air in his palm.

Su Mo flicked it casually, and the knight card automatically entered the card slot of the drive.

Next up!

"Hen-shin!" (Transformation!)

His body was covered with a set of strange metal armor.

It's weird because...

This set of armor is divided into two colors as a whole.

One half is green and the other half is black.

Even the head is divided into these two colors.

There are similar places, such as compound eyes.

It's all red!

"3.7?!! New form?"

When Truth and the others saw this, they were all shocked. They had never seen this form before.

Although Yusuke Onodera knew that Su Mo had the ability to transform into other Kamen Rider forms, it was still incredible to see it with his own eyes...

They were all like this, let alone Damen Rinko and another policewoman.

Both of them stared wide-eyed, their faces full of shock! ! !

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Masque control!!)

[Double! ! ! 】(Double Riding!!!)

After the transformation was completed, Su Mo stretched out his hand and made an aiming gesture towards No. [-] Gu Langji.

"Okay, now let's count your crimes!!!"


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Damn bastard!!!"

No. [-] Gu Langji was furious immediately, roared, and took the initiative to attack Su Mo.

The sharp claws shone with a terrible cold light, and they grabbed Su Mo's chest mercilessly.

Sparks splashed everywhere, but other than that, it had no effect.

"If your damage is only at this level, it's meaningless."

Before Su Mo finished his sentence, he punched out, and hit No. [-] Gu Langji in the chest in front of him quickly and ruthlessly.

With one punch, the huge force turned into a frightening and terrible pain.

Gu Langji had no time to scream, but Su Mo punched again! ! !

Then, a punch...

Another punch! ! !

The continuous hard fists hit No. [-] Gu Langji's body.

The terrifying strength and damage made him unable to fight back, so he could only keep backing away and screaming in pain.

At last!

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