In the horrified shout of the bald fat man.

The surrounding policemen finally came to their senses, but they didn't pull the trigger directly at Su Mo and the others as the bald fat man thought, but... fled to the distance one after another...

What a joke!

Let them attack Su Mo and others?

Isn't this looking for death?

Although they have guns, ordinary firearms do very little damage to monsters like unconfirmed life forms.

Not to mention facing Su Mo, who can easily kill No. [-] Gu Langji in seconds after his transformation just now! ! !

not to mention......

Now once they shoot, they will not only face Su Mo alone.

There are three other existences who seem to be very difficult to mess with! ! !

Although the bald fat man's status is much higher than that of ordinary policemen.

But everyone is not a fool. At this time, the status of ordinary people is useless! ! !

Besides, the target of Su Mo's attack is obviously a bald and fat man.

and so!

The other policemen didn't want to become Su Mo's enemy with the bald fat man.

"Damn! You guys!!!"

"Come back!!!"


The bald fat man saw that the guys around him who often flattered him were far away from him at this critical moment, he was angry but extremely scared, and looked at Su Mo and others who were getting closer, his face was full of panic.

"No...don't kill me!"

"I know I was wrong!!!"


Su Mo didn't speak, and walked over with a calm expression.

Behind him, followed by Kimura Saya, Nagata Yuka, and Kirishima Miho!

Looking down at the bald fat man who was much shorter than himself, Su Mo smiled lightly and said:

"Is it useful to apologize for doing something wrong?"

The bald fat man swallowed, and quickly fell to his knees, with a flattering smile on his pale fat face.

"My lord, you say "!"

"How can you forgive the villain?"

Seeing that there was room for negotiation, Yadai Lan breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at the bald fat man in disgust.

Just wanted to say something to Su Mo.

He saw Su Mo suddenly lift his foot and kick the bald fat man violently! ! !

"don't want--!!!"

Seeing this, Yadailan and the others exclaimed in surprise.

But their words did not stop Su Mo from kicking the bald fat man's face! ! !


The back of the bald and fat man's head came into intimate contact with the hard ground, and blood visible to the naked eye flowed out.

The front face was firmly stepped on by Su Mo's feet. The bald fat man had no choice but to dare to struggle with the terrifying force. He was afraid that if he moved, Su Mo would kick his head hard again.

The bald fat man believed that the "demon" in front of him would definitely do such a thing.

It's a pity that even if he doesn't move, Su Mo will still do so.

"Then I'm really sorry. If you want me to forgive you, you can only pay the price of your life."

At the same time as the cold words sounded, the corner of Su Mo's mouth curled up, and a playful smile appeared on his handsome face.


He raised his foot again and kicked hard again...


Accompanied by yelling in horror, the bald fat man's head completely blossomed.

The scene became extremely bloody in an instant, and the female policewoman next to Daimon Rinko vomited directly.

Everyone looked at Su Mo in disbelief, but no one expected it.

Su Mo really dared to kill this guy directly...

Although damn...

But anyway...

That is also a life! ! !

But Su Mo, who killed someone, looked normal, as if he just did a trivial thing that couldn't be more normal.

For him, destroying monsters such as Gu Langji, and eliminating this bald fat man.

It doesn't make any difference.

As for whether it will cause some trouble or something...

do not forget!

This is just a world that Su Mo passed by. Even if he makes a fuss, what can he do?

Could it be that someone would travel across the world to kill this fat man?

When he came back to his senses, Su Mo touched the head of Nagata Yuka, who had returned to his human state, and said to Miho Kirishima and the truth not far away: "Let's go, we won't be very welcome here in a short time. gone."

Before he finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and a light curtain like a silver wall appeared.

Su Mo and the three daughters of Jiehua walked in first.

Truth and the others came to their senses and quickly followed.

"Hey, hey, stupid Su Mo, wait for us!!!"

The policemen at the scene stood where they were, some of them didn't know what to do, and all focused their attention on Yadailan, but Yadailan himself didn't know how to deal with this situation...

Damon Rinko looked at Yadailan and the others, then at Su Mo and the others who disappeared one after another.

Gritting his teeth, he quickly walked towards the location of the dimension wall.

I secretly said:

"' 'Maybe they can know the reason why they traveled to this world."


At this moment, the body suddenly became transparent.

Under the shocked eyes of Yadailan and the others, they disappeared immediately.


The corner of Yusuke Onodera's mouth twitched, he was a little confused about what was going on now.


In another world, in a room, a policewoman named Daidai Rinko suddenly opened her eyes and sat up.

Looking around, his face was full of doubts.


"and many more!!!"

"Could it be that everything that happened just now was just a (Qian Lihao) dream?"

"'s so real!"


In the evening, after dealing with various things, the exhausted Yatsushiro Ai and Onodera Yusuke came to a store together.

Opening the door, Yusuke Onodera looked at the situation in the store, and said in a daze:

"Hiss... isn't this a coffee shop?"

Yatsudai Lan beside him said angrily:

"No matter how you look at it, it's obviously not right?"

The two were about to leave when suddenly a familiar yet unfamiliar figure appeared.

"It's not a coffee shop, this is a photo studio!"

"But if you want to drink coffee, I can make coffee too..."

"Eh? It's you!!!"

Wearing yellow stockings, the girl named Mitsu Natsumi was shocked when she saw that the guests were Yatsushiro Lan and Onodera Yusuke.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"It turns out that your secret base is this coffee... Ahh!

"It's a photo studio."

Yadai Lan held the coffee cup in his hand, looked around curiously, and said aloud.

Sitting next to her is Yusuke Onodera, the shape-shifter of Kuuga in this world.

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