In the lobby of the photo studio, except for the two of them.

And Su Mo and others...

Oh, by the way, there is also Guang Natsumi's grandfather - Koei Jiro! ! !

"It can't be called a secret base, it just happened to travel to this world with this building."

Su Mo patted Shuhua, who was a little sleepy, on the back and said.


Fortunately, it is in another world now, otherwise, that guy Tiandao saw this scene.

Even if he died, he would definitely want to kill himself, right? ? ?

"Is that so..."

Yadai Lan nodded, looking at the building called Photo Studio and Su Mo and others in his heart.

I became even more curious.

At the same time, he unconsciously looked at the three girls Kimura Saya, Nagata Yuka, and Kirishima Miho.

Not long ago, she had witnessed the transformation of these three girls.

Two of them are the same Kamen Riders as Yusuke Onodera and Su Mo.

857 And the a humanoid monster similar to Grunji! ! !

These people are really not simple enough...

It doesn't matter if there are three Kamen Riders, but there are even weirdos...

The human form that has not turned into a monster is still a very beautiful girl.



Yadailan picked up the cup and took a sip of coffee.

To be honest, if she didn't see it with her own eyes today, but someone told her so.

She will never believe this.

No way, all this...

It's unbelievable.

At this time, the truth asked aloud:

"By the way, what is the result of Su Mo's killing of that police officer?"

"Will he be arrested?"

Hearing this, the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became more dignified.


Koei Jiro who was not far away froze for a moment, he seemed to have heard something he shouldn't have heard...

Seeing the dangerous eyes of Nagata Yuka and others, Yusuke Onodera panicked and said quickly:

"Please don't worry, my sister told me about the police officer when she came. Regarding the bald police officer, everyone at the scene said that they didn't see who the murderer was. Investigate, but it is not an easy task for them to investigate you."

When everyone heard the words, even Izzy, who was Xiumajia, understood what was going on.

The policemen at the scene were all afraid of being retaliated after telling the truth.

So not telling the truth.

of course!

Among them, Yadailan must have contributed a little bit, otherwise, those policemen would not be so unified.

Thinking of this, the eyes of everyone looking at Yatsushiro Lan and Onodera Yusuke became much gentler.


Yadailan thought of something, put down the coffee cup, and said seriously to Su Mo and others:


"Mr. Su Mo, you said before that Gu Langji's killing game will follow certain rules of the game, right?"

"The victims I've found so far have two things in common."

"One is a female police officer, and the other is when she is on a mission."

"But relying on these two points alone, it is still too difficult to prevent someone from being attacked by Gu Langji in advance."

Su Mo and the others nodded. This is true. There must be a lot of female policemen who meet these two points.

It is simply not realistic to protect them all.

"Should there be something else in common?"

"Such as birthdays, family situations, etc."

Su Mo said casually, and at the same time, the eyes of Izzy who had been standing (ajdh) quietly by his side shone with blue light.


Under the puzzled gazes of Yadailan and the others, the blue light in their eyes disappeared, and they looked at Su Mo respectfully and slowly said:

"Mr. Su Mo, according to the analysis, Izzy found a third common point!"

"The birthdays of the victims who were attacked by Gulangji three times before were: 13th, 27th, and 5th."

"Among the two policewomen who were attacked this time, one of them had a birthday on the 26th."

Hearing this, not only did everyone not understand, but they became even more confused.


Where is the common ground? ? ?

Fenggu Zhenyu suddenly widened his eyes and couldn't help but say:

"I see!"


"In Japanese, all of them are pronounced similar to the word for death!"

When everyone heard the words, they suddenly realized, Yadai Lan stood up abruptly.

"So, there is a high probability that the policewoman who will be attacked next time will be someone whose birth date includes 4?"

Before the voice finished speaking, without waiting for everyone to respond, he quickly took out his mobile phone and called his subordinates.

"Quick! Investigate all the policewomen whose birth dates are on the 4th, 14th, and 24th!!!"

Then he looked at the crowd and said gratefully:

"Thank you so much, I'll go to work first!

"I'll treat you to dinner again when I turn around!!!"

After finishing speaking, she ran towards the door of the photo studio, and she had to be before No. 10 Gu Langji appeared.

Protect all policewomen whose birth dates include a 4! ! !

Seeing this, Yusuke Onodera bowed to Su Mo and the others, and hurriedly chased outside the door.

"Sister! Wait for me!!!"


Meanwhile, on the other side.

In a dark cave in a deep mountain and old forest, two Gulangi were exchanging something in a special Gulangi language.

"It's about to wake up!"

"The legend will be rewritten!"

"Ha ha ha ha!!!"


Su Mo was taken aback by a special feeling, and after recovering, he narrowed his eyes and looked out the window.

"Su Mo-jun, what's wrong?"

Jiehua noticed Su Mo's abnormality and asked softly.

Su Mo came back to his senses and said meaningfully:

"The king of Gulangji in this world is about to wake up."

"According to my estimation, we can go back to the previous world after eliminating this guy."

King of Gulangi? ? ?

When everyone in the photo studio heard this, they were all shocked. Gu Langji still has a king?

It sounds great....


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the next two days, the whole world was very calm, and nothing frightening happened.

But Yadailan and the others did not breathe a sigh of relief, instead...

Feeling more nervous and worried.

Because everyone understands that this kind of calm does not mean that the crisis is over.

Instead, it's the storm coming - the prelude! ! !

at last!

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