On the morning of the third day, - a storm came.

Those are four humanoid monsters named Gulangi!

There were men and women, and they walked towards the interior of the police station while speaking incomprehensible words.

Obviously, they knew that Yadailan and others had protected all the policewomen whose birth dates included 4.

This time they came here in a group, wanting to forcibly break through people's protection and forcibly hurt those policewomen.

Faced with this situation, Yadailan did not sit still, and immediately ordered to attack!

Everyone in the police station surrounded the four Gurangi monsters with weapons.

at the same time!

Yadai Lan also notified Yusuke Onodera and Su Mo of the news.

A Gulangji is enough for ordinary people like the eight generations of blue to feel better.

Not to mention four appearing at once, if there were no help from Yusuke Onodera and Su Mo.

Yadailan understands that even if all the police officers in the police station are dispatched, there is a high probability that there is nothing they can do with the four Gulangi.

Even the entire army will be wiped out! ! !

If you don't ask Su Mo and the others for help, the entire police station will be ruined.


The gate of the police station.

Numerous police officers gripped their weapons solemnly, aiming them at the four ugly and terrifying humanoid monsters in the center.

Although there are many of them, everyone has no idea, they...

Can you really destroy the four monsters in front of you? ? ?

In the center of the encirclement, in addition to the four Gurangi monsters, there are Yadailan and a few faces that are very strange and amazing to most police officers.

Two boys and eight girls.

Many people secretly muttered in their hearts, at this time, why did Yadailan let these people come over?

You know, not to mention ordinary people, even police officers like them are suppressing their fear and forcibly preventing themselves from turning around and running away. near...

Doesn't this make them seek death? ? ?



Gulangji sounded, Yadailan and the others couldn't understand, but Su Mo understood it.

"Hahaha, today you can have a good kill!"

"These guys, for so long, are still holding their weapons that have no effect on us, how stupid!"

"You said, what do they mean by looking for these Lin Duo? Could it be that they want to use a beauty trap and beg us not to kill them?" Gu Langji, who is the strongest, couldn't help but scream laughed.

With the appearance of Su Mo and others, even Gu Langji and others think they are very handsome and beautiful.

Although they are not interested in seductive.

But they are still very interested in killing Su Mo and the others, these "good-looking people", these Gu Langji.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

"It doesn't matter what they want to do!"

"The most important thing is to kill those policewomen, so that the ultimate darkness! Our king, speed up the recovery!!!"

At this time, the highest-ranking one of the four Gu Langji stepped forward and said so.

The other three Gu Langji looked at each other and nodded in unison.


"Ultimate darkness?"

"He may wake up, but you are destined not to see this scene."

Su Mo smiled playfully, stepped forward, and under the disbelieving gazes of the police officers, he took the initiative to walk towards the four unconfirmed life-form monsters. Unexpectedly, he was indifferent, and did not dissuade or block his actions.

are you crazy?

Just walk over there unarmed? ? ?

This is not to die what is it? ! !

This was the thought of most of the police officers, while another small group of police officers who knew Su Mo's strength, like Yadai Lan, showed expectant expressions and secretly cheered for Su Mo.

They understand!

Whether this battle can be won or not depends on this very handsome and young boy.

"Huh? Can you understand our language?!"

The four Gulangji looked at Su Mo in amazement. They had seen a lot of human beings who were sent to death, but they were the first ones who could understand what they said! ! !

0 ································································

Su Mo didn't respond, and a metal belt suddenly appeared around his waist out of thin air.

Then he stretched out his hand and took out a knight card from the card box.

Feel free to flick!

The knight card flies into the magenta Decade driver like a camera!

next moment! ! !

"Hen-shin!" (Transformation!)

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Masque control!!)

[Decade! ! ! ] (Emperor Cavalry!!!)

Ten off-white phantoms appeared from both sides of Su Mo's body, and quickly overlapped on him one after another.

When the last phantom overlapped with his body.

A set of pitch-black metal armor covered his body.


Immediately afterwards, several card-shaped objects were ejected from the Decade driver, and they were quickly embedded in Su Mo's head.

While forming a unique barcode-like logo, the whole set of armor is dyed a flamboyant pink... magenta!

The yellow energy crystal on the forehead, the dark green compound eyes, and the special symbol of the oblique cross on the chest.

Kamen Rider Imperial Knight...

Appear again! ! !

"Changed... transformed?"

Seeing this, the police officers who saw this scene for the first time were stunned for a moment.

and this......

It's not over yet! ! !

See Su Mo's transformation completed.

Yusuke Onodera put his hands on both sides of his waist, and then a metal belt appeared out of thin air!

The three girls, Saya Kimura, Miho Kirishima, and Yuka Nagata, looked at each other and stepped forward together.

"Hen-shin!" (Transformation!) X3!

Accompanied by a strange sound like a meat grinder, the human appearance and bodies of the four people disappeared.


It's Kamen Rider Kuuga!

Kamen Rider Delta! !

Kamen Rider Shiratori! ! !

as well as......

Crane... Orpheenoch! ! !

"My God! So they are not ordinary people?!"

The police officers gasped. They didn't expect these handsome men and women who looked harmless to humans and animals.

They are all...

"monster"? ! !


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Empty me?!"

Seeing the transformation of Su Mo and others, the four Gu Langji immediately recognized Kuraga who was transformed by Yusuke Onodera.


Because apart from Kura, the other four...

They were horrified to find that they and others didn't know each other, let alone they didn't know each other.

Never even heard of it.


"Who are you guys?!!"

Gu Langji, the leader, gritted his teeth and looked at Su Mo and others who were walking slowly in surprise.

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