Although I don't know what the big gift bag will be, the reward one is the real deal.

Whenever Saya and the others destroy a Gurangi, Su Mo can get double the damage increase!

And every time the damage is doubled, Gamio, the King of Gurangi, is one step closer to death! ! !

This also made Gamio very depressed. Why is this enemy in front of him fighting more and more fiercely? ? ?


Chapter 110 Hinaka Tachibana Wants to Get Tired of That Guy! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

In the city of origin, there is a remote place, where there are two very famous things.

One is a mountain named Xiangle Mountain, and recently there are other names such as Shuanglong Mountain.

The other is the store, Tachibana shop...


Looking at the Tachibana shop in front of him, Kiriya Kyosuke breathed a sigh of relief and finally came here.

Then the next step is to find those so-called [ghost warriors].


Learn from a teacher! !

Gain powerful superpowers to take revenge on Su Mo that guy! ! !

Finally, reach the pinnacle of life and marry Bai Fumei! ! !

a ha ha ha! ! !

Thinking of this, Kiriya Kyosuke couldn't help showing a smile on his face.


If the wives you can marry are those around Su Mo...

That's even better! ! !

Just when he was thinking this way, a very cute and beautiful girl with exquisite features, fair skin, appeared in the sight of Kiriya Kyosuke, the girl looked puzzled, and asked in a puzzled voice:


"who are you?"

"A guest?"

The girl secretly murmured in her heart, does this guy have some brain problems?

Why are you standing at the door of the store and laughing all the time? ? ?

I don't know if it was an illusion, but she even saw the corner of the boy's mouth, drooling.

what--! ! !

The girl felt a little disgusted, and backed away in disgust.

At the same time, Kiriya Kyosuke also came back to his senses, showing what he thought was a handsome and charming smile.

Responded softly:

"Yes, Tachibana is very famous, so I want to come and have a look."

"By the way, are you also a guest? What a coincidence!"

"My name is Kiriya Kyosuke, how about you?"

"let's be friends!"

Kiriya Kyosuke's mouth was like a machine gun, and he kept babbling non-stop when it came to this.

He took two steps forward and stretched out his hand to shake the girl's hand.


The girl quickly stepped back two steps, and said with vigilant and dissatisfied eyes:

"I don't think it's a coincidence! Because I'm the staff of this store々「!"

"Also, if you are a guest, I welcome you. If you want to make friends, please come back!"

Although it was the first time they met, the girl didn't know why, she subconsciously hated this boy named Kyosuke Tongya approaching, and even had the urge to beat him violently.

"staff member?"

Kiriya Kyosuke stopped and frowned, he could naturally see the girl's vigilance towards him.

But... so what?


You have successfully attracted me!

Kiriya Kyosuke stepped forward and walked towards the Tachibana shop.

"In this case, I'd better be a guest."

Seeing this, the girl curled her lips and returned to the Tachibana shop, then looked at a young man in the shop and said:

"Wei Chuu! I will leave this guest to you!"

With that said, he walked towards the inside of Tachibana shop.

Hearing this, the young man named Wei Chuan asked subconsciously:

"Why do you want me here?"

He just saw the girl talking to the boy outside the store, and thought they were friends.

As a result, it seems that they are not friends at all.

The girl stopped and replied:

"A man and a woman can't kiss each other!"

After the voice fell, he walked inside again.


? ?


Wei Chuan's head was full of question marks instantly, and the corner of his mouth twitched. As a clerk of Tachibana shop, he has seen many male customers, right?


It's just a service like serving dishes and pouring water, so it's nothing.

The most important thing is! ! !

"It's said that men and women can't kiss each other, but in fact, you can't wait to get tired of being with that guy every day, right?"

Wei Chui muttered unhappily in his heart, then sighed, and walked towards the new guest.

"Hi, what would you like to order?"

The guy he was muttering in his heart was naturally not the guest in front of him.


Another teenager! ! !


In a room inside Tachibana shop.

The short-haired girl found her older sister, a beautiful woman named Kasumi Tachibana.

They are two sisters, each with their own characteristics. One is petite, has cute short hair, and has a lively personality.

The other one is tall and slender, with long hair and cool, giving people the feeling of a royal sister.

At this time, Xiang Xushi was lying on the bed in casual clothes, holding a mobile phone in his hand, staring at the screen of the mobile phone.

Even if another person appeared in the room, she did not respond.

Two slender and well-proportioned white and tender legs swayed up and down randomly.


"As a sister, shouldn't you work harder than me?"

"When my sister was working hard, she was alone in the room playing with her mobile phone!!!"

The younger sister named Tachibana Hinaka pursed her lips and said quite dissatisfied.

When Xiangxu heard the words, he turned his head and responded angrily:

"' ‖ Please! I'm the one who works the hardest in the store, okay, I'm only taking a few minutes to rest."

Hina Jia snorted softly, and didn't continue to entangle herself in this topic that obviously she had no chance of winning.

Walking to Xiang Xumi's side, looking at her mobile phone screen, she asked expectantly:

"How about it?"

"Did the guy message back?"

Xiang Xushi sighed, shook his head and said:


Not knowing what to think of, he gritted his teeth quite dissatisfied.

That bastard!

It's clearly agreed, I'll be here in two days.

The results of it?

Two days have passed!

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