Xiang Xumi and Hina Jia originally thought that the guy would come over today.

But the morning was almost over, and there was still no one.

Even sent a message, no reply! ! !

Obviously... he wants to come, but it can be done in an instant.

Hearing the words, Hina Kaka sighed as if discouraged.

"Well, maybe Brother Su Mo has something important (Qian Lizhao)."

After the words fell, he left the room on his own.

Xiang Xushi looked at the chat records that had not been replied for a long time, and sighed resentfully.

"It's too much..."


Another empty world.

The battle between Su Mo and Gamio has come to an end.

All Gulangji have been wiped out by Saya and others.

Although in the battle, some people on Mu Chen's side were also eliminated.

But fortunately, except for Saya, Yuka, Miho and Onodera Yusuke.

Even if the other people summoned by Su Mo died, Su Mo didn't feel bad.

After all, these people, in essence, are just energy bodies, not real physical bodies.

Even if it is destroyed, it can be summoned again.

Not really dead or dead.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host..."


Chapter 110 Kamen Rider Witch Rider!Dark power!Drive gets a boost! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

"Ding! Congratulations to the follower of the host - the dragon Orfieno - Beizaki successfully eliminated a Gulangi!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward 64: the effect of the innate power of idealism has been improved, and all the damage caused by the current host has been increased to [-] times!!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Reward 1: Special gift bag fragments +50! (The current fragments are [-] in total, and they have been automatically merged into a complete gift bag!!!)"

After getting the complete gift package, Su Mo opened it without hesitation.

Next up!

Another series of system prompts sounded in Su Mo's mind.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully opening the gift package!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting Reward [-]: Kamen Rider Wizard Knight Card!!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting the reward [-]: the identity and ability of the king of Gulangi. The host can summon all the Gurangi destroyed by you or your followers to fight for you, and with [-]% loyalty, the realm can be raised to Legendary late stage!!!”

next moment!

A terrifying energy was born in Su Mo's body, but this is not the most important thing.

The key is! ! !

Gamio, who is the king of Gulangi in this world, actually felt the same aura as himself in Su Mo's body!

"You too...Gurangi?!!"

Gamio was stunned, he was dumbfounded 863, as the king of Gurangi, he could clearly perceive that the aura that suddenly emerged from Su Mo's body at this time was the same as himself, or even a higher one Layered grunge atmosphere! ! !


"No, I'm human."

Su Mo smiled slightly. He is indeed still a human being, but his identity is already the king of Gulangi.

Not only did he gain the ability to summon Gulangi who had been defeated by him.


His human body has also acquired a physical strength not inferior to that of Gamio.

To put it simply, the current Su Mo, even without changing his body, can still fight against Gamiao.

Not even downwind! ! !

"In a world, it's better not to have two kings."

"So, you...you can die!"

Before Su Mo finished speaking, he took out two knight cards from the card box next to the Decade drive.

Next up!


read! !

[Kamen Ride! ! ] (Masque control!!)

[Wizard! ! ! ] (Witch ride! (ajdh)!!)

A sound effect sounded, and with it, the magenta armor on Su Mo's body switched to crimson!

Even the compound eyes are as deep red as a flame! ! !

"It's a new knight again!"

Seeing this, Truth and the others who were hiding in a safe place opened their mouths in surprise. This knight form and the double-rider form that Su Mo transformed not long ago are the first time everyone has seen it, let alone with their own eyes. see.

Even if I listen, I have never heard of it.

"Even though I've seen it many times, I still can't believe it..."

Yatsushiro Lan shook his head and laughed and said, like Yusuke Onodera, having a kind of knight power is already very powerful.

And what about Sumo?

In addition to his own imperial cavalry, there are Kuraga, dual cavalry, witch cavalry, etc...

Even those weirdos can be summoned to fight for him!

Thinking of this, Yadai Lan suddenly understood why the knight power possessed by Su Mo was called Emperor Cavalry! ! !



"Damn guy, no matter what you are, you will die!!!"

Gamio panicked, let out a roar, raised his hands high, and streaks of black lightning lingered around his arms! ! !

At the same time, Su Mo also inserted another knight card into the Decade drive.

"Then the next step is the final blow..."

[Final Attack Ride! ! ] (Final Attack Control!!)

[Wi-Wi-Wi-Wizard! ! ! ] (Witch-Witch-Witch-Witch Rider!!!)

[Strike Wizard! ! ! ] (Witch Rider Kicks!!!)

Immediately afterwards, flames lingered on Su Mo's right foot.

In the end, he leaped forward and kicked Gamio who was about to unleash the power of lightning.

Seeing this, Yusuke Onodera felt that he should not just be a spectator watching a theater.

Anyway, this Gamio is also the king of Grunji in this world.

And as the Kamen Rider Kuuga of this world, he has to do something as a matter of course.

Otherwise, all the monsters in this world would be wiped out by Su Mo, a Kamen Rider from another world.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing for Yusuke Onodera?

Thinking of this, Yusuke Onodera did not hesitate.

Immediately suggested to Kitazaki, Saya, Yuka, Miho and others beside him.

"Everyone, shall we go together?"

Hear it!

Everyone looked at each other, then nodded in unison!

This battle is not for Su Mo alone! ! !


Everyone launched their special moves and attacked the king of Gurangi, Gamio together! ! !

At last!

At the scene of the battle, a series of loud noises erupted.

The aftermath of the energy of various elements is constantly oscillating towards the surroundings! ! !

The flames are everywhere, and the sky is full of dust! ! !

I don't know how long it took, but the truth and the others could barely see the situation in the center of the battlefield.

There, Su Mo and the others stood intact.

In front of them, there was a strange figure kneeling on the ground.

There is no doubt that this is...

The king of Grunji in this world is called Gamio of the Ultimate Darkness! ! !

"how come!"

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