"how can that be?!!"

"Damn it! Damn it!!!"

Gamio raised his head, looking angrily and unwillingly at Su Mo who was close at hand.

At the same time, numerous cracks appeared on his body.


The whole body exploded, first turned into countless fragments, and then turned into dots of starlight, drifting away with the wind! ! !

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for successfully eradicating the king of Gurangi in the parallel world - Ultimate Darkness - Gamio!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting reward 65: the power of spirituality effect [-] is improved, and all damage caused by the current host is increased to [-] times!!!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for getting reward [-]: the dark power in Gamio!!!"

"Ding! Because the host has acquired the dark power in Gamio's body, the Decade drive and Diend drive have been upgraded!"


Chapter 110 Three Dark Emperor Cavalry!King of Grunge!I also crossed the sky? ! ! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

Absorbed Gamio's dark power?

And then the Decade drive and the Diend drive, both got a boost?

Su Mo, who was released from the transformation state, showed curiosity, and then checked the information of the two drives.

[Name: Decade drive! 】

[Status: Magenta/Dark! 】

[Introduction: The evolution of the dark route has been obtained by absorbing the dark power in Gamio, the king of Gurangi. The Decade driver can be switched to the normal magenta state or the dark state. In the magenta state, the knight form driven by the mask can In the normal state, under the state of dark Decade drive, the Emperor Cavalry transformed by the host will be the Dark Emperor Cavalry!When fighting against other Kamen Riders, the damage will be higher, and all the knight forms controlled by Kamen will be dark forms! ! ! 】


[Name: Dark Diend Drive! 】

[Introduction: The absorption of the dark power in the body of the Gurangi King Gamio has been strengthened, and the summoned Kamen Riders and monsters will be more powerful, and can be combined with the host, and the eruption in a short period of time will be even more terrifying~ fighting power! ! ! 】


After checking the information, Su Mo was stunned.

It turns out that the so-called promotion - is this.

The Decade drive gains dark powers, capable of switching between magenta and dark two-states.

In different states, the transformed imperial knight and other Kamen Rider forms are also different.

Especially the Dark Emperor Rider, which is a form that has not officially appeared in the Kamen Rider Emperor Rider.

Only appeared in the game.

This form is very handsome, and it is more suitable to be called a "devil" than the Magenta Emperor Cavalry! ! !

The Diend drive is originally a dark version that has been strengthened by the system.

Therefore, it only enhanced the power of the summoned object and opened the special ability of fusion.

All the summoned objects are combined with Su Mo, which can burst out with more powerful power in a short time.

It is equivalent to increasing Su Mo's hole cards.

It can make him burst out suddenly when his realm is not as good as the enemy, catching the enemy by surprise.

Generally speaking, the improvement of the two drivers this time is not bad, and Su Mo is quite satisfied.


The battle is over, Yatsushiro Lan and other police officers began to clean up the battlefield.

Su Mo and the others returned to the photo studio.

"The King of Gulangi is dead, and so many Gurangi have been wiped out this time."

"There shouldn't be monsters like Gulangji in this world in the future, right?"

Yusuke Onodera, who also followed the crowd to the photo studio, asked Su Mo while drinking the coffee made by Koei Jiro. Su Mo, who was enjoying the shoulder massage with Izzy's small hands, shook his head slightly and said:


"Even if they reappear, there will probably be only one or two."

After the words fell, he closed his eyes and smiled contentedly.


While enjoying it, you must also bear the sight of female "nuclear" such as truth.

"Well, after that, my sister and the others should be able to relax a lot."

When Yusuke Onodera said this, his face was full of gratitude.


"This time, it's really thanks to you."

"Without your help, I would definitely not be able to eliminate the King of Gulangi by myself."


Let alone the king of Gulangji, those ordinary Gulangji might not be able to be eliminated.

For this point, Yusuke Onodera, who is very self-aware, has no doubts.

Even with the help of Yadailan and others, it is by no means an easy task to eliminate those Gulangji.

Ordinary weapons will definitely not be able to hurt those guys.

But if those large weapons are used, the damage caused will be very large.

Losses will be severe.

Where is it as good as it is now?

With the help of Su Mo and the others, not only Gu Langji was eliminated, but the battlefield was not damaged much.

Ordinary people have nothing to lose.

Really 0 casualties! ! !

"By the way, what are you going to do next?"

Hearing Yusuke Onodera's question, he didn't wait for Su Mo to speak.

Truth and others said in unison:

"Of course I'll go back!"

They don't want to stay in this world forever.

Although Su Mo is here, how could it be better to have their own world in other people's world?

Onodera Yusuke nodded, as he thought.

0 ································································

But in this way, it may be very difficult to see Su Mo and the others next time.


I will never see you again in this life! ! !


"It's getting late, my sister and the others should still need my help."

"I'll go there first, Su Mo...everyone!"

"Thank you for your help these days, and it's an honor to be your friend!

"Let me know that those so-called unconfirmed life forms, in fact, their real name is Gu Langji!"

"Let me know too, Kurata is Kamen Rider!"

"And in other worlds, there are people like me who are working hard to fight against the evil forces!!!"

........ ......

"Anyway...thank you!!!"

Yusuke Onodera stood up and said in a very serious tone.

It's touching, at least he thinks so.

After all, his eyes couldn't help but mist up.

Finally, he bowed deeply to Su Mo and the others.

In the end, he took a deep breath and walked towards the entrance of the photo studio.

open the door!

Yusuke Onodera looked at Su Mo and the others reluctantly, he understood.

This farewell may mean that we will never see each other again!


When the door was closed, Truth and the others looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief.

Things in this world should be completely over, right?

Everyone looked at Su Mo in unison, wanting to know how to travel back to the original thing.

Another man besides Su Mo staying in the photo studio.

Koei Jiro selectively blocked everyone's weird conversations, and changed the portrait in the lobby of the photo studio.


But at this moment! ! !

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