At this time, he was still satisfied with the one-week time limit that Su Mo said.

He thought Su Mo would talk about a month or something.

One week, but 7 days only!

Although it is not short, it has already made Onodera Yusuke very happy.

He was satisfied, and Su Mo was also satisfied, with a wider smile on his face.


"Stupid Su Mo, you smile so obscenely! I always feel that you are thinking about something terrible at 3.7."

Hearing the truth, Su Mo stretched out his hand angrily and smashed the other's fair forehead!


Truth screamed in pain, covered her head with her hands cutely, and glared at Su Mo with her eyes.

However, Su Mo didn't care about the attack in her eyes, and said to Fenggu Zhenyu and others:

"Okay, everything is almost done, let's go home."

"Leaving for two days, some people should be going crazy."

The three girls, Tendōjuka, Kirishima Miho, and Kazetani Mau all nodded.

Missing for two days suddenly, their families must be very worried.

Yuhua and the others didn't have any worries in this regard.

After all, Su Mo...

It's their family, wherever Su Mo is, that's home! ! !


Chapter 110 Five Traveling to Another World?How can it be! ! ! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

Su Mo was about to use the Dimensional Wall to bring everyone home.


The phone in his pocket suddenly vibrated more than ten times in a row.

Su Mo frowned, took out his phone and looked at it, but a bunch of missed calls and unread messages were displayed on the screen, among which the one that caught his attention the most was...

[Forcing Wang Meikong: Bastard!Where did you take the tree flower? ! ! (Rage.jpg)]

[Tachibana-Xiang Xumi: It's been two days, don't you even have time to reply to a message? (Crying.jpg)]

[Misugi Yoshihiko: Su Mo, although the real fish is not very young, but...forget it, I won’t talk nonsense, if I don’t get your reply again today, I will Call the police! ! ! 】


? ?


Su Mo's head was full of question marks instantly, did he do something outrageous?

No matter what you want to trouble him!

Alas, the headache!

At the same time, there were a lot of missed calls and messages on the mobile phones of Fenggu Zhenyu and others.

When everyone traveled through 09 to the world of Onodera Yusuke, their mobile phones were in a state of no signal, unable to receive messages and calls, until they returned to this world and recovered.


Su Mo's house, the living room.

The young man named Yusuke Onodera was curiously looking at the house under Su Mo's name, while secretly laughing inwardly. Wasn't that guy Su Mo very powerful just now?

What now? ! !

Hahahaha, it's really comfortable! ! !

Thinking of this, I couldn't help looking at the sofa not far away.

There, at this time, it was full of people.

The guy in the center is Su Mo.

And in front of him, there were two men with kind faces.

One is called Tiandao Souji, and the other is Misugi Yoshihiko!


"Su Mo, although I know that you are a Kamen Rider and that there are weird people in this world, but... time travel?!"

"I'm old, not dementia!!!"

Misugi Yoshihiko roared angrily.

The Director of Tiandao beside him folded his arms and nodded in agreement.

"that is!"

"You thought you were talking about this kind of time-traveling nonsense."

"We will believe that you didn't do anything to Shuhua and the others?!"

"Do not make jokes!!!"

"For the past three days, can you bear it???"

Hearing this, before Su Mo responded, Fenggu Zhenyu and Tiandaoshuhua couldn't help but say:

"Uncle! Brother Su Mo really didn't do anything to me..."

Fenggu Zhenyu said with a flushed face, to be honest, if Su Mo is really interested in her.

That's not a bad thing, is it?

Shuhua pursed her mouth, staring at her own brother in embarrassment and annoyance.

"Stupid brother, what are you thinking about all day long!"

Why can Brother Su Mo bear it?


We have known Brother Su Mo for so many years, if Brother Su Mo really wants to do something to me.

Will wait until now? ? ?

The truth on the side even shouted:

"You really are!"

"If the idiot Su Mo really wants to do something, he should come to me first, right?"

How could it be possible to find Shuhua and Fenggu Zhenyu, who he just met not long ago? ? ?

Hearing this, Saya disagreed.

"Not at all!"

"Anyway, my fiancee is always in front of you, right?"

Immediately afterwards, the two women quarreled over who would go first.

Miho Kirishima and others, and Mitsu Natsumi, who came with everyone, looked shy and embarrassed. Is it possible to say this kind of thing in person? ? ?

As the person involved, Su Mo sighed helplessly.

Simply ignoring everyone, he took out his cell phone and sent a message to Xiang Xushi who hadn't received a reply yet.

[Su Mo: Sorry, there was an accident in the past two days, I traveled to another world, and then my phone lost signal in that world, so I didn't receive your message, and I couldn't reply. 】

Swiping up the phone screen, you can see that Xiang Xushi has sent him dozens of messages in the past two days.

Although Hina Kakashi, who is her younger sister, also posted a few posts, they were all from the beginning.

Not long after the message was sent, Xiang Xushi replied in seconds.

[Tachibana-Xiang Xumi: Although it feels unbelievable, since this is what you said, I will choose to believe it! (smile.jpg)]

Seeing this, Su Mo showed a satisfied smile.

Check it out!

Check it out! !

Is this the reaction of a normal person? He is the most caring knight, can he lie? ? ?

Really, one or two, since they don't believe him!

It's better for Xiang Xushi and the others.

very good!

It's decided, I'll go and see them in a while! ! !

With that in mind, Su Mo quickly typed a reply:

[Su Mo: Hahaha, I'm ashamed to say that. 】

[Su Mo: I will go to the store with Truth and the others in a while. If you want to know what happened in the other world, I can tell you about it, um... just for you to trust me Reward ready! 】

Still reply in seconds!

【Tachibana-Kasumi: That's really great~(smile.jpg)】


At the same time, Tachibana.

Xiangxu, who was wearing brown overalls, was holding a sharp fruit knife in one hand and a mobile phone in the other.

Beside him is Hina Ka who is both happy and dissatisfied, pouting her mouth.

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