"Really, what time travel...to another world, how is that possible!"

"Brother Su Mo, even if he doesn't want 863 to talk to us, he doesn't need to find such an excuse, right?"

Xiang Xushi looked at the chat records, snorted and said:

"Hmph, for the sake of him still knowing how to reply, let's forgive him for now."

"Wait for him to come over later!"

"See if his time travel story is really true, and then decide whether to forgive him completely!"

Hina nods her head in agreement.

And beside the two sisters, Takizawa Mizutori couldn't help but said:

"What if...time travel is real?"

She felt that there was no need for Su Mo to deceive them about this kind of thing.

After all, if he really didn't want to talk to everyone, he wouldn't have replied to the message until now.



"Absolutely impossible!!"

"Miss Waterbird, although I know you like him too, but I can't do it all the time talking for him~"

The two sisters Xiang Xumi and Hina Jia said together, obviously!

Xiang Xushi who said on the phone that he believed in Su Mo did not really believe him.

And right now!

A light curtain like a silver wall appeared at the door of Tachibana shop.

This scene only attracted the attention of the three of Kasushi.

It also attracted the attention of the customer in the store - Kyosuke Kiriya.

"What is this? Is this the ability of the ghost warrior???"


Chapter 110 Thumbs up!Sakura!Su Mo is a ghost warrior? (Kneeling to subscribe~)

Under the curious gazes of Kyosuke Kiriya, Minoru Kasu and the others.

One after another figures came out from the silver wall-like light curtain.

Seeing the true face of the first figure, Kyosuke Tongya immediately shrank his pupils and shouted in disbelief:


"How could it be you?!"

The facial features are exquisite, the skin is fair, handsome but masculine.

no doubt!

This is Su Mo!

That Su Mo who beat up Tongya Kyosuke! ! !

Only he can have that handsome face that makes people enviable, jealous and hateful, and only he is always surrounded by beautiful girls such as truth, but the problem is...

Why did Su Mo come out of a light curtain? ? ?

This is a superpower, right? ? ?

"Yo! What a coincidence, you are here."

Su Mo came to the scene, glanced at the people in the Lihua shop, and raised his eyebrows unexpectedly.

He also did not expect the existence of Tongya Kyosuke.

Truth and the others behind him naturally did the same, Qiqi frowned slightly.

He looked at Kiriya Kyosuke with unkind eyes.

Why is this guy here? ? ?


"Brother Su Mo, do you know him?"

The two sisters, Xiangxumi and Ninajia, who were still very excited, noticed something was wrong.

After looking at Tongya Kyosuke for a while, and then at Su Mo and the others, he couldn't help asking.

Su Mo smiled and nodded:

"Well, I barely know each other."

"But... not very familiar."

After the words fell, before Xiang Xushi and the others could say anything, Kiriya Kyosuke, who was sitting on the chair, immediately stood up, angrily went straight to Su Mo, walked over, stared at Su Mo with wide eyes and said:

"You bastard! What happened to the light curtain just now?"

"Why can you appear here out of thin air?"

"Could it be that you are the so-called Ghost Warrior?!"

ghost warrior?

When everyone heard the words, they were stunned for a moment, and instantly understood what Kiriya Kyosuke said, it should be Hibiki and the others.

The purpose of this guy coming here is to find a ghost?

"Yes or no, does it have anything to do with you"?"

Su Mo said calmly, his tone was neither sad nor happy, but it made Tongya Kyosuke feel cold, and then he remembered that he was no match for this guy in front of him, let alone...

If Su Mo is really the so-called ghost warrior, then he shouldn't have conflicts with him now.

Gritting his teeth, he quickly stepped back, took a deep look at Su Mo, and shouted:

"You wait!"

"I will definitely defeat you!!!"

After the words fell, without giving Su Mo a chance to respond, he quickly turned around and ran towards Xiangle Mountain in the distance.


? ?


Everyone was full of question marks, this guy... still wants to defeat Su Mo? ? ?

"Tch, I understand, he wants to find the ghost, and then come to take revenge on the idiot Su Mo."

Truth looked at Kiriya Kyosuke's back, curled her lips and said disdainfully.

Even if Kiriya Kyosuke really found Hidaka Hitoshi and the others, so what?

Even if Higao Renzhi and the others were all on board, they couldn't beat Su Mo.

not to mention......

Hidaka Hitoshi and the others!

Why go to fight with old friend Su Mo for an irrelevant guy? ! !


"So, is there any enmity between him and Brother Su Mo?"

Xiang Xushi asked.

Hinayoshi, Takizawa Mizutori.

Yusuke Onodera, who followed Su Mo and the others, also pricked up their ears curiously.

Saya nodded and explained:

"Yes, there is a grudge!"

"He's just crazy, he's obviously a transfer student, but in the end..."

In the following time, Su Mo and the others and Xiang Xumin and the others explained their hatred with Tongya Kyosuke.

Let Yusuke Onodera explain the situation in another world again.

As he was talking, Takizawa Mizutori found it funny that the two sisters Xiang Xumi and Nina Jia who originally said they would wait for Su Mo to come over to show him a good look did not have the same vibes they had at the beginning when Su Mo and the others hadn't come over. Anger.

Instead, he nodded repeatedly, acting as if Su Mo said what he said.

"Oh, just like you."

"Sold by Su Mo, I have to count the money for him."

Takizawa Mizutori thought helplessly, but...

Why not herself?

No way, who made Su Mo so attractive?

When getting close to each other, there is no anger or dissatisfaction at all.

For the three girls who stayed in the Lihua shop all year round, Su Mo could come over to play with them from time to time.

It has satisfied them very much.


City of Origin, Research Institute.

"Miss Sanyun! What do you think is going on?"

"Inexplicably, it skyrocketed so much in one night, but now the progress is so slow."

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