"' ‖If it goes on like this, there is no way to accurately predict when Opaz will be able to analyze it."

A member of the research institute said to Sakiko Mikumo with a helpless face.

However, she also has the distress of the members herself.

She also couldn't figure out why Opaz's analysis progress had suddenly skyrocketed, and why it was so slow now, so she could only sigh and say:

"This Opaz is really too mysterious. There may be some kind of special energy inside. No matter what, everyone must be prepared for the moment when the analysis progress will be mobilized [-]% at any time."

"I always feel that there will be something very scary in this Opaz."

"Parse it out, and don't know whether it is good or bad..."


Not far from Sanyun Research Institute, there is a research institute dormitory called Seongnam University.

A short-haired woman was sitting on a chair, typing on the keyboard with both hands quickly. The computer screen in front of her was covered with all kinds of weird "(Qian Wanghao) words", and she seemed to be researching something.

At this moment, a sneaky figure crawled in from the window.

You know, this is the third floor!

Obviously there is a door, but instead of walking in through the door, climb in through the window instead.

This is clearly not normal!

The short-haired woman noticed the movement when the mysterious man climbed in from the window.

But she was not afraid, she just shook her head and laughed:

"Hey, you bastard, can't you walk the normal way?"

"What, it was discovered."

Hearing the woman's words, the sneaky mysterious man sighed and said.

Then he stopped deliberately hiding his footsteps, walked quickly to the woman's side, stretched out his hand, and gave her a thumbs up, "I have to say, Yingzi, you are really amazing, every time I come in, I can be beaten You found the rain."

"Sometimes I wonder if you have eyes behind your back."


Chapter 110 Seventh Yusuke!Becoming Orpheus and becoming a ghost? (Kneeling to subscribe~)

"Tch, it's obvious that you are too careless."

The short-haired woman named Sakurako Sawatari pointed to the small mirror next to her.

Through this small mirror, she could indeed clearly see the young man behind her.

"Yoxi! So it's because of this!"

The young man suddenly realized, then touched his short hair, curiously looked at the man on the computer screen in front of Sawatari Sakurako and asked:

"Is this what you're working on now?"

"It seems to be called some ancient ruins text, right?"

Sakurako Sawatari nodded, sighed and said:

"Yeah, since the discovery of the ancient ruins ten years ago, the study of the ruins has become a very important thing. It's just a pity that after so many years, there hasn't been much progress. But fortunately, it's not Nothing!"

"Now I already know the meaning of some of the ruins."

"Like these!"

Speaking of this, Sakurako Sawatari pointed to a line of ruined text on the computer screen.

"Empty me!"

"Warrior in charge of flames!"

"Whenever an evil thing appears, add the spirit stone of hope to your body, and turn into the shape of a fierce fire to defeat the evil warrior!!!"

"Kora me? Warrior?" The man named Yusuke Godai frowned slightly. It sounds so outrageous, like a super soldier, but...

"I have indeed been in many places over the years and heard news about strange creatures being wiped out by special fighters, but after all, I have never seen strange creatures or special fighters with my own eyes."

"So I can't strengthen the special fighters those people mentioned, is it the same as the Kuraga mentioned in this ruin text?" Speaking of this, Godai Yusuke looked a little expectant.

"If you can really transform into some kind of super soldier, it feels pretty good."

Sakurako Sawatari shook her head.

"Who knows, maybe becoming this kind of fighter will pay a very serious price."

"Oh, by the way, I remembered. I seem to have heard of it before. In the city of origin, a humanoid monster with a dark green body and the same shape as a bug appeared. I don't know if it escaped or was wiped out. , of course, it is also possible that such a creature did not exist at all.”

"In short, it's really getting more and more uneven now."

Regarding this point, Godai Yusuke also has a deep understanding. He has been popular outside for a few years.

It is obvious that many strange forces and people have appeared.


In Xiangle Mountain, Kiriya Kyosuke, who left Tachibana shop, was walking aimlessly in the mountain.

At first he was quite motivated, but as he walked, he found that the so-called Xiangle Mountain...

In fact, that's it!

It's just an ordinary mountain! ! !

There are no special creatures and fighters at all.

Nothing special about the view either.

at last!

Kiriya Kyosuke, who was not in good physical condition, gave up and continued to move, and sat down on a rock to rest. While playing with the small flowers and grass on the ground, he muttered cursingly:

"Damn it, what kind of shit is ringing Leshan!"

"It also said that there are huge creatures, and there are dragons, or there are ghost warriors."

"Is there a fart?!"

"And... that guy Su Mo, what's his background?"

"The ability of the light curtain, how did he get it???"

"Could it be that, like me, he also worshiped the ghost warrior here as his teacher???"

Just as Kiriya Kyosuke was talking to himself, there was a sudden sound of unhurried footsteps.

? !!

Kiriya Kyosuke raised his head to look at the source of the sound vigilantly, but found that the people who came were two men and women in kimonos, who looked like lovers, but... don't know why. (ajdh)

Kiriya Kyosuke felt a very dangerous aura from these two people.

"You are?"

Kiriya Kyosuke stood up, swallowed, and asked with a trembling voice.

Hearing this, the man in the kimono laughed strangely, and said something that made Kiriya Kyosuke break out in a cold sweat.

"Do you want to... gain power?"


? ?


How did he know he wanted power?

Could it be that......

"Are you a ghost warrior?!"

Kiriya Kyosuke shouted loudly, the trembling in his voice became more obvious.

It was still very difficult for him to face these two apparently difficult men and women in front of him alone.

The man in the kimono did not respond, but continued to ask with a strange smile:

"Do you want to gain power?"

It seems that the only way to continue the conversation is to answer his question.

Kiriya Kyosuke gritted his teeth, took a deep breath and responded:

"I think!"

"Can you do it?!"

The man in the kimono smiled even wider, and he didn't repeat what he said just now.

"Of course, I not only have a solution, but... there is more than one solution."

More than one way?

While Kiriya Kyosuke was heartbroken, he was also a little skeptical.

"Hey! The strength I want doesn't mean having muscles and abs."

The man in the kimono nodded.

"Of course, that's not what I said."

"I won't talk nonsense, just tell you the way."

"Method [-]. In the city of origin, there is a powerful creature like Orfi Enoch, which can have two forms of human and monster. As long as you are killed by them, you have a chance to become one of them. Here I recommend you Go to the city of Tokyo, for the Orpheenos there are more numerous."

"Of course, the probability of this method is not very high, so...Once you are killed by Aufienuo but do not gain the power of Aufienuo, then you are really dead."

"Aufienuo?!!" Kiriya Kyosuke was dumbfounded, why had he never heard of such monsters in Tokyo City and Origin City? ? ?

However, looking at the appearance of the man in front of him, it seems that he didn't deliberately fabricate it to deceive himself.

"Then... what about other methods?"

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