There is a probability, and the probability is not high, if you are killed, you are really dead.

And it will turn into a monster. This method is obviously not very satisfactory to Kyosuke Tongya.

The man in the kimono hooked his lips, and said with a charming smile:

"Method [-]...Accept my training to make you a...ghost!!!"


Chapter 110: Kamen Rider Strong Ghost!Stay overnight! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

"Become a ghost?"

"Is it the famous ghost warrior here?!!"

When Kyosuke Tongya heard this, his eyes lit up and his heart moved, but he was not a fool.

It's not so easy to trust your eyes ~ these two men and women in kimonos.

"What's the good of me becoming a ghost? And- what's the bad?"

"Also! The most important thing is, how can you convince me that you can really give me the power of a ghost warrior!!!" Tongya Kyosuke looked suspiciously at the strange men and women.

At this time, the woman in kimono who had been silent all this time spoke.

"Becoming a ghost, you can obtain the powerful power you need. As for the disadvantages, I can swear that there will be no disadvantages. As for how to convince you that we have this ability..."

Speaking of this, the woman in kimono stretched out her hand, and under the incredulous eyes of Kiriya Kyosuke.

A huge and terrifying monster suddenly appeared! ! !

This is a crab-like monster, whose body is so huge that Kiriya Kyosuke dare not look directly at it.

Especially those two sharp and strong pliers, Kiriya Kyosuke couldn't help but tremble all over.

He understands!

If the crab monster in front of him wants to kill himself, he doesn't need extra actions at all.

Just give him a bite with pliers!

He will die instantly! ! !

And how can a woman in kimono who can casually summon such a monster be an ordinary person?

She and the man in the kimono have the ability to turn Kiriya Kyosuke into a ghost.

Naturally, it is not unbelievable.

Facing this terrifying crab monster, Kiriya Kyosuke couldn't help but take two steps back.

Then he took a deep breath and looked at the man and woman in kimono.

"I believe you have the ability to make me a ghost warrior."


"Why did you choose me?!"

Since this man and woman in kimono controls powerful monsters, and also has the ability to turn others into ghost warriors.

so why...

Will the person chosen be him, Kyosuke Tongya? ? ?

The man in the kimono smiled slightly and said:

"Why did you choose you?"

"It's a good question, but at the same time, it's a redundant question."

"We'll find you just because we happened to see you."

"Remind you, you are not the only one we have looked for."

Kiriya Kyosuke frowned slightly, was he not the only one?

What does it mean?

"The person you were looking for before me, how is it now?"

"Have they all become ghost warriors?"

Hearing this, the man in kimono and the woman in kimono looked at each other, with weird smiles on their faces that made Kiriya Kyosuke shudder, and said in unison:

"They... all died."

"If you can't become a ghost with our help, you will be like them."

When Kyosuke Kiriya heard this, he broke out in a cold sweat and his scalp went numb! ! !

All the people who were approached by this man and woman in kimono before him died? ? ?

Looking at it this way, it is not so easy to become a ghost warrior.


The two guys in front of me are too weird, and I always feel that it is not a good thing to follow them.

He swallowed and asked:

"Then... can I give up?"

"I don't want to be a ghost warrior anymore, you go find someone else!"

If the men and women in kimono have not succeeded in getting others the power of ghost warriors.

Then this method...

It doesn't seem much better than gaining strength by being killed by a monster like Orfi Enoch! ! !

"give up?"

The men and women in kimono laughed together again, "Everyone who we have set our sights on and given up on."

"It doesn't exist any more now~"

Kiriya Kyosuke's mouth twitched crazily, so say!

Does he have to become a ghost warrior now?

Otherwise, will die? ? ?

Kiriya Kyosuke is naturally very dissatisfied, but...

Looking at the crab monster not far away, he could only suppress his dissatisfaction, and said:

"Then... how can I become a ghost warrior???"

Seeing that Kiriya Kyosuke did not give up becoming a ghost, the man in kimono nodded in satisfaction.

Then he flipped his palm, and a special item appeared in his hand out of thin air.

Sound horn!

To be precise...

It's a ghost fork! ! !

0 ································································

Through this, you can gain the power of ghosts and transform into ghosts! ! !

This is picked up by a man and a woman in a kimono by chance, and they have always wanted to find someone to become a ghost for their camp.

It's just a pity that after searching for so long, none of them can really become a ghost.

Kiriya Kyosuke, is it okay?


And the final result really surprised both the men and women in kimono and Kyosuke Tongya.


It really worked! ! !

After men and women in kimonos used some special abilities and medicines to enhance people's physical fitness and mental strength.

Kiriya Kyosuke used the transformation ghost fork, and really completed a transformation.

After his transformation, his body was covered with a set of silver-white metal armor.

........ ......

It has four horns, and with it, there is a powerful force that seems inexhaustible.

This made Kiriya Kyosuke very excited, great!

He has really become a ghost warrior!

And after feeling the infinite power in his body.

He also gave himself a very arrogant name.

strong ghost! ! !

In less than half a day, he became a ghost, but all the people he found before the men and women in kimonos failed. Coupled with the powerful power in his body, Kiriya Kyosuke was a little bit smug.

"I'm a genius! I'm the strongest!"

"Ha ha ha ha!

"Su Mo!"

"Wait, I'll make you regret what you did before!!!"

After laughing wildly, Kiriya Kyosuke ran down the mountain without the slightest hesitation.

Seeing this, the men and women in kimonos did not stop them, but ordered the crab monster to follow Kiriya Kyosuke.


Now time, has entered the evening.

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