After a while of silence.

Daimon Rinko put the food by the railing.

Rinko Daimon said:

"You tell me."

"Why would you thwart your companion's plans?"

Damon Rinko knew it very well.

The other party was originally a gang.

But the other party made such a behavior.

It is indeed very puzzling.

Ask again directly.

"Can we talk together?"

After Phoenix heard this sentence.

Still looking into the distance.

But he didn't speak for a long time.

And this time.

I only saw that the curiosity in Damen Rinko's heart became more and more serious.

"I always thought phantoms were monsters that couldn't speak human language."

"But I didn't expect that after I met you today."

"I found that you can not only talk."

"And it seems to have its own personal emotions 0......"

Daimon Rinko spoke slowly at this time.

Because Damon Rinko found out.

The phoenix in front of him was a little different from other phantoms.

It seems to have emotions of its own.


Then he continued to speak:

"Did something happen to you?"

"Why is it different from others?"

"I didn't expect that there are phantoms who want to make other phantom doors fall into despair."

"What did you say?"


Asked directly.

After Damon Rinko heard these words.

He shook his head and said.

"Is not it?"

"This matter should be approved by you."

"3.8 So tell me about it."

"Not as a Phantom."

"It's your own opinion."

"Tell me about it."

However, after saying this sentence.

In a place where Daimon Rinko couldn't see.

Phoenix showed a few tears.

"I actually can't convey other flavors!"

I only heard the phoenix holding the food handed over by Daimon Rinko.

Chapter 410 The third is because the other party has begun to accept humans! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

He spoke while eating.

Because he is a phantom.

So he couldn't taste anything at all.

Rinko Daimon saw this scene.


But in fact, it is also possible to understand why the other party did so.

It is because the other party has begun to accept human beings.

This is a good phenomenon.

if not.

Once all phantoms are placed on the opposite side of human beings!

The magician doesn't know how long it will take to eliminate them.

It is even possible that it will last for a long time in 09.

It is precisely because of this.

Rinko the door.

I feel that my work is still very effective.

I couldn't help feeling a burst of relief in my heart.


Damen Rinko kept thinking about the scene when she saw the other party in her mind.

The other party kept crying in the rainy night.

Constant shouting.

Constantly yelling at that scene.

Let Damen Rinko remember something fresh.

It was precisely because of this that Damon Rinko felt particularly terrified.

And at this time.

Just saw the phoenix.

Already started to eat with relish.

This means that the other party has accepted his goodwill.

So at this moment he felt particularly relieved.


At this time, at the place where Medusa is.

I only heard Medusa say:

"Are you still happy here?"

"Your bug has been destroyed."

But the phantom sat on the seat and said lightly:

"It doesn't hurt that the receiver gets destroyed."


"Didn't I say so?"

"Before more trouble than that."

"Let's play the final song."

At this moment he held a baton in his hand.

Appeared very excited.

Because he knows it's not over.

The other side is on a road.

Ajiu returned to normal because of this.

So the whole person is happier.

He drove back from the hospital with his wife.

Very excited along the way.

Several people spoke excitedly at this moment.

"We can finally go back."

Yet the car drove on.

But there was a person in front of him.

After a while, the vehicle stopped.

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