Because they were forced to stop.

And right next to this time.

But suddenly a large number of people appeared.

These were women who had previously danced in the dance studio.

Each of them looked a little ugly.

And it looks a little stiff.

Nara Shunhei was sitting in the back row.

Feeling a little confused.

Straight up and say:

"what's going on?"

"Why did such a thing happen again?"

At this time, everyone looked at the driver.

The driver was Ajiu who had returned to normal just now.

At this time, there was a strange look in his eyes.

He silently turned his head to look at the back row.

There is no deep meaning in the eyes.

When seeing this scene.

Immediately, everyone noticed the abnormality.

And Nara Shunhei also had an abnormality.

The eyes of both of them became unusual.

When seeing this scene.

Ms. Shiho was in a panic.

However, at this moment, a human face appeared outside the window.

Chapter 410 Several people started to run away quickly! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

It is the face of the phantom.

The phantom showed an extremely cruel smile at this time.

It directly became the body of the phantom.

at this moment.

Several people began to run away quickly.

Ali, Beast Lord, and Ms. Zhibao all felt particularly flustered.

Master Beast is also very helpless at this time.

Because for the beast master.

Although he has a strong fighting power.

But because there are too many opponents.

In addition, most of them are human beings who accidentally injure the opponent's body once they fight.

That's not good.

So at this moment.

There is only one idea.

That is to escape with everyone.

But it wasn't long before a few people escaped.

He saw a figure appearing in front of him.

This person is the former Phantom Demon Student.

There is extreme arrogance in the open hand expression:

"Being able to notice bugs."

"I should praise you."

"But that doesn't mean you're good at killing those bugs." "

"Because those bugs have been injected with magic power by me."

"As long as I'm alive."

"Then these people will always be under my control."

"Their bodies have been controlled by me."

At this moment, Master Beast has realized the problem.

That is, the phantom in front of him must be eliminated.

So at this moment, he spoke to the two women next to him.

"Hurry up and run."

"I'll fix it."

The beast master knew that if he didn't solve this phantom.

Then it is very likely that he will be hunted all the time.

But if you keep running, you will definitely be caught.

Therefore, it is better to solve the opponent directly.

"Then it seems that we only need to kill you."



At this moment, only the whole body of Master Beast changed directly.

Become a magician.

Then he rushed towards the other side.

"bring it on."

"It's lunch time."

Finish saying this.

So they fought with each other in the woods.

It's a pity that this phantom is also very powerful.

The battle between the two back and forth was very intense.

The speed at this time is very sensitive.

However, after playing for a while.

The phantom used all kinds of strange moves.

One knife at a time slashed at Master Beast's body.

Master Beast is very passive.

Master Beast was beaten and retreated in a row.

The combat effectiveness of both sides lies here.

Even the beast master was very angry.

But when he was knocked down several times.

When getting up again and preparing to fight back.

But was knocked down again and again.

After the beast master was defeated.

He looked not far away.

I only saw Ms. Zhibao, Ali and others over there still running away crazily.

And the group of people controlled by the phantom in front of them are chasing after them.

The situation can be described as a special (good money) emergency.

The beast master saw this scene.

My heart suddenly became anxious.

His eyes were fixed on the phantom in front of him.

He gritted his teeth and cursed.

"' ‖ jerk."

At this time.

The beast master was also very angry.

Directly rushed towards the opponent again.

But at the moment of rushing up, it happened.

All I saw was a small wormhole appearing in front of the phantom.

Immediately afterwards, when the Beast Lord slashed over with a knife.

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