Chapter 410 The Fifth Beast Master Has Nothing To Do! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

The knife missile did not hurt Phantom.

Instead, it directly transferred the damage to the other side.

No matter what, he couldn't hurt the phantom in front of him.

And the opposite is.

When this phantom wanted to attack the beast master.

The Beast Lord has nothing to do.

At this time, Master Beast felt particularly uncomfortable.

muttered to himself.

"What trick is this?"


How could the other party answer him at this time.

He just continued to speak mockingly at this moment.

"I tell you."

"You can't beat me."

The two sides fought inextricably.

183 Beast Lord released all his combat power.

But it is also difficult to beat the opponent.

More critical is.

Ali and Miss Zhibao kept running away.

But after all, they are just two weak women.

Can run for a while.

But it can't run for too long.

After running for a distance.

I found that I couldn't run at all.

But seeing that the pursuers are right behind.

They are a little desperate.

But if you don't run now.

The end result is death.

When thinking of this.

They turned to look behind.

The whole person was out of breath.

The whole person is very uncomfortable.

The beast master not far away saw this scene.

Immediately became tense.

He's been fighting here.

In order to protect the two women from leaving.

But I didn't expect it to be blocked.


At this time the other side.


Daimon Rinko bought bread before.

Have a good relationship with Phoenix.

The two of them just sat by the beach.

Started chatting.

Phoenix also felt the other party's kindness.

So at this moment, that violent mood got a little bit of comfort.


Damen Rinko asked suspiciously:

"Does your organization often force you to do things you don't want to do (ajdi)?"

After hearing this.

The phoenix also said with deep emotion:


"They often leave us to let others down."

"I don't know why."

"But that's what the organization is asking us to do."

After Damon Rinko heard these words.

Suddenly he laughed self-deprecatingly.

This scene caught the Phoenix's attention.

It feels very strange.

He asked suspiciously:

"Why are you laughing all of a sudden?"


"I was just thinking about a really funny thing."

"My boss is in charge of the Phantom this time."

"All the keystrokes should have been handled by him."

"But I can't ignore it."

"Because there are too many civilians involved in this matter."

"So I want to get rid of those things too."

"It's just that I can only sneak around."

When it comes to here.

Rinko Damen was a little helpless.

for this matter.

She didn't understand.

But this is an order from the boss.

Even if Damon Rinko is unwilling, there is no other way.

at this moment.

Damen Rinko remembered the things she did with Su Mo and Qingren before.

Can't help but sigh with emotion.

They knew very well when they were dying.

Chapter 410 The sixth is naturally clear about the opponent's temper! (Kneeling to subscribe~)

Whoever it is.

Only in a sincere way.

Only then can the opponent let down his guard.

And Damon Rinko has persisted for so long~.

Naturally understand each other's temper.

At the beginning, Rinko Damon was also a little scared.

But after being in contact with it for a long time, I am not so scared-scared.

Instead, he thought of the phoenix in front of him.

In fact, he is not that scary.

Just in normal times.

Because it always looks more brutal.

No one walks into each other's inner world.

That's why it gives such a bad impression.

What Damon Rinko has to do is to solve this misunderstanding.

Daimon Rinko started talking to herself.

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