
At this time in an underground pipeline.

This place is actually a specific place for those phantoms.

For example, Medusa is in this position.

There was a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

Because what happened this time hurt not only Haruto.

They are also a small injury to Medusa's people.

In this case.

They felt the fierce attack from each other.

At the same time they feel a little uncomfortable.

They just feel that their efforts this time have been completely let down.

This feeling made them feel very uncomfortable.

They thought this phoenix was their own a long time ago.

But after this incident.

They found that some people were not of one mind at all with them.

The most uncomfortable person among them is actually Medusa.

Medusa felt extremely uncomfortable at this moment.

I used to have an obedient younger brother.

But now the sage next to him was gone and asked Medusa.

"According to this situation."

"Is the strength of this phoenix much stronger than yours?"

"Then if that's the case."

"Then things do look a little bad."

"However, no one wants such a thing to happen."

"So don't be too sad."

"Again, this time if they're targeting a magician with a ring."

"Then it doesn't really matter."

"Because our enemies are all the same."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・

"As long as he can get rid of our enemies."

"Then it doesn't matter."

When Medusa heard this sentence.

I don't know what to say.

Because compared to not dying.

Medusa absolutely obeys the orders of the sages.

So whatever you say at this moment in idleness is what it is naturally.

.. 0 0

And it includes some previous battles against Phoenix.

In fact, it is also some choices made through loyalty to the sage.

if not.

Medusa will not do anything to the phoenix.

In fact.

The phoenix is ​​just as they thought.

At this time, he has fallen into extreme madness.

Because in Phoenix's heart.

Haruto has become a very formidable opponent for him.

It can even be said that it has become his inner demon.

So under such circumstances.

He just wanted to kill Qingren quickly.

In this way, you can complete your task.

So at this time.

The phoenix thought of a good way.

Chapter 440 The [-]th chapter The raging flames are rising around him! (kneeling to subscribe)

That is to directly force the opponent out through some threats.

When he thought of such a way.

He thought it was perfect.

The whole person fell into a burst of ecstasy.

I only saw him coming to the city.

A raging flame rose around him.

Don't think about it.

Mana is indeed much stronger than before.

So at this moment, it became even more reckless and arrogant to start "[-]".

Incomparable anger burst out of the eyes.

He wants to kill Qingren.

He wants to take back everything he lost from Qingren.

Among them is dignity.

When he thought of these things.

Then he was only seen walking forward.

He knew that if Qingren hid.

Then use it yourself.

Use such a method to force the other party out.

That is the constant destruction of the city.

I only saw him come to a square.

This square is when there are many people.

Many people are playing around in the square.

Everyone seemed very happy.

However, at this time the phoenix came out.

"What is this?"

"Why does it look so scary?"

"Mom, I'm so scared."

"what is this?"

"It's scary."

"What is it?"

At this moment, someone yelled directly.

Because the phoenix does look very scary after transforming.

And it looks very scary from the outside.

So at this time, everyone became a little anxious to see this step.

There is nothing but fear in my heart!

face this situation.

Those pedestrians were still dumbfounded.

I just saw the phoenix move directly at this time.

The phoenix immediately became extremely violent.

After all, in the eyes of Phoenix.

These humans were no longer his kind.

So there is no pressure to kill at all.

A large amount of flames vented from his body.

These flames were in the past.

The power used to fight against the magician's sword is naturally very powerful.

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